Chapter 13 - The Sports Festival IV

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I walked away from Shinsou to find myself facing a broccoli head crying tears of joy as big as waterfalls. 'Heh.'

When the Calvary Battle ended, the Sports Festival was announced to be taking a noonday break.

I approached Iida and Uraraka arguing about something, before they noticed me and turned.

"Kocho-san, you made it to the final round too, right?" Uraraka asked.

"Indeed I did," I replied. Looking around, I noticed that the familiar green hair wasn't in the stadium. "Hey, Midoriya isn't with you guys?" They seemed to collect themselves and spin around and search for him. "Hm, looks like he isn't," Iida stated. "I'll go look for him," I offered. In no time, I was walking the corridors, scanning every corner for green. Finally, I found Bakugou hiding behind a corner, apparently eavesdropping on a conversation.

"Well, I never thought this would be the time for eavesdropping," I said, peeking around him.

He jumped up and clamped a hand around my mouth. "Don't. Say. A. Word," He whispered angrily.

I just smiled through the action and tried to nod my head. Then he removed his hand and continued to eavesdrop, this time dragging me along with him.

"Midoriya... are you All Might's secret love child?"

I almost burst into laughter, but quickly stifled it with silent wheezing. Bakugou glared at me to be quiet, but I could tell his cheeks were starting to get red from holding in his laughter.

Midoriya immediately denied the claim, continuing the conversation in relative peace, until Todoroki harshly stated that he would beat Midoriya in the tournament.

"I'll reject that old man completely. I won't use his power at all and get to first place."

'So that's why he doesn't use his left.'

I started sneaking away quietly, dragging Bakugou along with me while he muttered curses at me. I personally didn't mind, in fact, it was quite entertaining.

"Wanna go for a run with me? We can get food after, I heard you like spicy-"

"Shut up and get lost."

I sighed. 'Is there ever a way to get along with him?'


"Hey, Kocho-san."

I tilted my head towards the voice.

"Yes, Yaoyaorozu-san?" Yaoyaorozu shuffled towards me with a few of the other girls in tow behind her.

"Kaminari and Mineta said that we have to become cheerleaders," Jirou said in a very monotone and embarrassed voice.

I narrowed my eyes at the statement, chewing the inside of my cheek.

"If it's them, then it's obviously a trick. What more do you expect from those dirty-minded perverts?" I smirked.

"B-But they said it was mandatory, and that we would get punished if we didn't!" Uraraka exclaimed.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh dear, are they in for a beating. Well, you do you, dress if you'd like, but count me out. If you're uncomfortable, Jirou, feel free to join me," I turned to smile at her. Her cheeks flushed a faint pink from the recognition, but she nodded faintly, walking over to join me.

"Enjoy being embarrassed!" I chuckled, batting a lazy hand as I walked away, Jirou following me. The others looked at me desperately, as if seeing my fate before I could.

The noonday break finished, and the Sports Festival is back in action.

"It is now time to reveal the last game!" Present Mic annouced.

'Oh Archons.' I covered my eyes and wrapped a hand around Jirou's as well.

"We've even got cheerleaders from the U.S to cheer you on! An- wait a second. What kind of fan service is this Class 1-A!"

"Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us again, didn't you!" Yaoyaorozu yelled, embarrassed while in her skin tight outfit.

The two of them were blushing way too hard and giving each other thumbs up.

"Continue covering your eyes," I muttered to Jirou as I marched over to the two perverts.

"Hey," I was grinning as I stood as tall as I could to face the two of them. "Wouldn't it be much better in this world if you two weren't here? I believe I have just the right poison for that... Trap you in ribbons so you can live your perverted fantasies; then spray venom across the pure white room to spatter the color and blood onto the walls, floor, ceiling... and maybe poison your last meal with this," I smiled a wide Cheshire-cat like grin as I raised a vial of bright lavender poison to my face, eyes big and filled with a murderous look.

"Why don't you stop being such a whore and leave. Don't come near any girls again, or I'll be after you," I started to unsheathe my sword slowly. The two of them, fear and horror stricken upon their faces, ran as fast as they could to the other end of the stadium.

"All right everyone! Let's have fun while competing in these recreational games!" A large bracket appeared on the screen.

"I'm sure you all know how this bracket works, so I'm not going to explain it!" Midnight announced.

Then Ojiro and a guy from Class 1-B withdrawed, leaving the rest of us shell-shocked. However, Midnight declared it approved, saying it was mesmerizing yet understandable.

I stared up at the screen, seeing that I was up against Shiozaki from Class 1-B. Immediately I began formulated multiple plans in my head. Some of the plans will only work if I knew and understood even basic things about her quirk.

'Great, more training.'

"Huh? Uraraka?" Bakugou said, followed by Uraraka's high-pitched shriek.

'My round isn't coming until about... 2 rounds? I'll go find someplace where I can breathe more easily while still being able to watch the rounds. It's too stuffy in here.'

Slipping out of the grounds and climbing up the stairs to the student seats, I eyed certain ledges that I could step on to make it to the roof once again. Making sure no one was watching, I leaped up and landed with one foot on a small ledge protruding out, then making another jump up to the roof. Settling down and making myself comfortable on the curved metal platform, I pulled out my lyre.

Breathe in, breathe out. Continue using Total Concentration, continue to circulate your blood flow. Closing my eyes, I felt my hands wrap around in the familiar stance I took when I was about to the lyre. Plucking the soft aqua strings on the dark spruce wood, I started to play a song.

*Starts playing Fontaine's OST* (This is for the memes and the people who know, or if you just want to vibe. Me who knows the backstory but still vibes: :D > D:)

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