Reaching My Star

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"Okay. See you in a bit."

Suga read the new message as his phone vibrated. He smiled after reading it.

He prepares himself for another tiring but surely, a happy day.

Calling Chimchim..

"Yes hyung?"

"Ahh, nothing. Did you received my text? Anyways, go prepare now, loser." Suga said.

Jimin laughed after hearing another new endearment.

"Yes yes, I will hyung. Don't worry I'll see you in a bit."

Suga nodded as if Jimin can see it, he bid goodbye and off he go.


"Suga Hyungie!" Jimin shouted happily.

Suga faced at his back where the voice came from and he saw a little Jimin running towards his direction.

"Tsk, too noisy. Come here." Suga said loudly but not in a shouting manner.

"H-hyung, I miss youuu." Jimin faintedly said as he came over to Suga and put his hands in Suga's shoulder as a support.

"Duhh, Park Jimin you need rest." Suga stated while rolling his eyes and looked sidewards. 'Why does this loser got to be so sweet.' He thought.

"But hyung, you're turning red." Jimin laughs loudly.

Suga rolled his eyes again and turned his back on Jimin. He walked away and sat in the swing.

"Suga hyungie is maaaad~" Jimin created a cute tone and keeps teasing Suga.

"You're too noisy, just sit here fool." Suga said and patted the other swing beside him.

"Hahaha. Okay but kidding aside, what brought us here? In a playground to be specific." Jimin tours his eyes at his surroundings. It looks like Suga reserved it for two because there's no one there aside from them.

"Because I want to." Suga stated meaningfully.

"Okay fine. I want to have a solo date with you in this playground, satisfied already?" Suga continued with full of conviction for the curious Jimin.

Jimin blushed as he realized what Suga said.

"B-but hyung, you've done so many things for me already and last time was very touching and sweet." Jimin replied while pouting and he looks like he wanna cry because of too much happiness.

Suga pulled Jimin in and hide his face in his chest. He's quite confident that he smells good and probably Jimin will admire him more.ㅋ

"I'm not yet done thanking you, hyung. What you did was really touching. It made me believe that there are still alot of ppl who accepts me and love me for who I am--which are my dearest fans." Jimin said as a tear fell from his eyes he's becoming emotional again. 'I'm so lucky to have you hyung' he thought to himself.

"Don't thank me yet." Suga said, meaningfully for the second time.

Jimin raised his head and looked at Suga confusedly,

"W-why?" he quickly removed his tears.

"Jimin-ah." A voice from ahead said.

Jimin looked infront of him, it was dark enough so he couldn't see who is it. But later on, he recognized the voice..

"Manager hyung?"

Suga quickly stood up,
"Talk. You guys need it."

And left the two standing.

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