Part 13 - The summer of regrets

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"Whoa what are you?"


July 19th 1992

We got home and now summer could begin. The first few days were really uneventful. Mum and Dad asked Cedric in the car how his year went. They didn't really ask me because I think they got the general idea of what I've done this year. Me, mum and dad are sat on the sofa quietly while Cedric is hiding in his room. The atmosphere was just an awkward silence.

"Yn would you like to tell us what happened at school this year." Mum said trying to break the tension.

"What there left to know Rachel. She has been breaking school rules and putting herself and her friends in danger." Dad yelled. I just sat there with my head down while he spoke.

"It wasn't my idea though. If I wasn't there who knows what could've happened. I was only trying to protect my friends. And we were the only ones who figured it all out. We saved probably the entire school." I yelled back at my dad.

"Don't talk to me like that missy. If you really wanted to protect your friends. You would've kept them away from the dangers. Not walk with them right into them." My dad yelled.

"Amos she did what she could and she only a kid. She is bound to make mistakes but what is important is that she learned from her mistakes and she is ok." My mum snapped. I've never seen mum like this before. Usually she is more of a calm and collective person. Dad stayed quiet. Mum took a deep breath and continued talking. "Ok Yn. How was your first year at Hogwarts."

"Actually it was awesome. The school is so big and confusing. I met my best friend on the boat ride over. Her name is Hermione Granger and she loves books just as much as me. Oh and Mum I want to show you all something." I said excitedly.

"Ok I'll go get Cedric and then you can show us." Mum said smiling from ear to ear.

"Ok." I said as Mum got up to go get Cedric. When she got back with Cedric not far behind, I got up to get a piece of paper and quill. Everybody was looking at me like I was crazy. I started drawing the light glyph and everyone's eyes were captivated on what it was drawing.
When I finished drawing the light glyph I gave the piece of paper a tap and the paper turned it a ball of light. Everyone stared in awe.

"How did you do that?" Mum asked.

"Well I told Hermione about the whole wand incident at diagon alley. And she agreed to help me find a way to do magic. We kept searching the library. It wasn't until I found a book that has a secret about Hogwarts in. Not many people are allowed to know about this. I went to ask Dumbledore about it and then he showed me it. But to get in I had to do the light glyph. And that's how I discovered how I can do magic." I said trying not to let everyone know that there's a giant beating heart underneath the school.

"Wait you couldn't do magic?" Dad said. "Since when could you not do magic?"

"Since our trip to Diagon Ally. When me and mum went to get my wand, a wand never chose me. I didn't tell anyone because I thought everyone would think less of me and would be acting as if I was made of glass around magic. I just wanted to prove to everyone that I'm not a helpless person." I said revealing why I did all I did this year.

"Oh sweetheart. We would never think less of you ever. And we know that you can handle yourself with or without magic." Mum said as she stood up and hugged me tightly. I instantly hugged back. "Well I guess this conversation is over. I'm going to go start making dinner. Go unpack your stuff Yn and bring your clothes down for a wash."

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now