twelve. holding back

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AS THE MILLION THOUGHTS ran through her head, Athena found herself sobering up a little after the encounter with a broken and beat down Andrea — her rational thinking kicking itself back into gear. Although, she did still find herself bumping into a wall ever so often. Maybe she wasn't completely sober and maybe that was a good thing, she needed something to numb all the pain she felt deep down even if it was only temporary.

Athena was good at hiding things, no not good, brilliant. Especially when it came to her feelings. Even though she was brilliant at concealing her feelings, it made her fear, pain and panic grow deeper every time she told the lie that she in fact was fine. The truth is she is terrified, terrified of what is going to happen to them if the truth she's been searching for isn't worth their while. But her biggest fear of all? Was if she was going to survive at all.

With the bottle in hand she took a big swig, the liquid pouring down her throat, leaving behind a sort of burning sensation. Once the brunette seemingly arrived at her door, she lifted her free hand and twisted the door knob before pushing the door open. Athena sighed as she entered the room and shut the door behind her, eager to get into bed and wake up fresh tomorrow. She turned away from the now closed door and went to walk forwards but was immediately stopped in her tracks, jumping out of her skin at the sight.

"Shit." She cursed as she laid a hand on her chest "Shane you scared the hell out of me."

There he was. Sitting at the rounded table with messed up hair and a bottle by his side. His shirt was unbuttoned a little, exposing the top of his chest. The man sat with a solemn look as he stared at the bottle, twisting it with his fingers until he directed his concentration to the woman in front of him. His mind was a mess, quite frankly he didn't know what he was doing in Athena's room but he had an urge to see her — almost like an unshakable craving that led him to here. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

A light frown washed across her face as she looked at him in confusion. "How did you get in here?"

"You left your door open. I came by to see you but when I went to knock the door was already open. I called out but you weren't around so I figured I'd wait and keep watch while you were gone." Shane explained, occasionally slurring his words from the amount of alcohol they had earlier. It seemed as though he had helped himself to more the more she thought about it. "I can leave if you want."

"No." Athena said rather quickly, causing the woman to curse at herself for being so forward and frank. She definitely needed to sober up sooner rather than later. "No-uh I actually was going to come and check on you. See how you were doing after what happened earlier."

Shane scoffed and took a sip from the bottle as Athena took a seat opposite. "They're all fucking clueless. They'd rather sit around and play fantasy, pretending that nothing about this place is suspicious. I mean that's the whole reason we're here right? To find answers."

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