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I wiped away the tears from her face as gently as possible. I wondered what she was dreaming about, who she was calling out to. 

I wanted to believe she was trying to call for me. Searching for me somewhere in that jumble mess her mind had fallen into. But I couldn't be for certain and it wasn't like she would ever tell me.

Not now anyways. Or ever. If it was something that would have worried me she'd rather keep it quiet. Keep it locked into her mind without telling anyone. Hoping it would just, going away one day.

"Selfish, I suppose, not wanting to spend my entire life screaming on the inside" Y/n would always tell me when I asked what she was thinking. But that's all she ever did. Even now. 

I let out a breath, feeling my phone begin to vibrate on the coffee table. I reached for it, checking the contact before deciding on whether or not to answer

It was Peter Parker. Now I was really debating whether or not to take the call. But seeing how it was Parker, if I didn't answer the next person to call me would be Bishop and that bitch would call me endlessly until I did pick up.

I got up and walked out of y/n's office before answering the phone. 

"What Parker" I said trying to make my annoyance known to the boy. But the quiet halls were too silent, too eerie I had to lower my already quiet voice. Could never be to careful.

"Yelena good you picked up" he said sounding as cheerful as ever. 

"Is this important?" I asked, leaning my back against the wall behind me. I took a glance into the double glass door seeing y/n still sleeping. 

"If you count taking down bad guys as important I'd say it's predominant" he laughed. 

"Get on with it, yeah" I rolled my eyes. He knew how I felt about getting back into action. I wanted no part of that life anymore. 

"Remember a few weeks ago when I first ran into y/n. Told you I caught her doing not so good things, remember?" he said. 

This of course peaked my interested. Anything to do with y/n was already at my top things that got my attention. I switch my phone from one ear to the other keeping my eyes locked onto y/n. 

"Go on" I tell him. 

I hear shuffling, along with a few mumbles before I was able to hear Peter clearly. He was out and about, swing on his webs across the city. I didn't need to be looking out a window to know that, but the sounds of his excitement couldn't be muffled no matter how high he was falling from, or how fast he was swinging. His cheers would get louder and louder. It was too damn early for this.

"I got word around the streets that Wilson Fisk was last seen out in the docks the day y/n was spotted. Word was Kingpin was expecting a shipment from y/n."

"The bullets" I asked, clearing my throat. 

"Army level weaponry was my first initial thought"

"What changed?"

There was silence on the phone. The line picked up the calming wind and the birds chirping but not Peters voice. It made my spine shiver as the silence only brought out a heavier tension I wasn't ready for. 

Panic was now rising in my body. I didn't know if I was hot or cold but my body didn't like this feeling.

"Damn it Parker just spill it." I slightly shout. 

"A device from tony's lab was stolen from the Avengers Compound. Bruce and Tony believe it was y/n"

"That's impossible" I said laughing at the unbelievable accusations I was hearing. Y/n wouldn't have, couldn't have done anything because I was with her. I was there at the compound with y/n.

It's All Lies, Darling (Yelena Belova X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now