Chapter 4 - Combat Training

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"I AM..." The massive door to the classroom of Class 1-A slid open. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might leaned in through the open door and declared loudly. Most of the class were ecstatic about having the number one hero himself for Hero Training.

"Wow, it's All Might!" A boy with yellow hair and a black streak said. 'Kaminari Denki.' You noted.

"Woah, he really is a teacher now!" A boy with spiky red hair said. 'Kirishima Eijiro.'

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" A girl who looked like frog said. 'I think that's Asui Tsuyu.' Izuku nodded his head rapidly, looking overjoyed and scared at the same time.

"Here at UA, I will be teaching Basic Hero Training!" All Might boomed. "It is where you learn different basics of becoming a hero! Today, we will be doing..." He curls up his hand into a fist, and out of nowhere a sign bursted out reading 'Combat.'

"Combat Training! And along with that come these!" 21 briefcases slid out from the inner walls.

"Costumes made based on your quirk regestrations and requests you sent in before school began." All Might declared.

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!"

I quickly grab my briefcase numbered '21' and went to get changed quickly.


"Y/N, have you thought of your hero clothes?" My mother asked.

"I don't know, maybe something similar to Father or my ancestor." You replied softly.

"I was thinking you would say that, here." My mother replied and handed me a neatly folded uniform that looked almost identical to a gakuran uniform, the Demon Slayer Corps uniform.

"I requested it to made of a very durable, light-weight material to the support company so minor attacks won't faze it." She stated before handing me a a butterfly haori.

"A butterfly haori?" I questioned while taking it from her.

"You said you wanted to be like her right? This is her haori."


"They say the clothes make the mad, young men and ladies. Be fully aware, from now on, your all heroes!" All Might boomed.

Everyone started to emerge from the dark tunnel and into the ground of Ground Beta.

I emerged from the tunnel and tugged the haori onto my shoulders, wearing a dark purple version of the standard Demon Slayer Corps uniform, with butterfly patterned kyahan of pale green and pink and a pair of white zōri with dark purple straps, and tabi sock the same color as my uniform.

Izuku and Uraraka turn towards me as I walk over to them.

"Kocho-san, you look so cool!" Uraraka exclaimed and Izuku agreed.

"Arigatou, you guys look cool too." I replied, looking at Izuku and knowing immediately it was based off of All Might, with the bunny ears as the hair and the smile mask as well, his smile.

Once we all gathered back together, All Might began to explain how fighting villains mainly takes place outside, so our combat trainings would take place inside. All Might continues to instuct when he holds up a sheet of paper.

"We will be determining teams and opponents by drawing lots!" All Might declared.

"The teams are being decided so unintentionally?!" Iida exclaimed.

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