three. old life

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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Athena woke up groggily to the sound of civilisation outside of her tent. It meant that the group was awake and had already began their day. Since the outbreak, Athena had lost any sense of time — especially the time she was waking up at. The young woman had never been the type of person to wake up and jump straight out of bed, usually it took her a good hour to even wake up fully.

But everything she once knew had changed, including herself. Athena outstretched her arms above her head before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. The brunette yawned before rolling out of her sleeping bag and throwing on her jeans that were strewn across the ground. Once she pulled them over her hips, Athena reached for the zip and opened the doorway attached to the tent before stepping outside to feel the warm air brush against her skin. The sun was scorching and it made the woman wonder how they were going to keep working in the broad sunlight.

Athena's large green eyes glanced around at the surroundings, she noticed that everyone was up and had already started their chores. It puzzled the woman to why no one had woken her up but nevertheless she started her journey through the camp in attempt to socialise. Athena had become closer with the people she had sought refuge with and actually enjoyed their company. It was a big step for her to be apart of a big group of people but she was slowly becoming accustomed to her new lifestyle that was the apocalypse.

Athena gave a small smile as she passed by a few people before pressing forward towards the main area of the camp. The young woman sent Dale a small wave who stood on top of the RV with a boating hat and binoculars. Athena had grown fond of the old man during the time she had gotten to know him, she loved listening to his stories and his sweet personality. Every morning, he would always send her a quick hello and it instantly brightened up her day.

As she walked past Dale's RV, she moved towards the small camp fire and took a seat next to Lori who was cooking some left overs from the night before. Athena couldn't ignore the growling in her stomach much longer, living on rations was really starting to take its toll on her. "Good morning." She greeted with a smile as she stirred the pot. "You hungry? We got some beans if you want it."

Athena nodded quickly, her hunger making the beans looks more appealing than they actually looked. It was times like this she which could have at least a cup of coffee to feed her caffeine addiction — luckily enough she had cigarettes to get her by. "Please." Athena took the bowl off of Lori and immediately dug into her food.

Lori began to laugh at the girls antics "Someone's hungry."

Athena looked up with an innocent look, her big eyes making her look like bambi as Lori stared at her amusingly. Athena swallowed her mouth full and placed her spoon back in the bowl. "I guess you could call it that. I feel like my insides are gonna fall out of my ass if I don't get some meat in my system soon."

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