Chapter 11 - The Sports Festival II

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A/N: I changed my mind a lot about how I want to structure the story, so it'll include a bit of Genshin Impact things in it as well, just thought it would flow better. A little hint from previous chapters too.


"Now then, let's start with the first fateful event! This year, to start everyone off on their toes it's..."

"The Obstacle Race!" Midnight announced, the event shown on a screen behind her. Lots of people started muttering amongst themselves.

"Our school's selling point is freedom, so as long as you stay within the area of the course, you'll be fine and it won't matter what you do! Now, get ready everyone!"

Everyone prepared themselves before the race began, ready to run once the gates opened. Then, the green light went off.

"Start!" Midnight shouted.


Students pushed past each other in order to get through the doorway. However, I stayed back a little until all of the students cleared out of the door.

"Oh-ho! It seems that Kocho Y/N of Class 1-A has already figured out the first obstacle, the door!" Present Mic announced into the mic.

'It should be ok to use some of it, right? I want to make this something I can help my future self with.' I thought as I waited for the rage of students to dissipate.

Once the door emptied, I rushed forward, jumping over and gliding across all of the students. They appeared to be stuck in ice... was it Todoroki's doing? I saw Todoroki and some of the others not far ahead, but Todoroki was keeping the lead. "Well, not for long," I whispered to myself as a pushed power into my legs and sprinted forward.

The next second I was extremely far ahead, past Todoroki. I couldn't see the look of shock on his face while I was sprinting. By now, I had already reached the first, real obstacle.

"Target found."

"This is the first obstacle of this fateful event! It's an entire field of villain robots!" Present Mic announced. Lots of the robots were zero-pointers from the entrance exam, so lots of students panicked.

I lightly smiled and ran towards the robots. As soon as the first one made an attack, I disappeared suddenly and was seen again running past all of the robots. What they didn't see, however, was the purple sparks on lots of the robots that caused them to move more slowly, eventually falling over.

'First one down... 6 more to try,' I thought as I raced towards the next obstacle.

"Will you look at that! Kocho of Class 1-A passed all of the robots and is now heading towards the next obstacle!"

I heard Present Mic shout some other things that my classmates did, like Todoroki defending and attacking a robot with a single move with his ice, and Kirishima and another guy breaking through 2 other robots. Not long after, I reached the next obstacle.

"Here's the next obstacle, first reached by Kocho! Make sure you watch your step, because one mistake can cause you to be disqualified!" Present Mic shouted. "Take a look, but don't go too far! It's... the Fall!"

I took a quick glance at all of the obstacles, and let another power course through me. Jumping on the stone pillars and ropes effortlessly and quickly, I passed the Fall.

"The leader of the pack has made her way through the Fall at the speed of lightning! Nice going there, Kocho!" Present Mic continued to announce.

'Another one down, I might not get to use all of them in one event...' I thought. I glanced back for a bit, seeing that Todoroki and Bakugou weren't that far behind. 'Tch. I better start picking up the pace...'

Todoroki sent a barrier of ice at me, which I dodged quickly and jumped up high, where no attacks with an attempt of knocking me down from the lead could hit me. I looked back to see Todoroki's eyes wide, quickly narrowing at my movement. Bakugou just looked pissed off, creating bigger explosions to push himself forward more. To distract him and push him off course, I formed an object in my hand and turned backwards to throw it at a place where Bakugou would intercept it. Giggling, I continued my descent towards the third obstacle, which to me just looked like an entirely smooth, clear field. I narrowed my eyes.

It clearly couldn't just be there for no reason. Getting closer to the ground, I noticed small circles were dug out of the ground and covered up again. There must've been things hidden underneath. Are they traps? I tried to find ways to avoid getting mauled once I reached the ground. An idea in mind, I started to form the necessary things I needed.

Present Mic restarted his commentary. "And now, we've reached the final obstacle of this game! Keep your eyes sharp, because it's a minefield! It's set up so you can see where the mines are if you're careful!"

'So I was right, pretty much a trap.'

Todoroki started to carefully make his way through the minefield, Bakugou flying over them, right on his tail. They started fighting for the lead once they met. I smirked at their tactics and they didn't notice that I had landed. 

'Using this would be too noticeable, Todoroki hasn't made it this far yet... That one would also be easy to see, it leaves something behind... But, how about this one? It'll make it look like I failed, even though I haven't... Perfect, this one, combined with... this one? Might be a little risky, but I'll do it. I'll just reuse it.' I thought quickly.

I felt heat start to form beneath my feet, and I charged forward quickly, using both one of the seven powers and my own speed, pushing strength and power into my legs. Mines blew up beneath my feet, bringing the attention of the viewers.

"What's this!? An entire trail of mines!? Just who could have left these? Wait a minute, where did Kocho go?" Present Mic questioned. "Where is she? Oh- there she is! Traveling at the speed of light, just running across the mines like it's nothing!"

I crossed the minefield in no time, turning back to see Todoroki and Bakugou looking shocked, but Todoroki reacted faster, taking this as a chance to surge forward and gaining the lead from Bakugou. Not long after, Midoriya was seen flying through the air, having used lots of mines to shoot himself into the air. Now he was plummeting back down, then using Bakugou and Todoroki to boost himself again. I grinned, watching this scene happen joyfully. I saw Izuku's shocked face as he saw me smile sadistically at him as I slowly crossed the finish line as if it were nothing. He still bawled his eyes out as he managed to get second place. Bakugou and Todoroki followed shortly afterwards, Bakugou raging as he hadn't gotten first place. I smiled at them, admiring their dedication.


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