nineteen. dead ends

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THERE WAS NO DOUBT in Athena's mind that the group had been walking for hours judging by the aches on her feet with every step she took. She had little to no water left, but luckily they weren't much further away from the highway. Besides her aching feet and thirst, Athena found herself distracted by what Shane had told her earlier. Surely he wasn't telling the truth, he wouldn't just leave her and everyone behind. Or would he?

Just when the woman thought she was getting to know Shane, it was blatantly thrown in her face that she didn't. As much as the news had enraged Athena, she couldn't hide the fact that it had truly broken her heart. If Shane were to disappear and leave the group, then the brunette would feel all alone. Of course she had Andrea, who she was most closest to, and Dale who liked to check in on her every now and then. But other than that, Athena didn't feel like she really fit in. Ever since she joined the group back in the beginning, Athena stuck out like a sore thumb, constantly wandering off into the woods to be alone and put off socialising at all costs.

She loved these people, she loved them so much that it hurt and loosing someone would tear her heart into tiny little pieces. But Shane was different, he two was an outsider so they understood one another. They were just like two peas in a pod, wrapped up in their own world and Athena didn't want to break that bond.

Despite Shane leaving being the only thing clouding her thoughts, Athena couldn't shake the sound of a gunshot that they had heard not so long ago. It had to of been Shane and Rick but Athena couldn't quite put her finger on as to why. They wouldn't necessarily shoot a gun for no reason, they had more sense about them than that.

"Are you still worrying about it?" Andrea asked aloud causing the group to stop and turn to see Lori paused in her tracks as she looked out into the distance.

"That was a gunshot."

"We all heard it." Daryl added.

Lori turned her head "Why one? Why just one gunshot?"

"Could've been a walker." Athena suggested with a raised brow, glancing between everyone.

"We know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker, or Shane. They'd do it quietly."

A wash of worry passed over Carol's face "Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?"

"There's nothing we can do about it anyway. Can't run around these woods chasing echoes."

"He has a point." Athena affirmed.

Lori shrugged "So what do we do?"

"Same as we've been doing. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway."

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