Part 5 - Quidditch

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"He's got the snitch."

Yn's POV:

A few hours later:

We had just left Harry, who is going to get into his quidditch uniform and we went to get our seats close to the railing. Ron had brought a pair of binoculars with him and me and Hermione had brought the book with us. As we waited we read and I think I had found something. Apparently there's an ancient way to do magic that uses symbols and they were called glyphs. But no one knows what they look like or what they are exactly. Apparently magic comes from the castle so it means that they will most likely be found from Hogwarts.

After we had made a discovery we wanted to go see if we could find anything but that's when we noticed that the quidditch team stared to fly out. I noticed that Harry was extremely nervous.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season." Lee Jordan says into a microphone from the teachers box. "Todays game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!"

We all cheered and waved our flags. Hagrid decided to sit behind us. Me and Draco locked eyes as we cheered. After 5 minuets, I looked away and up at Harry. For some reason Harry looked like he was so angry to the point that he could punch every single person in the stands. I wonder what made him so angry.

They all got into their starting positions with a box and Madam Hooch in the middle on the ground.

"Now I want a nice clean game..." Madam Hooch yells up at all of them. "From all of you!"

She kick open the box and something was making the entire box move. 2 balls instantly launch into the air.

"The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the Snitch is worth 150 points." Lee announced as the Snitch circled the Seekers from each team. "The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." Madam Hooch walks behind the box and picks up the Quaffle and throws it in the air. "The Quaffle is released and the game begins."

Gryffindor are the first to possess to Quaffle with Angelina dodging every Chaser that fly's at her. Angelina gets barged by a Slytherin Chaser. She manages to duck before a Bludger hit her. Angelina was dodging every Slytherin Chaser left, right and centre. Two Slytherins were on Angelina's tail. Angelina aims. And scores in the middle hoop.

"Angelina Johnson scores! Ten points for Gryffindor!" Lee announced for everyone to hear. Harry cheers and a Bludger just misses him.

"Well done!" Hagrid yells from behind us.

"Slytherin takes the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint." Lee says less energetically than before. Marcus manages to dodge a few Chasers and he kicks a Chasers broom which has to be a fowl. He dodges a Bludger and one more Chaser before he shoots the Quaffle at the hoop. With amazing luck and a really skilled Keeper the Quaffle was deflected. The Quaffle is back in possession of Gryffindor. They stated throwing it back and forth and Gryffindor scores another point. We all cheer as our house is currently winning. "Another 10 points to Gryffindor." We are all still cheering for 5 minutes. Slytherin are now in possession of the Quaffle. The Slytherin Chaser with the Quaffle elbows a Gryffindor Chaser sending the Gryffindor Chaser spinning. Slytherin try scoring again but the Quaffle is caught by Oliver Wood (the Gryffindor Keeper) before it got near the hoop. I noticed a Slytherin Chaser forcefully take the Beaters bat. He hits the bludger and it goes hurtling towards Oliver. Oliver is hit by the bludger and sent to the ground knocked out. The Slytherin's start laughing. I mean Slytherin deserved to be disqualified for everything they have done during the match. Now that Gryffindor keeper is out the Slytherins have a clear shot at scoring. Slytherin earned another 10 points and cheers from the other side were heard. They ended up trapping a Gryffindor Chaser between two Slytherin Chasers. Now I'm not that familiar with Quidditch but non of this seems fair. They made the Gryffindor Chaser crash. Now Gryffindor is down two players. This can't be fair anymore. Yet again Slytherin scores. Gryffindor and Slytherin are now tied in points. If Harry catches the snitch now then the game ends and Gryffindor wins. Harry begins speeding after something. I think he has spotted the Golden Snitch.

Harry's broom starts going crazy and out of control. Hermione whispers to me and Ron that Snape is jinxing the broom. Hermione ends up leaving her seat to do heaven knows what. We ended up getting a show of Harry trying to hang on for his life. Harry was now hanging on to the broom with one hand. He had managed to get his second hand one the broom and now he was being swung. All of a Sudden there was a whole fuss in the teachers box. Harry had managed to get back on his broom so whatever Hermione did it worked. Harry was now neck in neck with the Slytherin Seeker. They both started hurtling towards the ground. The Slytherin Seeker pulled up so he didn't hit the ground but Harry kept going. He pulled up inches from the ground. For a second i thought Harry was going to crash. I watch him in anticipation as he begins to stand on his broom and reach out to grab the golden snitch. Everyone was sat at the edge of their seats wondering what was going to happen.

Harry stepped closer but he stepped too far and fell off his broom. He stood up and looked as if he was going to throw up. I couldn't watch. He spat out the snitch. Lee announced " He's got the snitch. Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch." A whistle was blown marking the end of the game. We all cheered and rushed down to the field to congratulate the Gryffindor team.

I ran down and was mixed within the crowd. I clapped with everyone else but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Hermione pointing at the book.

"Let's go." Hermione whispered. We both started rushing up to the castle to the library to see if we could find anything about glyphs or about the magic from Hogwarts.


Any-gays sorry that this chapter is short but we had to have quidditch in here for the first year obviously but trust me when I say that next chapter is worth the wait. We are going to discover so many new/old stuff. I am actually so excited for you all to read it. I am going to base a lot of the plot off of the movies because going through all the books would take so much time and I am too lazy to do that. But I will try to add book elements/quotes from 3rd year and onwards.

But as always let me know how I can improve as a writer. See you soon my little nifflers.


Word count: 1196 words

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now