Part 7 - Home for the Holidays

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"I'll be fine. He won't hurt me. I think."

Yn's POV:

It's been two weeks since I learned the light glyph but I haven't found any other glyphs since. I looked in the common room for that secret entrance Dumbledore told me about but nothing. I've made no progress. I don't even understand how my magic works.

But today I am going home to spend Christmas with my family. Harry is coming with me I think. And Hermione and Ron are staying at Hogwarts because their families had to go off to some family emergency. Harry has been really strange these past few weeks. He won't leave me alone and it's starting to annoy me. If I sit down at the table he just runs to sit next to me. If I'm in the library he's there too but I sometimes catch him staring at me. The only time I can get a moment of peace is when I am going to bed.

But at least it's almost Christmas my most favourite time of the year. This year my family is staying at Harry's house. Last year Harry's family stayed at my house. This is how it's been every year. You could say it was our families traditions.

As I pack my stuff Hermione is going through the light glyph notes from what we have discovered. The only thing we have learned is the bigger the glyph the stronger the spell.

"What if you can control what the light does? You know like a flash of light." Hermione suggests. She's been helping me nonstop since I discovered the light glyph. I've learned to draw a perfect circle.

"I'll test it out over the holidays. Speaking about the holidays. Do you mind helping me pack." I said looking at Hermione. She smiled and got off the bed to help me pack all my stuff.

Once both my trunks were packed my and Hermione dragged them down the stairs into the common room when all of a sudden Harry took the trunk I was dragging. I would say I am surprised but that would be lying. He carried my trunk all the way to the front of the school. He would let me help and when I said he could drag it he insisted on carrying it so I decided I would help Hermione carry the other one down. Once we had done that we went to the great hall for breakfast. Unexpectedly, Harry sat next to me. By this point you don't need to be able to see the future to know he was going to do that.

"Uhh I'm going to go to the toilet uhhh Hermione didn't you need to go as well." I said. Hermione looked at me confused and then realised what I was on about.

"Ohhh uhhhh yeah I do." Hermione said as we got up and made our way out the great hall.

Once we got to the bathroom, me and Hermione instantly started talking. We were both discussing how Harry had been acting so different lately and how he has been paying more attention to me.

"Are you sure you want to go home for Christmas with Harry acting so weird." Hermione asked as if I was going home with a psychopath.

"I'll be fine. He won't hurt me. I think." I said as I started questioning myself.

After we had finished talking, we decided to go to the library to finish reading the book that aren't in the restricted section twice.

"Still nothing on glyphs and there's nothing else left for us to read and we can't get permission to look around the restricted section until our 3rd year." Hermione said. "I will keep looking over the holidays. But I doubt that I'll find anything new."

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now