Chapter 12 - The Sports Festival III

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I turned to Izuku, smiling at him, wordlessly congratulating him on making it to second place. Not long after, other students began crossing the finish line. 

Then, a familiar brown haired girl came up to us, waving.

"Deku! Kocho-san! You both were amazing!" Uraraka cried out, running towards us. Meanwhile, Iida stood in the back, looking gloomy.

"I can't believe I fell behind, even with this quirk..."

"First place is amazing! Second place as well!"

"I-It- I-I was just..." Izuku shielded his flustering face was his arms, although it wasn't very effective. Rather it just made him stand out more. It was very obvious he liked her. Yaoyorozu arrived not much later, looking exhausted.

"I-It wasn't supposed to be like this..." She panted. I walked over to her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright Yaoy-?"

"Woohoo! I killed two birds with one stone!" A joyful voice came from behind her. I averted my vision from Yaoyorozu and looked at the grinning Mineta clinging to her uniform with his sticky balls.

"You're the worst!" Yaoyorozu seethed.

"Disgusting... Let go of her you pervert..." I grabbed Mineta by the legs and threw him across the stadium effortlessly.

"Thank you Kocho-san..." Yaoyorozu said, sighing as she faced me.

"Yaoyoruzu-san... as much of a gender we are alike, please zip your jacket up..."

"Uh? Oh, right, sorry..." She hastily zipped it up. We went to go find the others to have a small chat.

"The first game of the festival is finally over. Now, have a look at what the results are!" Midnight announced as the screen from before appeared again, this time showing which students had earned the right to move onto the next event. The 42 students who had made it were shown in order from 1st to last, while the rest of the students who hadn't made it weren't seen at all.

"Next up is the real competition! The first one was just a warm-up round! Give the next one your all!" Midnight announced. I carefully played with a small orb hovering between my hands.

"Here it is... the Cavalry Battle!"

"Here's an explanation. The 42 students who managed to pass the first game are going to build a team of 2 to 4 people in it. Teams will earn points by taking headbands of points marked on them from other teams. The points are depended on the place students had got in the Obstacle Race." Midnight explained. "However, first place was announced that it was an exception to the points rule and is therefore worth 10 million points."

I felt all eyes on me, darkening gazes and glowering faces. I paid no heed to them and instead returned a sadistic look in my eyes, smiling faintly. Midnight continued to explain the rules, and I felt the eyes on me slowly start to lessen.

"Now, you all have 15 minutes to build your teams. Your time starts... NOW!"

All 42 participants began looking for teams to build or join.

"Oh, I wonder, who should I make a team with?" I pondered out loud.

"Excuse me," A voice sounded from behind me. I turned around, finding myself facing a boy with wild purple hair. Wasn't his name... Shinsou?


"Would you like to join my team?"

"Of course! I've been trying to find one myself," I said happily, smiling brightly.

'H...How- How is she able to withstand my quirk!? No one has ever done this before!'

"Oh my~ Are you alright? You seem a little surprised."

"I-It's nothing. Which position would you like to be?"

"If you don't mind, can I be the... what's the term, the horse?"

Not much longer, our team was ready, consisting of Shinsou, Ojiro and I, as well as some others.

"The teams have been assembled! Now, let the game... begin!" Midnight announced.

"Kocho! Play safe, we have the ten million points!'


Immediately, I began to sprint around the perimeters of the the field, leading all the teams into one group. Once they got extremely close, I mustered up most of my strength and leaped up into the air, landing a great distance behind all the teams. I smirked as I watched the teams almost run into each other, the ten million points disappearing in front of their eyes.

Flitting around the arena for another few minutes, occasionally snatching a few points from distracted teams, the final countdown began.

"Go for the ten million points!" Multiple teams shouted. Shinsou seemed a little worried, but started to trust my skills more. Todoroki's team made an ice wall to try and prevent other teams from getting to the ten million points, but Bakugou blasted it. Midoriya's team tried to follow, but ended up falling behind.

I suddenly had another idea. What had he said...? Right, focus and picture it in your mind, reinforcing it with your imagination...

Smirking, I stared at the other teams, locking our team in place so we stood still.

"Y/N what are you-" Shinsou yelled.

Raising playful fingerguns, I said, "Bang."

A transparent but orange tinted shield rose before us, blocking off the other teams. Jagged rocks stood out in the rock, preventing even further contact. Shinsou seemed amazed, never knowing I could do this. Bakugou furiously tried to blast the shield. Todoroki gathered all his team members to try as well, but none succeeded. I smiled triumphantly at them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAND TIME!" Present Mic yelled out.


The first four teams advanced to the final event of the Sports Festival. In first place was Shinsou's team, second place Todoroki's, third place Bakugou's, and fourth place Midoriya's.

"Thank you for your work," Shinsou dismissed to a clueless Ojiro and someone from Class 1-B.

"Don't you think that was a little... unnecessary?" I asked him. He stayed silent. After a while, he finally spoke.

"Do you think someone like me with a villan-like quirk can become a hero?" I stared at him, opening my mouth to say something, but he cut me off. "Nevermind, someone like you with a heroic quirk wouldn't understand."

I sympathized him. "No, I believe you can. No matter the quirk, anyone can become a hero." I turned to leave, but paused. "By the way, I don't have a quirk."

Shinsou stared in shock as I left to meet with my classmates.

'But... the shield she summoned, she must have done that, right? How did she jump so high earlier too...?'


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