Part 10 - Keys and Chess

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"Well either we let Snape and Voldemort win or you take me with and try to protect me."

Yn's POV:

We walked through a door into a room that was filled with flying keys. The sight was quite beautiful if you think about it. There was a broom hovering in the middle of the room. I walked over to the door trying to see if it's locked. Ron walked over to the door and tried the Alohomora charm but it wasn't working.

"If to get to the philosopher's stone we have to complete a series of tasks. I don't think it will be as easy as Alohomora." I said as I watched Ron repeatedly trying to unlock the door. "It's obvious isn't it we need a key to unlock the door. That's why there's a broom. The broom makes it easier to reach the key."

"Ugh! What are we going to do there must be thousands of keys?" Hermione said looking up at all the keys.

"Well the door looks old so I would say look out for an old battered key." I said looking up. All our eyes searched the room for the key.

"There that one the one with the broken wing." Harry shouted pointing at it. I look at Harry and he's just stood there staring at the broom. He runs his hand up it.

"What is it Harry?" Mione said walking over to him. Me and Ron followed her.

"It's too simple." Harry said squinting his eyes as if he thinks there's more to it.

"Oh! Go on Harry! If Snape could catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest seeker of the Century!" Ron said hyping Harry up.

Harry nods his head and reaches out to grab the broom. Once his hand made contact with the broom the keys instantly stop moving and start zooming at Harry. I was stood in the way slightly and I got cut on my cheek and it stung like hell. Harry hoped on the broom as the keys attacked him.

"This complicates things a bit." Ron said as a worried look spreads across all our faces. Harry began to fly off trying to swat away the keys away. He kept going high as the key kept flying away. He manoeuvre around the stone pillar that stood in the middle of the room. All of a sudden, Harry started zooming down toward us while grabbing the key in the process.

"Catch the key." Harry yelled at us. We got into position with Mione preparing to catch the key and me preparing to unlock the door.

As he zoomed past us, he threw the key down which Mione caught. She then threw it to me. I quickly unlocked the door and opened it and ran through. Mione and Ron followed behind me.We waited for Harry to fly through and as soon as he did we shut the door.

Now in front of us stood two very large doors. Ron opened the door and he and Mione walked through. While Ron and Mione were in the next room, Harry began examining my face. He began asking if I was ok after seeing the scratch. I don't know why. Honestly, he looked way worse than I did. I had one scratch, he had about twenty. I said I was fine and quickly followed Mione and Ron.

The next room was filled with statues. It looked like a graveyard.

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all." Mione said looking around. It was actually quite creepy.

"Where are we?" Harry asked looking around while grabbing my hand.

"A graveyard?" I said confused. I'm not quite sure where we are. All I know is it is creepy and looks like a graveyard which are creepy places in the dark anyway.

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now