Part 1 - The Train Ride

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"Well I would love to go to the library and read ancient forms of magic."

Yn's pov:

Today was the day I am going to the Hogwarts express to go to Hogwarts which I panicked about every second of every day since I got my stuff from diagon alley. I panic about if everything was in my bag or if we had got everything from diagon alley. I guess that's why my family call me an over-thinker. But downstairs, Cedric, Mum and Dad were all running around the house trying to get everyone ready and out the house for the start of school seeing as we have to be at platform 9 3/4 by 11 o'clock and it takes us forever to get out of bed by 9:00am let alone get out the door before 10:30am. The trunks were in the living room ready to go, Mum had just finished cooking sausage, eggs, hash browns and baked beans for breakfast and Dad was checking everything was there ready to go with us to Hogwarts and Cedric was on his way to wake me up.

He walked in to my room holding a glass of water incase he had to use it to wake me up because let's just say I am a really deep sleeper and he didn't want to be late. He actually went through with it once just because I refused to get out of bed for a family get together. Let's just say the house became a nerf gun battle field and in our house hold nerf gun wars are taken very seriously. No one was safe to walk openly. My parents got hit at least 30 times last time. They ended up hiding in the airing cupboard. That lasted until 6:00pm and let's just say I won by a landslide.

"Yn wake up. Yn wake up. YN WAKE UP. YN WAKE UP!!! Fine you leave me no choice. Pls don't kill me after this." Said Cedric who then poured the glass of water on my head and instantly wanted to run for it but had to check I was awake. I shot up in bed due to the sudden wave of water splashing in my face which held an murderous expression which was slowly spreading across my whole face. I swear I looked as if I was about to use the killing curse on someone. And that someone right now would be Cedric. I quickly got out of bed and stood opposite Cedric on the verge of an 11 year old being sent to Azkaban for illegal use of magic from someone else's wand.

"Why would you do that. I am going to K!LL YOU!!'" I yelled chasing Cedric with my hand out stretched prepared to strangle him to death unless I got a hold of a wand. After 10 minutes of being unsuccessful and being held back by my dad saying no spilling blood in the house, I went upstairs grumpily to get ready for my new school. I got into normal clothes seeing as i would be getting changed in to my school clothes on the train and the journey is going to last for ages.

It was now 9 o'clock, which meant we had an hour and a half to eat breakfast before we had to go meet the Potters in front of Kings Cross Station.While we ate, we talk about how excited we are and what we hoped would happen this year. Cedric had the idea of trying to guess what house I would get sorted into. Cedric guessed Hufflepuff with him. Mum guessed  Gryffindor because of my outgoing and couragous personality. And Amos guessed Ravenclaw because he thought I was smart and creative enough. But I am nowhere near smart enough for Ravenclaw. But I didn't care what house I got in as long as I was with my best friend Harry Potter. And the thought of being able to produce magic without a wand ran through my head. How is it done? What kind of magic is it? How long would it take to learn it? Is it even possible? What will other students say when they find out I don't have a wand.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Mum said worried as I had a sad face on.

"Nothing I am just scared of students finding out." I said knowing mum would understand.

"Finding out what?" Cedric said confused.

"Oh dear don't worry. I have sent an owl to Dumbledore about it so he'll figure something out." Mum said reassuring me as my spirit lifted and dad and Cedric gave each other a confused look.

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now