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"Chelsea, Chelseaaa, wakey wakey," my brother sang aloud, shaking me awake. I groaned, grabbing my pillow, launching it towards him. "You missed," he mocked placing himself at the foot of my bed.

"Go away," I grumbled. "Shoo, be gone," lifting my hand in the air, waving it in a shooing motion. The one day I get to sleep in and Sam decides to want to spend some time with me. "C'mon bubs wake up. Pretty please, I miss you, I feel like I barely see you anymore," Sam fretted, slightly making me feel bad as we've both been so busy ever since the pre-season started. I groaned, opening my eyes to adjust to the light. I looked up to see Sam grinning at me like a toddler making me rethink who's the actual older sibling here. "Fine you convinced me," I muttered, still annoyed at being awoken from my sleep. "What did you have planned today?" I asked.

My eyebrows furrowed in anticipation, waiting for his answer. "Well.." he started, fiddling his thumbs for a bit before continuing again, "I was thinking that we could go grab a bite to eat and park by the river," he admitted.

"Really, you wanna do that?" I remarked, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. We haven't been to our spot by the river in years. He still seemed a little suspicious from how nervous he sounded. But, I decided to just brush it away for him being embarrassed to ask to do something from our childhood.

"Well yeah why not? We haven't done that in ages," He answered as if he read my thoughts. I nodded hesitantly, still unsure about Sam's antics. At the notice of my agreement Sam walked out of my room to let me get ready. My stomach rumbling loudly as he slammed my room door shut.

I quickly got ready deciding to just wear a simple black one piece along with a opened white button down to help cover my skin from the sun, since it was still pretty warm outside. I then tied my hair in a high ponytail and paired them off with all white New Balances.

Shortly after, we were backing out of the driveway and onto wherever Sam had decided to get breakfast

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Shortly after, we were backing out of the driveway and onto wherever Sam had decided to get breakfast. It was a common occurrence for Sam to be spontaneous and surprise me with a place to eat, so it was normal for me to not question where we were going. I looked out the window to enjoy the scenery, noticing that we were joining the freeway. 'He must have found another cafe by the farms,' I thought to myself. I looked back at Sam to give him a small smile, his gaze locked onto the cars in front of us. We both sat in comfortable silence with Taylor Swift playing softly in the background, just enjoying each other's company.

Before I knew it we were exiting the freeway and turning into what looked like a country club. The entrance was guarded with security and a large, white gate stopping intruders from getting in. We pulled up to the security box, my brother showing the guard his ID to open the gate for us. As we entered, I noticed the array of golf carts parked in front of the club house and as I looked around the area even more, everything clicked. I looked up at my brother in disbelief as he found an open parking spot.

Betrayal filling my veins, "What the hell?" I spat out, hurt and angry with how my own brother deceived me. "Tell me you did not just bring me here to go golfing with your friends," I demanded, still shocked that he could do this. "Sam, how could you!" I exasperated. The Sam I know would have never done something to purposely put me in an uncomfortable situation. "I'm sorry Bubs. I just thought it would do good to take you out of the city for a bit. It really seemed like the perfect situation to do it," he tried to explain, but I just shook my head at him. "You lied to me," I bitterly replied. Sam scoffed, "You mean like what you did to Joe?" My eyes widened, of course he told Sam, I mentally facepalmed. "You know it was my idea to invite you today, not Joe's, he just wanted to be the one to ask you last night," he confessed. But, his confession just made me feel even worse.

"At least I didn't lie about wanting to spend time with my sibling," I glared. "Admit it Sam, you didn't want brother-sister quality time, instead you just wanted to have me be the last wheel with you and your friends and watch over me like a babysitter," I argued. "You even used our spot by the river to lie," I scoffed, "And to think I was actually looking forward to getting some quality time with you. You're a traitor." "What, no, that's not what I was trying to do, bubs. I just thought that it would be nice to bring you along for once and I wanted to show off to the guys how badass my sister is at golf. I'm sorry for using our spot against you, I was desperate to get you to go out with me. I really wanted you to be here today," he specified. I tried to contain my pride, knowing full well that I was one of the best golfers ever. Probably even better than most of the guys here, but I was still hurt at being lied to especially by my big brother. I really believed we would relive one of our childhood memories by going back to our sacred spot. We used to always sit by the edge of the wall and hang our feet over the water.

Ever since he's brought up the river this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about how it would feel to go back to those times, where life felt brighter. Now finding out about Sam's ruse all I could feel was disappointment that was being masked with betrayal. I could honestly see where he was coming from and was starting to feel bad for being so difficult, yet it's hard to move on when all I'm met with is lies once again. Also, the fact that his teammates get to see him more than I do, hurts and slightly makes me annoyed. We live in the same house for fucks sake, yet the only times we actually see each other is either early in mornings or late at nights.

I waited a moment, trying to calm myself down before talking. "Sam, I love you so much, but it honestly hurts my feelings when the only time I actually get to do something with you, the guys have to be around too. Please, Sammy, you need to understand that I'm not ready to be surrounded with that type of crowd again," I debated.

"I know, but I swear to you Chelsea these guys are different, I trust them with my life," Sam promised. "I'm sorry for lying to you Bubs, I just couldn't think of any other way to get you to come willingly," He added. I sighed, finally nodding my head, "Okay, I'll give them a shot. I'm really trusting you on this Sam, if I get any bad vibes or feel uncomfortable around any of them, I'm leaving, with or without you." Not being in proper golfing attire was the least of my worries, as it finally came to my senses that Joe would be there.

Sam bounced up and down in his seat, happily, "I promise, Chelsea, you won't regret this! You're going to love them!" Praying in my head that he's right, my nerves now becoming tense with anxiety knowing that I'll have to interact with my brother's teammates.

I took deep breaths before following Sam out of the car to walk to the club house where I assumed we were meeting the rest of the guys. The clubhouse and its surrounding buildings were all one story high yet were fairly modern with white-detailed trims following along the edges and bay-windows cascading along the sides. The building basically screams 'old money'. By the time we went through the clear doors, we were met with an arrange of seating areas which could be assumed to be the lobby. In the far right corner I could already see the familiar heads of Trey Hendrickson and Evan McPherson, who were both sitting with four additional guys. Yet, it wasn't them, who I was interested in, but the blue-eyed, masculine man who was sitting in the bay window in front of me, his legs spread wide with a water bottle in his hand. His eyes were already on me when I looked back at him, a smile fighting its way across his features. As if he knew I would be here today. I analyzed the outfit he was wearing, which only consisted of a tight, white tee hugging his perfectly shaped chest along with gray pants that showed off his built thighs. He looked way too good.

'This is gonna be a longgg day,' I grumbled to myself.

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