twenty one. doubt

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THE AIR WAS COLD outside where the group had gathered, awaiting the moment when Hershel would finish performing the surgery on Carl. Fortunately for them, Shane's return meant that Carl would live and they wouldn't lose another child. Athena wasn't sure as to how much more the group could take, but hopefully Carl's recovery would lead them down a positive road to a brighter future. All that was left was to find Sophia.

Goosebumps formed on Athena's arms, causing her to pull her jacket tighter around her body. Each member of the group were in their own little world, some pacing back and fourth whilst others stood still and turned to nervous habits like biting their nails. Athena, however, sat on the bonnet of the car with Shane stood beside her. Occasionally she glanced over to the man, checking on him like she always found herself doing. He was traumatised, she could see it written all over his face. The events of what happened Otis had taken a toll on Shane and all Athena could do was be there for him even though all she wanted to do was erase the memories that were now engrained into his brain. But she couldn't.

But what she was thankful for? The fact that Shane was alive. They needed each other no matter how much that voice in Athena's head told her that it wasn't worth the pain. But when it comes to love, pain is apart of the package.

Hershel opened the door, the sound alerting the others that the surgery was over and they'd soon know the fate of the young boy. Athena jumped off the bonnet and walked a little closer to listen. As he wiped his hands clean, he informed Lori and Rick that Carl had stabilised and would survive. Hearing the news sent relief throughout the people and caused Athena to release a breath she wasn't aware she was holding. The brunette glanced back to Shane who smiled softly back at her, equally happy to hear the news.

"How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" Hershel asked Rick, sadness laced with his voice.

There was a silence, the simple reminder that a man had died tonight brought the mood down to one of mourning. Athena turned and moved back to Shane, noticing the look of guilt riddling every fibre of his being as she placed her hands around his arm in comfort.

"You go to Carl." Rick instructed Lori "I'll go with Hershel."

With the next move decided, the group dispersed back into the house and finally take a breath. Tonight had been stressful enough for everyone. All Athena wanted to do now was settle down for the night and get some sleep, after all she barely slept anymore anyways. The monsters outside kept her up at night, unaware of when they could strike especially being out in the open like they had been before. But maybe the protective fences of the farm would put her subconscious at rest for once, it always worked on her grandfather's farm. The only place she truly felt safe in the world.

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