Part 4

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I got out my cab and looked up at my humble abode for the night... the holiday inn outside Gatwick airport. I sighed and pulled suitcase into the hotel.

"Hello, can I get a room for one night?" I asked the lady at reception who looked like she really didn't want to be there, to be honest same girl.

"Have you booked ahead?"

"No I was just kinda hoping you would have one spare?"

"We do, luckily, it'll be £75"

Jeez for a holiday inn? "Okay thank you" I paid the ridiculous fee. She handed me my room key and I set out on the mission to find my room, spoiler: it was easy. The room definitely wasn't the most luxurious but I couldn't complain, as far as holiday inns go I was quite happy actually. I dumped my suitcase, sat on my bed and just burst out into tears, uncontrollable tears. They were not stopping it was just wave after wave after wave of sadness, my whole world had just crumbled and as much as I was acting like I was okay inside I was struggling, really and truly trying to pull everything that had just happened together. I just couldn't, my life that I knew was over. My parents.. my.. parents .. did they even love me , or just my academic achievements, did I really have to earn my parents love through jobs and grades.

My life was a lie. 

My breakdown had just reached its peak I was crying out of pain, hugging myself to offer any kind of comfort that I could try and muster. I got up and walked through the the bathroom, my sobs still uncontrollable and looked in the mirror. I wiped my tears and just stared for a little longer. Who even am I?  I was about to breakdown again when I was pulled from my own world by a chime from my phone. I went back through to my room, trying to stop my sobs and checked who had just text me. 

Unknown number

Hey this is Charles, Zoe gave me your number 

Oh, hey Charles 


I was just wondering if you wanted to call or something, you know maybe get to know each other a little before Saturday ? 🤷‍♂️

yeah, that would be cool.

Shit, he actually wants to call me, the Charles leclerc, wants to call me. My phone rang pretty much immediately. I picked up, obvs.

"Hey y/n" oh my god his voice was perfect, I'd heard it before but it was nothing like I'd heard it now.

"Hey Charles, guess I'm your new media manager huh?" I heard him chuckle and oh my god I was weak

"That you are y/n, so tell me a little bit about yourself"

"Well, I'm from england, I went to Harvard law and up until well, today I was destined to be a lawyer"

"But you applied at Ferrari otherwise you wouldn't be meeting me?" 

"Funny and long story, maybe if we're alone and bored one day I'll tell you it"

"Ohhh a women of many mystery's , I see" he let out a low chuckle and I heard him sigh, we fell silent but somehow even over the phone, it felt comfortable.

"Is it weird that I feel like I've met you before when this is the first time I've ever spoken to you" god that gave me butterflies, I sighed and thought about my answer because I honestly had no idea how to answer that question

"No, I don't think so, maybe a little considering we have never met before but it doesn't feel awkward so I guess that's where your coming from." 

"Yeah.. yeah probably is"

"I'm looking forward to Saturday, I'm leaving tomorrow"

"Why so soon?"

"Well you know Italy is a beautiful country I wanna go there and explore a bit" I felt a little bad lying to him about why I was leaving so soon, but I had never met him and this was the first time I'd ever talked to him, I didn't want to start unloading my shit on him. 

"I understand that, maybe I could show you around a bit ?"

"That would be nice" we both sighed and it was as if we both knew the conversation was over.

"I should probably go" we both said at the same time which got a laugh from both of us.

"I'll see you soon, y/n"

"I'll see you soon, Charles"

I hung up the phone with a smile on my face. I mentally made myself one rule as I did so though, don't you dare fall for him.

Then I found you~Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now