Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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  Waiting for class to begin, a black faded to purple haired girl stared out the window of Aldera Junior High, gazing at the big fluffy clouds in the sky. "Alright, listen up everyone. Since your all third-years now at school, it's time to plan about your future more seriously. I'll be handing out plan outs but your all considering to go to the hero course, right?" 

  Everyone shouted in an obvious way that they wanted to go to the hero course of U.A. Many used their quirks to show off. "Okay, okay! Yes, you all have wonderful quirks that will help in the hero society! But using them in school is not allowed!" exclaimed the teacher.

  "Teach, don't assume me with all these other extras!" a certain angry pomeranian shouted. In a fraction of a second, the majority of the class turned around and started yelling at the one and only, Bakugou Katsuki.

  "Oh shut up! I'm much better than all of you extras combined!" he boasted. "If I remember correctly, you said you wanted to go to U.A, didn't you Bakugou?" the teacher said.

  "Hah! Of course I do, I'll surpass even All Might himself!" Bakugou said, jumping onto the desk, boasting all of his achievements of  his quirk. 

  "Midoriya, you also want to go to U.A?" the whole class jerked their heads his way staring at him, then laughed so hard some fell out of their chairs. "Y-Yeah I want to go." mumbled the muttering broccoli head, Midoriya Izuku.

  "Idiot, you can't get into U.A with only studying!" one student yelled through laughter. Midoriya and Bakugou then started to argue about the acceptance for U.A.

  "Oh, Kocho, you also wish to go to U.A?" the teacher asked over the noise. He looked up from his papers and at his gently smiling student, who nodded her head ever so slightly.


  Sitting by a fountain, reading a book, sat Y/N Kocho. Suddenly, she heard sounds of an explosion, a worried voice, a angered voice and finally the whishing noise of paper falling and then a splash into the fountain. She looked behind her and saw a burnt notebook with the title of "Hero Analysis for the Future." this is Izuku's, she thought, and earlier that must have been Bakugou because of the explosion. She sighed, those two will never get along, will they?

  Izuku ran down the steps and outside, trying to search for his notebook. "I believe this belongs to you Izuku." he halted and looked towards the area where the voice was. There he saw Y/N holding his notebook while reading her own. "Ah, thank you Y/N." "My pleasure." There was an awkward silence between them as Izuku took back his notebook and Y/N just smiled. All of a sudden, she spoke. "Don't believe what Bakugou says, no matter how hard you try, there will as be a result." she said calmly. "O-Oh, thank you Y/N!" Izuku spluttered, filled with pride from the words. "Now, I believe I've been reading for too long, so I shall take my leave." Y/N said. "Yeah... I should go home too." Izuku said, still flustered from what she said. Lots of the boys in class all thought that Y/N was cute and one of the prettiest girls in the entire school. Y/N put her book in her bag and picked it up along with a bokken she used for exercises during P.E. "Well, I'll be going now, bye Izuku!" "B-Bye!"


  Almost arriving home, Y/N sprinted along the sidewalk when she suddenly heard yells and screams coming from a bit of a far distance away. Sprinting to the direction of the noise, she saw a strange black sludge monster that held captive Bakugou. Then she saw green hair, knowing immediately that it was Izuku. "Izuku!" Y/N yelled dropping her bag and pulling out her bokken. She saw that he threw his bag, distracting the sludge villain and attempting to free Bakugou from his captor. But the villain reacted faster by almost hitting Izuku. Her breathing already stabilized from the sprinting earlier, Y/N readied a technique.

"Flower Breathing, Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo"

(Hana no kokyu, Shi no kata: Beni Hanagoromo)

  Sprinting towards the villain, the tendril that was about to hit Izuku was cut and fell onto the ground.

  More tendrils were sent towards them as Y/N took a protective stance in front of Izuku. However, someone else took the hit.

  "I AM HERE!" All Might himself stood before them, in all as muscular glory. All Might then defeated the sludge villian and rescued Bakugou as well. Y/N stood firmly in her place while Izuku crouched behind her, unconcious.

  After the police sorted things out, Y/N and Izuku were going back home when Bakugou came along and yelled, "I didn't need your help, Deku! I was perfectly fine on my own, and you too Y/N!" Glaring at her. "I never wished to save you in the first place, Bakugou, I merely saved Izuku from getting hit." Y/N stated, smiling brightly at the blonde-haired pomeranian.

  After a bit more arguing, Bakugou left. "Sorry for getting you involved." Izuku said, embarrassed. "It's fine Izuku, it's my pleasure that I finally got to fight a bit. Though I still don't understand how you can even be friends with him" Y/N said, unfazed by the attack. Midoriya was surprised that Y/N still had her calm personality and a gentle but bright smile on her face.

  "Well, we were childhood friends and we both loved All Might, so when he got his quirk, he became oblivious." "I see."

  Suddenly, a loud voice startled Izuku and made him fall down, again. 

  "I AM HERE!"

  All Might stood before them, but then mist appeared, and when it dissipated, a skinny and weak form of All Might stood, instead of a big ol' muscular number 1 hero. Izuku screamed, "A fake All Might?!" Y/N just stared blankly at the mist that went away. All Might explained in a panicked attitude about his current situation and Izuku and Y/N promised to keep his secret, well, a secret. "Top heroes have stories about them from their younger years, most have their stories with one thing in common: Their bodies moved before they even had a chance to think." (Mainly a quote from Harith_Tuzki's "Water Hashira's Descendant," just didn't have any ideas but I reworded it a bit but all credits to that writer for the main base!)

Tears fell from Izuku's face, falling to the dry road. "You felt that before too right? You can become a hero." All Might said. Izuku nodded his head slowly. Y/N stood off to the side, near the shadows. 

"Believe in yourself."


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