Chapter 10 - The Sports Festival

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I breathed in the cool air as I sat at the top of the UA stadium. The view was very nice, plus it was really relaxing so early in the morning. I had sprinted towards the stadium and climbed up until I was sitting on top of the huge roof. I sat there, meditating and breathing in the brisk, cool air. No one would wonder what I was doing sitting there, well, maybe except for Hawks.


We were told to wait near the entrance areas of the students before entering very dramatically into the stadium. I could see Kirishima's distinct spiky red hair far below me. I could see Monoma from Class 1-B cackling as he shared his plans about how to defeat Class 1-A. I threw a rock at his head, nailing him. I could hear the wonderful thud it made as the rock hit his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious. I was chuckling up there, smiling at his bluntness and how the students around him were looking everywhere to locate where the projectile had come from.


"Aw, man... I wanted to wear my costume..." Mina whined.

"To make everything fair, we can't," Ojiro pointed out.

I noticed Todoroki speaking to Midoriya tensely, probably beginning a war, I thought.

"17...18...19...20...2- Hey! Wait a minute! Where is Kocho-san?!" Iida exclaimed.

"Hmph. No idea, I haven't seen her all morning," Mina grumbled.

Their voices were carried up by the wind, or just by my sharp hearing, and at that moment I decided to make my entrance by peeping out a small but loud enough to hear 'Ara ara~! Konnichiwa~'

Everyone looked up to see me sitting casually on top of the roof, only just a couple thousand feet in the air.


"Kocho-san what in the world are you doing up there?! This is a violation of the rules of the school grounds!" Iida yelled frantically.

"But last time I checked, there was no punishment for being able to sit on tall buildings on the school grounds..." I teased, tilting my head for a more dramatic effect.

Iida flustered up, and I could hear him mumbling a 'Never mind...' while hiding his face. The other classes just stared wide-eyed at me, while I was smiling cheerfully and kicking my legs like a kid on the swing.

"A-Anyway! Kocho-san, it's almost time for the festival to start! Get down from there right now!" Iida yelled again, this time more meekly.

I sighed playfully, "Very well..." I leaned forward from my position and started falling towards the ground, ignoring everyone who called or yelled my name to stop me. I just kept on falling, plummeting down like a diver, except a lot more relaxed and carefree.

What surprised and left everyone awe-struck the most was when I used my haori to ensure a safe landing, the humongous sleeves acting as wings, butterfly wings, in fact. I landed on the ground gently, not making a sound.

But then I looked up to see every single person in the vicinity of the area that saw me fall with their jaws on the ground and eyes as big as plates. Then I just stared at them blankly in a 'WTF' look, narrowing my eyes and scrunching up my eyebrows, letting my mouth stay in deadpan mode. (literally me when my dumbass friend asks me to help them on a homework thing, just more disgusted)

"Y-Y/n..." Mina mumbled.

"Moshi moshi~ Yes, Ashido-san?" I returned to my softer gaze.

Mina then hid away behind Ojiro, muttering gibberish that I could still hear.

'Oh crap, that's terrifying. First she's all smiley and cheerful, then she sees us and she goes deadpan mode, then she goes back to being cheerful, AHHHHHHH THAT'S SO SCARY TO SEE Y/N NOT SMILEEEEEEE'

"W-Well! Kocho-san is now here, and all the rest of you can stop watching our class!" Iida sternly said the last part, glaring at the other classes. I just smiled brightly at them while peaking out from behind Iida.


"It's the UA Sports Festival!!!" Present Mic shouted through the microphone, everyone hearing it throughout the stadium.

"It's the hero course, Class 1-A!"

We all stepped out of the small corridor we were in, walking out into the field of the stadium. I gazed straight ahead and did a classic 'deadpan eyes yet smiling evilly' look. The others were all gazing wide-eyed at the amount of people in the stadium.

"T-There's so many people!" Midoriya gasped, staring at the vast amount of people.

"How will we give our best performances with so many people watching us?" Iida questioned. "This might also be a part of the training on the path to becoming a pro hero..."

"I'm getting so nervous... How about you, Kocho?" Uraraka asked, hands shaking. I looked over at her and clasped my hands.

"Not at all! I've felt this way before, so it's not that big of a deal for me," I said, still smiling, but my eye twitched at an unwanted memory climbing its way into my mind.


I was kneeling at the motionless body with a white cloth covering it, trying not to cry, hands digging hard into my legs. My mother stood behind me and held my shoulders tightly.

Many people were watching the scene, definitely more than 15, if not more on TV, stating the unfortunate death of the Poison Hero, Kocho, my father.

I smiled more faintly at the incident, eyes digging into the ground, then back up at the seats in the stadium.

"They haven't gotten as much experience outside, but they're filled with talent as well! Hero course, Class 1-B!"

"Next up, general studies courses Class C, D, and E!"

"Support course classes F, G, and H!"

"And finally, business courses J, K, and I!"

"Alright! All of UA's first-year classes are here now!"

The sounds of a whip being used turned our attention towards the stage, where the R-rated hero, Midnight, stood.

"It's time for the player's pledge!"

"What is Ms. Midnight wearing?" Kirishima asked, perplexed. I had covered my eyes the moment I saw Midnight.

"Is it okay for her to be at a high school even though she's R-rated?" Tokoyami asked. Mineta immediately said yes with a thumbs-up before being shoved face-first into the ground by me.

"The person representing the students will be... Katsuki Bakugou from Class 1-A!"

Bakugou then loped his way to the podium.

"What?! It's Kaachan! Oh, no, this can't be good..." Midoriya cried out.

"He had some of the highest points in the entrance exam," Sero pointed out.

"I thought Y/n would do the pledge since she had the highest points, plus she's a lot more kind and informative than Kaachan..." Midoriya murmered.

I heard Izuku with my sharp ears, perking up at the mention, then smiled more warmly. He glanced at me smiling at him, and he turned away blushing.

"Don't even think about it, I do actually have some anxiety speaking in front of so many people," I whispered in his ear.

"This probably won't end well..." Kirishima sweat-dropped.

"Lots of students probably will hate us even more for this," Kaminari stated nervously. Lots of other students from our class nodded.

After just opening his mouth, saying "I pledge, that I will be number one," every. single. person. Hated Bakugou even more than they already did.

Everyone in our class cringed at the pledge, I facepalmed and held my head with one hand in disappointment, while the other classes rebuked us even more.

"Why are you doing something so disgraceful to so many people!" Iida yelled furiously while doing his signature hand chops.

"At least be a nice step that I can start on," Bakugou said nonchalantly, turning to everyone and giving us a thumbs-down and a dead look.

"Now then, let's start with the first fateful event! This year, to start everyone off on their toes it's..."

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