Part 4 - Troll Trama

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"Come on. You have to eat something."

Yn's POV:

It's been almost 2 months since I started at Hogwarts. It's been an amazing experience so far. The classes were always interesting and fun. The only problem was Malfoy. He won't leave me alone. Well unless I'm in the library. I don't think he knows where it is. Me and Hermione have only gotten closer and she now my best friend. Harry and Ron are always seen together. No matter where you see one there's always the other not far behind. I just wish that i could have made some progress on how my magic works but all I've got are dead ends. I thought I found something about a dude who did wand-less magic in the 1700s. But he just was talented enough to learn wand-less magic but he started with a wand. If I keep going i will get to all the way back to the founders of Hogwarts.

It's currently October 31st so that means it's Halloween and I am planning on scaring Harry tonight so bad that he pisses himself. It's our tradition. Every Halloween we would pull pranks on each other trying to scare the other and every year I win. Harry never comes close to even making me surprised. But we can only start it when the sun has gone down. So I have to wait but I have it all planned out.

I'm on my way to charms after having breakfast. All of a sudden, my living nightmare comes up to me. It's Draco and unfortunately I have charms with Slytherins today. So I'm forced to deal with Draco. Because there was a seating plan change so I got moved from next to Hermione to next to Draco.

"Go away Draco." I said trying to lose him in the crowd. Unfortunately it didn't work.

"Well I was thinking." Draco said as I let out a ha.

"That's a first." I said laughing as I kept walking to Charms.

"That's mean. My farther will hear about this." Draco said angrily as I kept laughing more uncontrollably. Draco stormed off ahead of me and to Charms. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

I soon arrived at Charms. Hermione was already stood there waiting to go into class. She was reading a book. I decided to have a look so I peeked over her shoulder and saw her looking at ancient ruins and inscriptions.

"Why are you looking at ancient ruins and inscriptions?" I said confused. We apparently don't start magic history until 3rd year. So why on Earth is she reading it.

"Well I'm reading this because I think the answer to your magic is hidden in the past. So I thought why not look at a book that would hold ancient stuff that could have possessed magic in the past." Hermione said as if she hit a break through. And she most likely has. "Did you know that Hogwarts has a actual living breathing Heart? It's what harnesses our magic. So i think your magic isn't being harnessed through the heart."

"Wow. You might be onto something mione." I said smiling from ear to ear. "We might soon discover a new way to do magic. I will actually be able to do my own magic soon."

Professor Flitwick called us all in and we all sit in our seats. All of a sudden he flicks his wand, lifting us all in the air and placing us at the back of the room. Turns out another student complained about where they were sat so it's another seating plan change. I was placed on the left of Hermione. Ron was on her right and Harry was 2 seats away from Ron with Seamus between them. Today we are learning about the levitation charm.

"One of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation or the ability to make objects fly. Uhh do you have your feathers?" Professor Flitwick says as Hermione raises her feather to say yes. "Good. Now well. Don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. The swish and flick. Everyone." He waves his hands to gesture for us to say it with him. We all say 'swish and flick' at the same time. We all also do the movement as we speak. "Good oh and enunciate wingardium leviosa. Off you go then."

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now