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"Hey stop that. Leave her alone."

3rd person:

October 31st, 1981

9:00pm at night

Lily and James finally got baby Harry to sleep. Harry had refused to go to sleep without both parents being present in the same room. Lily ended up singing a lullaby to get Harry to sleep. It worked a little to well that it made James fall asleep. Lily carried Harry over to his crib and placed him in carefully. She held her breath the entire time thinking that her breathing to close to him would wake him up. After placing him down and standing back up straight, Lily let out a sigh of relief that Harry remained asleep. She walked over to James and ruthlessly shook him awake. Jame sat up straight and saw Harry asleep in the crib.

"Finally us time. Took us a while but we got him asleep."Said James as he wrapped his arms around his lily's waist.

"We? You mean me I sang to him all you did was fall asleep." Lily said as she looked up at James wrapping her arms around his neck. They stood there a while when finally they leaned in and kissed. Only to be stopped due to a loud bang from downstairs.

"Take Harry and go to Rachel and Sirius or Remus. I'm going to check that was who I think it is. I can buy you time to get safe but I don't know if I'll make it. So if not remember that I love you and always will." James said protectively leaving Lily and Harry in Harry's room who was now wide awake from the explosion.

When James got to the bottom of the stairs gripping his wand tightly he came face to face with Voldemort. Spells started flying around the room in an instant. In the process the sofas were blown into shreds, the fridge is now in the living upside down, and all windows are smashed.

"Move out the way Potter I am not here for you. I am actually quite fond of you." Voldemort said with an angry expression across his face.

"Never! I'll never stop fighting for the ones I love." James said and with a flick of his wand Voldemort sent James flying across the room knocking him out. Now the coffee table is broken into two, their are a few holes in the wall.

As Voldemort ascended the stairs faint sound off crying and shushing could be heard.

Lily was trying to get Harry to clam down and stop crying so they could sneak out but before she could get him to stop the door flew open with a blinding flash off green.

Voldemort was now standing in front of Lily who was on her knees begging him to kill her instead of Harry. Some stuff had already fallen off the shelves.

"Move aside. I am going to give you a fate worse than death mud blood. You will have to live knowing your son was killed in the same room you were in and you were helpless to do anything."

But Lily didn't move an inch she didn't even blink an eye and just like James, Lily was thrown aside crashing into a mirror causing the mirror to smash everywhere and leave cuts and bruises on her. Blood had been spilled across the floor. Not enough for her to die of blood loss yet.

Voldemort aimed his wand directly at Harry and recited the incantation for the killing curse but the spell had deflected off harry and hit Voldemort. Leaving nothing but Harry crying in his crib and Lily knocked out on the floor losing more and more blood.

20 minutes later, Sirius, Remus and Rachel who was carrying a baby Yn turned up at the extremely quiet and dark house which was weird with the Potter family. In fact their was nothing weirder. They all approached the demolished door pre-cautiously to see a derelict living room. Remus quickly rushes over to James's limp body to check his pulse and determine whether he was alive or not while Sirius is stood there frozen in shock and Rachel rushes up the stairs with Yn to check on her best friend and Godson.

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now