Chapter 15 - Todoroki VS Y/N

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Stepping out onto the turf once again, I tried to hone out all the yelling and cheering from the crowd. Instead, I looked straight ahead of me where Iida was approaching at the same speed, looking determined to beat me.

"From the hero family, Ingenium! He's also from the hero course, it's Iida Tenya!"


"A swordsmaster who's been quite the sight to watch since the first round! From the hero course, Kocho Y/N!"

Standing in the middle of the field with Iida across from me, I paid no attention to the rest of the commentary. I only waited for Iida's next move.

A small, brave bird flew into the stadium, flying close to me. Stretching out a hand, it landed gently on a finger. Paying no attention to Present Mic's 'START!!' I felt a gush of wind around me as Iida charged straight at me, quirk activated.

I analyzed the finch's wings, so delicate yet strong. The beautiful, smooth brown, the clear and evident shades. I was aware of Iida rapidly approaching me, perhaps confused that I wasn't attacking, instead gazing at a bird, but I ignored the thought.

"Why isn't Kocho attacking? Or even moving?! This is an odd situation indeed!"

Iida had a firm look on his face, determined to beat me.

"I... will beat you Kocho-san!" He said under his breath.

It was as if time slowed down. I stared down at him, the finch still perched on my finger. Smiling devilishly, my eyes widened ever so slightly as I brought a finger to my lips, tapping them lightly as I held my hand in a 'shh' position.

"Sure you will."

The finch flew off in a flash as I moved from my position. One moment I was standing, the next I had stepped on Iida's shoulder and pinned him down with only my feet. 

The crowd gasped and cheered seconds after the dust cleared.

"So fast! First she's standing, then she's not! Kocho Y/N sure is something else to watch!"

Midnight came over to us, where Iida looked so defeated.

"So, can you get up?"

Iida groaned as he tried, but I just pressed harder.

"N-No, Y/N, you're too strong..."

Midnight smiled and cracked whip while taking one of my hands and raising it with hers.

"We have a winner!"

The crowd cheered even louder before dying back down as we left the arena.

Stepping into the hallway, I let out a sigh.

Seriously, can I get anyone better to fight?

Silently walking through the halls, I passed by the infirmary before stealing a glance inside. Of course, Mr. Midoriya Izuku was sitting on a bed while being scolded by Recovery Girl. I tried to conceal a laugh, but I just ran past to avoid any attention.

Hah, Izuku, you gotta learn and stop this chaos...

A bored look made its way onto my face as I continued to make my way back to the seating area's stairs.

Maybe I shouldn't sit on the roof this time... Takes too much time. Argh, but its so nice up there, nice and quiet and breezy... I hate decisions.

Well then you could learn to like them. Life needs decisions everywhere, its what shapes society.

Jumping suddenly as I was walking, I stood still for a second while I registered the voice. A student passing by spared an odd and confused glance as they continued walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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