Reaching 7: Finally

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Suga walks continuously on his way home until he noticed that he's no longer holding his necklace which he removed from his neck earlier at the park.


After reaching the park, Suga sits on the bench to rest for a while. Suddenly, old memories flashbacked. Those memories when they're still kids. Playing & goofing around, laughing & rolling over and the list goes on

Suga removed his necklace to be able to stare at it for a while. While staring at it, he also remembered the day when Jimin gave it to him. He, in exchange, gave Jimin a necklace with a letter S pendant on it.

S for Syub
C for Chimchim

*end of flashback*

Suga suddenly panicked and looked at his surroundings, assuming it was there. He looked, looked and looked. Unfortunately, he didn't find it. Not losing his courage, Suga immediately run off the park where there's a big possibility that its there.


"Oops. I dropped ur pencil somewhere Syub!" Jimin chuckles.

Syub on the other hand, looks for it at the floor but he didn't see it. He looks at Jimin with a grumpy expression and Jimin who's laughing still hard because he tricked Syub again.

He returned the pencil and said sorry. Syub heaved out a sigh because he's so done with Jimin.

Jimin's head aches about those old memories he suddenly remembered. Trying to calm himself, but he can't.

He started being like this after staring at that necklace as if all the memories came back.

'Who could the owner be?' he keeps on asking himself and keeps walking on the same direction.

His hopes suddenly went high thinking that his star is just a step closer to him. And the necklace, pulls them together. It's the only thing.

"J-jimin?" Suga stuttered, his curiosity went all up.

Jimin feels like he's not in his self after drowning from his own thoughts so he was so shocked when someone called his name. He faced him quickly and saw the guy from the coffee shop again.


Suga's eyes went down to Jimin's hands which holds the most precious thing for him. He keeps on eyeing jimin and the necklace back.

"Does that mean--?" suga thought to himself.

Jimin was curious on the direction Suga keeps on looking and realized its in his hands..

"Wait.." jimin looked at suga with eyes widening.

"Yes, I'm the other owner of that precious thing." he said referring to the necklace and looked sideways. He doesn't wanna see the rejection in Jimin's eyes.

"Syub syub hyung?" he calls,
"I-is it really you?"

Suga looked back at Jimin again, he fvcking missed that endearment.

"S-so it's really you, hyung?" jimin continued upon confirming on his reaction.

"If Suga wasn't my name, then no." Suga closed his eyes. He's so happy that he couldn't contain it.

"You're the owner of.." jimin teared up, and raised the necklace to show it to Suga,


Suga raised his shoulders.

"Well." he smirked.

They were staring at each others face, until Jimin giggled and ran off to hug Suga tight. Suga just threw the situation nicely that he pretended to not feel shocked about it. They just can't believe that finally they're hugging each other tight. Too much things to focus on but this one's more important.

"Finally, I found you, hyung-nim." Jimin whispered.

"You already did, jiminie."

"Silly me, how can I not recognize your face that time, hyung? I'm terribly sorry."

"I just wanna give you a slap right now but since you're hugging me tight then lemme do this instead."

He blushed when he felt Suga's soft lips on his cheeks. Jimin couldn't agree more. He buried his face to his hyung's chest to hide the embarassment.

"Finally, you rascal." suga smiled.


A/N: Just wanna share how I arrived with Min Suga instead of his real name, is because of this 'Syub & Chimchim' thingy.

Suga short for Syub.

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