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To most you would ask "In your general opinion what to you is a dream?"
To which they'd respond "A dream is a dream and nothing more."
But that's not the answer I'm searching for.
A dream to me is an attack from the mental subconscious
Waiting to feed until I'm unconscious
Like a jar stuffed so tight the lid just BURSTS
Then like an active volcano I'm left feeling so much worse.
I have the birds eye view of a girl at the bottom
That emotional molten lava rushing her way is the problem.
She continues to dance sweetly beneath the blowing trees.
I want to yell "Danger Ahead!"
But that's just it, it's all in my head.
So to me, a dream can't possibly be just a dream because that girl at the bottom is always me.
I get to the bottom just in time to see her smiling face
That's when I wake
Wondering from that scene what I should take?

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