Part 14 - Harry's new attitude

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"Honestly, if I was older I would want to date him too."

Yn's POV:

Mine and Cedric's school supplies letters had just arrived and I was getting dressed to head out to Diagon Ally to get our school supplies. I was afraid to leave King alone at home because I had no idea how long we would be out. I talk to King and told him that he can't leave my room while I'm gone, don't make a mess and don't be too loud.

After I made sure that King would be okay, I went downstairs to join my family. All my mum had to do was to grab her handbag and then we would be ready to leave. This year I was old enough to use floo powder. I have been so excited to do this for years. I watched as Cedric and Dad use the floo powder first. I grabbed a hand full of the powder and I stepped into the fire place.

"Diagon Ally." I said clearly and precisely. I threw the powder at my feet as a green flame engulfed me. I was both terrified and thrilled to be use the floo network. I arrived at Diagon Ally and I walked over to Cedric and Dad who were waiting for me and mum. I waited for my mum and not long after I had reached Cedric and Dad, mum stepped out of the fireplace.

"Ok so if I take Yn with me to get books. You and Cedric get the dress robes? Is that okay with you Amos." Mum said as she walked over to us.

"Yeah sure. I see no problem with it. Come on Cedric." Dad said as he and Cedric walked off. Me and mum were making our way to Flourish and Blotts. I kept thinking to myself about asking Mum if I could keep King.

"Mum? Can I ask you a question?" I said building up the courage to actually ask.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"So I was wondering if I could have a pet?" I asked afraid of what the answer would be.

"What's wrong with y/o/n?" Mum said. Y/o/n is our owl and has been in our family since before I was born.

"Well I kinda want my own pet you know. Y/o/n is technically our family owl." I said.

"Ok well what animal were you thinking. An Owl? A Cat?" Mum asked.

"Well I kinda already have the animal at home and I don't really know what it is." I said kind of nervous.

"Oh well I'll have to have a look when I get home but I guess as long as it's not dangerous or illegal then I guess it would be fine." Mum said. I start jumping around with joy.

We made our way inside Flourish and Blotts and let me tell you it was crowded. Somehow within the crowd, I had managed to spot Ron. I ran up and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around and looked at me and gave me a big hug. He had grown a bit since I last saw him on the train. But other than his height he hasn't changed much. Ron then introduced me to his mum who is absolutely the sweetest person in the world. I already felt comfortable around her.

The door opened and I turned to look at who entered the store making it even more crowded than it already was. At the door I saw Hermione who now looked as if she had to carry a hairbrush with her to keep her hair from getting frizzy and proofed in the summer heat and behind her walked in Harry. My mum said she would get my books and I can go talk to my friends.

I walked over to Harry and Hermione and Hermione didn't look that much different but then again I had not long ago had a sleepover with her. Harry on the other hand looked taller and he had less of a baby face now but he looked sad and he looked like he wasn't sleeping well.

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now