twenty-nine. the true you

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THE TASTE OF LEFTOVER rice and meat filled Athena's taste buds with overwhelming joy, every little bite she savoured ever so sweetly, just like she did with everything she ate nowadays. Food wasn't a luxury in the new world, you couldn't just run to the store round the corner for a load of bread like you used to. Oh what Athena would give for a even just a slice of bread. The more she thought about, the more she began to salivate.

The group were scattered amongst their camp, chomping down on their own food to set them up for the day. Athena was sat in one of the camping chairs next to the fire pit, quietly chewing as she observed the others. As her eyes glazed over her friends, she caught Rick's attention as he was sat with Lori and Carl. Things seemed to be better between them than they were yesterday. He sent Athena a quick smile, which she returned. Her advice must have helped. The look in his eyes showed appreciation for her being there.

A kiss on the head pulled her attention, she twisted to see Shane walking round to her side before he sat beside her to continue cleaning his gun.

"Um guys." Glenn spoke up, drawing everyone attention to where he was stood. The boy looked nervous, more awkward than usual. "The barn's full of walkers."

Athena paused mid bite, her eyes staring at Glenn in disbelief. The others were equally as in shock as they all turned to face him with a hint of dread in their stomach.

A few moments later, Athena stood with her finger nail wedged between her teeth, her weight shifting back and fourth on each leg as she watched the flustered group discuss the matter at hand. There were walkers in the barn. They were a threat to everyone's safety - and of course Shane was eager to get rid of them. No one knew why the dead creatures were being stored inside Hershel's barn but the imminent threat was leaving no room for questioning.

Shane stalked from the door of the barn back to where the group was stood "You cannot tell me you're all right with this?" He aimed at Rick.

"No. I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rich shook his head

"Oh god!" Shane threw his hands in frustration "This is our lives man!"

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea chirped.

"It ain't right. Not remotely." Shane began to pace backwards and forwards. Athena could see his frustration building, he had every right to be, but she needed to keep him level-headed. Rick was right, it was Hershel's land and he must have had his reasons. "We either got to go in there, we got to make things right or we just got to go. No we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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