Chapter 7 - USJ Battle 2

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All the way on the other side of the stadium, Aizawa and his foes stopped and turned towards the direction of the big thunderous blast and trembling throughout the stadium.

"Kero, what was that?" Even Asui and the others could hear it from the shipwreck zone.

"Was it a villain!? They could have gotten one of our classmates!" Mineta bawled. Midoriya anxiously hoped that the rest of his classmates were safe.


I shimmied my way around some props and continued my way back to the entrance. I stiffened once I got close enough to see what was going on in the center area. A lot of villains were knocked out around the area, but what horrified me the most was the monster that was mercilessly beating Aizawa up. I clenched my fists and unsheathed my blade, charging out toward the monster. 

"I'll tell you, Eraserhead. He's the Anti-Symbol of Peace, the bio-engineered 'Nomu.'"

Right before the man with hands and the monster noticed and hit me, I jumped up high into the air and whispered to myself

Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter

(Mushi no kokyū, Hōga no mai: Manabiki)

I hurled my entire body down towards the monster, using a lot of force to bring my body down and stab the monster with my sword to inject poison.

The monster staggered away when I released the final blow of poison straight into its brain. I firmly stood in place, protectively over Aizawa.

"K-Kocho... Don't... G-Get back... with the others..." Aizawa mumbled under me. I glanced at him and his condition, anxiously looking at the more serious injuries.

"Oh? I see that one of your students has come here to rescue you. That was very impressive. You managed to hit the Nomu severely, in the head, in fact." The guy with hands-on him spoke. I returned my gaze toward them, looking more at the monster. It wasn't dead yet, even though I had pierced it with 5 doses of poison.

"Is he immune to poison?" I muttered.

"You came at the perfect time. We expected All Might to be here, and yet he wasn't, so I wonder if he'll come if we kill one of his students. Guess you're the lucky one." The guy laughed.

"I'd like to see you try," I said sadistically with a sickly sweet smile on my face.

The guy was silent before he stated his command. "Nomu, kill her."

"..R-Run..." Aizawa mumbled from beneath me, and in an instant the Nomu appeared right in front of me. It threw a punch at my face and I barely had enough time to parry it with my blade. The sheer force of the impact threw me back a couple of meters.

'It's fast and strong.'

I landed gently on the ground before getting into a relaxed combat stance. The Nomu was nowhere in sight, and instinctively I dodged just in time to avoid a punch in the stomach. Then I saw that the Nomu's head was just within my range to strike it and cut it off. I inhaled and chose my attack.

Flower Breathing, Sixth Form: Whirling Peach

(Hana no kokyū, Roku no kata: Uzumomo)

I spun around quickly before delivering my attack straight to the side of its neck where my poison could have affected it earlier.

I had cut its head off with one swift motion, but as I stepped back, expecting it to drop to the ground, the Nomu actually regrew its head.

"What the hell... is its quirk regeneration?!" I muttered to myself angrily.

I engaged in battle again, cutting up the Nomu as much as possible and giving multiple doses of poison in fragile areas, including the neck, the head, as well as its solar plexus and heart, if it even had those.

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