Chapter 6

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When I finally get to my apartment block, Khepiri sees me from far away, with a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay?" She says, touching the bruises and cuts on my face and arms "what happened?"

I feel weak suddenly. Maybe it was the walking home in the sun, maybe it was the idea that I could've so easily died today, that makes me feel nauseous. And I faint in her arms, as she screams for help.


I wake up in my room. With Khepiri sitting at my side. When she sees I'm awake she smiles and hands me some water which I drink quickly. My head hurts and my body hurts more.

"Shit. That was the worst day of my life." I mutter to her, but she doesn't answer, when I look at her she's signalling her head to the end of my bed and making a strange face.

I look in the direction she's hinting at and flinch when I see a man in all black sitting on a chair and staring at me. It's him. I shouldn't be glad to see him, but I think I am.

I look at him for a few moments before he finally speaks.

"I was walking past when I heard your friend calling for help, you fainted and I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

I look at him blankly. His presence is unsettling and strangely convenient. Is this really the work of Ra's fate? Or is this man scheming something. I just hope it's the first reason.

Khepiri stands up "I'll get you some more water, and food of course, you must be starving."

The man stands up and hands her some money. She refuses a little but he insists and she leaves, winking at me in the process, I try not to smile at her silliness.

The man moves to the chair Khepiri was sat on, right next to the bed.

He sighs. "I know what happened." He says softly. In that voice I thought about the whole time.

I don't answer, his eyes examine my face and arms.

"Be careful," he mutters "you could've died."

I shake my head and his tired eyes watch me. "If I could've died, I would've. But it wasn't meant to be, not yet at least."

"I hope not for a long time." He replies quickly. We look at each other awkwardly and then he suddenly coughs trying to break the tension.

"It's just lucky that the general was stupid enough not to kill you on sight."

I laugh weakly.

"If it wasn't for the Pharaoh..." I whisper, glancing at my bruised skin.

His eyes dart up at me. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"The Pharaoh saved my life...I know I shouldn't take it as a personal triumph, or some sort of compliment from him, but I'm grateful. I wish I could thank him..."

The man's eyes soften and although I can't see his whole face, I think he even smiles.

"Just continue killing bad men, I'm sure that's a sufficient way to thank him."

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