fourteen. cromulent

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ATHENA'S ARMS WERE TUCKED underneath each other as she slowly walked into the large room that had computers and desks everywhere she looked. The brunette recalled being in the room the previous day when they had first arrived, where they were introduced to Vi, the computer operator. Usually, Athena would of left her suspicion of the man go by now but her gut wasn't giving up on the feeling that something wasn't adding up. All she could do was pray that the answers she'd been looking for would come out, but only time would tell.

As the group filed in and scattered themselves throughout the room, Jenner initiated Vi and brought up data and images on the screen that Athena did not understand at all. "Few people ever got to see this. Very few."

"Is that a brain?" Carl questioned as everyone studied the screen intently.

"An extraordinary one. Not that it matters in the end. Take us in for the MRI." Jenner commanded VI before she zoomed in to the anonymous persons brain activity.

Athena narrowed her eyes and turned her head in many positions, trying to figure out what exactly was going on inside the persons brain. Or more importantly, who that person even was. All she could see was a variety of blue flashes that were magnified the closer VI went in.

"What are those lights?"

"Its a persons life. Experiences, memories — its everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you — the thing that makes you unique and human."

"You dont make sense, ever?" Daryl remarked with crossed arms, saying exactly what Athena was thinking.

Jenner raised a brow "Those are synapses, electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says, does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death."

"Death?" Rick repeated, making his way over to Jenner. "Thats what this is? A vigil?"

"Yes. Or rather, the playback of the vigil."

Athena edged closer, leaning against one of the desks and looking to Jenner with a worrisome look. "Are you saying this person is dead? Who was it?"

"Teat Subject 19. Someone who was bitten and infected and volunteered to have us record the process." He paused, glancing off into the distance in thought. "VI, scan forward to the first event."

"Scanning to first event."

Athena's attention was now drawn back to the screen, watching as it scanned before it showed the image of the same persons brain, except this time Athena noticed a large black spot in the centre. Causing her curiosity to furthermore grow about what had really happened.

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