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Monday came and went. As did Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday was a no show for y/n and Friday was nothing but endless meetings throughout the entire day. Before I knew it a week had gone by that I hadn't talked to y/n, but I was at least able to see her around the office. Always talking to someone, walking as they looked over a few portfolios of who knows what.

At first I thought she was ignoring me. Trying to get away from me after everything that happened. It made me laugh thinking of such a thing. It would make sense, and I would agree with her on keeping her distance. But she always made sure to give me a small smile, or a slight wave.

She acknowledged my presence which was a win in my mind.

But as the days went by it felt like it would be my new normal. Just walk into the office, see y/n walking the lobby floors as she also entered the building to start our day, wave hi before not seeing each other until it was time to leave.

I tried to wait for her, see if she might want to grab something to eat. Maybe walk or talking about what happened back at the compound, but y/n wouldn't leave her office. She was right when she said she had a lot of work and would be sleeping there.

It wasn't until I decided to wait to see what time y/n actually left her office if she ever did. Kate and I would discuss it. She thought y/n had a whole closet in her office which made sense on how y/n was freshly ready for work. But I still thought she went home, showered and changed and actually slept in her own bed.

And I was right, only the time of her leaving the office was nearing 2 in the morning every night.

After the third week y/n announced her new secretary. I was a bit in shock that she actually allowed me to get such a position.Even if I didn't apply or thought about it. Nevertheless I was happy knowing that she didn't mind spending time with me.

She told me I had to do the best job any secretary in the History of secretary had ever done. That if I wanted to succeed in my mission to make her fall in love that I would need to take my job serious as well. I didn't question it.

That's when I finally got to see first hand how hard y/n really was working. Both of us looking over projects and proposals, partnerships and business deals. We would spend hours in the office just working.

The time spent was always quiet, just talking when we had to discuss an issue, or finding a solution that took hours to uncover. I didn't mind it. I loved the presence of just having y/n by my side again. Loved hearing her talk even if it was just about work.

We were sitting on the floor. Take out cartons on the coffee table along with a few empty cups of coffee. I saw through the corner of my eye y/n's head moving down before jolting herself back awake. I looked at my watch seeing the time. 3:30 am.

The lights were nice and dim as to not strain our eyes. Yet I could see the tiredness coming for y/n, and she was trying hard not to sleep. But even she was not match for the need to sleep.

I saw her leaning more left. I quickly move my arm, placing it on her neck, making sure she doesn't fall over. Slowly and carefully I pull her towards me guiding her head and body to lean on me. Then I rotated my body so I would be able to pick her up and lay her down on the couch behind us.

It was a challenge trying to adjust my body so I wouldn't wake y/n up, but once I got a good grip I was able to lift her up and lay her down.

I took off her glasses, and then took my coat that was on the single sofa and placed it on top of y/n. She knew she was in a comfortable place, fixing herself so she would be on her side, but she didn't open her eyes. Didn't say a word. Probably thinking she was at home in her bed. She even snuggled into my coat.

It's All Lies, Darling (Yelena Belova X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now