Into You

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Once, we made it home, Leia excitedly dragged me into the house, forcing me to get ready for Joe and I's 'date'. Even though, it was already 5, I still had more than enough time to freshen up and rest. But, sadly Leia persists that I need to shower and change before doing anything else. Tired of hearing her repeatedly tell me how much of a mess I would be without her, I rushed into the bathroom and got a quick glance of her walking into my closet before shutting the door.

Entering the shower, I let the hot steam engulf me. I have always loved showers and the way they block me from reality. I let out a relieved sigh and started to wash away the day's work. Once I was done I walked back into my room, seeing a pile of clothes strewn across my bed.

"Please don't tell me I have to try all of this on," I begged, turning around to face Leia, who was still busy going through more hangers.

"Do you want to look good or not?" She asked questioningly, still not facing me. "And don't worry as your bestie and manager I'll take care of the mess!" She added, pulling out a black mini dress out, to which I immediately shake my head, grabbing it out of her hands. "Leia for the 16th time I'm not trying to impress Joe. We're not even going anywhere nice, all we're doing is clearing things up, " I clarified to her once again.

She rolled her eyes, "Why don't you give him a try, though? He's clearly into you, Chels. Don't you think it's time to put yourself out there again?" She tried to coax me. While, I went to sit on the edge of the bed in defeat, sometimes I hate when she reminds me of how single I am. It's not my fault I have unloaded baggage.

"One, he's not into me and two I'm still not ready Leia. I don't even trust him yet," I tried to deny. She gave me an understanding nod, focusing on the pile of clothes once again. "Okay, well before you end up being late, let's get your ass ready," she moved along. I gave her a grin and happily got up to try on the first few dresses she picked out. Knowing that playing dress up will make her happy.

I spent the past hour trying everything Leia had picked out, along with her trying a few things on. Pretending we were both running our very own fashion show. Even though I chose to just wear an oversized Essentials hoodie and loose jeans in the end, we were both satisfied. Only getting Leia's approval due to me explaining to her that the early fall air means the start for hoodie season.

Leia's the only child in her family, while I only had Sam, making us fill in that missing gap in our lives. Ever since my brother got drafted and I started to gain more recognition in the city, these moments between us were the only sense of normalcy I would get. Which, I will be eternally grateful for.

Once, I was fully ready and hugged Leia goodbye, I climbed into my car. Buckling in before sending Joe the location of our meeting place. I turned the engine on and started navigating my way to the freeway, putting on Bryson Tiller songs to help lower my anxiety. This will be the first time Joe and I will be alone together without anyone interrupting us. And I couldn't help but overthink about how badly the night could possibly unfold. Especially if Joe assumed that this was more than just a friendly chat.

Pulling off the freeway, I turned onto the familiar, rough road that hasn't been fixed since I was a kid. I glimpsed out the passenger seat window to take a look at the city lights that shone against the night sky. Memories of my younger days flashed through my mind, reminiscing how simpler times used to be. Whenever I think of the past I always feel a deep emptiness. For someone who apparently has everything in the world, why do I feel so sad?

I shook myself out of my negative thoughts, turning my car off on the side of the road. I was still 20 minutes early, and to my luck, there was no sign of Joe. I decided to step out into the chilly fall air and wait for Joe on a bench that faced timelessly in front of the water. I could hear the sound of small waves crashing against the rocks, adding onto the serene effect the place has. It honestly baffles me how nothing has changed here. From when my parents first found this place to now, everything remained untouched.

I'm not sure when the last time Sam was here, but I made it one of my goals to come here at least once or twice a month. I was about to assume he had forgotten about this place if it weren't for him bringing it up a few weeks ago. This used to be our spot to unwind and decompress from all the stress and build up school and football have given us. We would talk about our hopes and dreams on this very bench when we were kids. Sam had proudly told me how he planned to work hard to get drafted into the NFL, while I promised him I would become an NFL cheerleader to stay by his side. The younger me would be disappointed in me for not fulfilling part of that promise.

I stared out into the water, watching how the city's reflection sways each time a wave comes through. If it weren't for the water's movements and the sounds of car engines running nearby, it would have made me think time had stopped. 'What's taking Joe so long?' I asked myself. I'm already starting to regret asking him to meet. Tonight was already becoming too depressing and all I can think about is how much I want to go back to the comfort of my own home.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I heard soft footsteps coming my way. I turned my head to the sound, my eyes trailing up to the pair of crystal blue eyes that shone brightly even under the night sky. "Hey," his voice broke through the silence. I shivered as his velvet voice trailed up my arms and all the way down to my toes. My body craving to hear him speak out once more. Under the moonlight I could see his figure clear enough. He was wearing a LooneyTunes tie-dye sweater with a pair of dark jeans with his hands placed in his pockets.

"Hi," I answered him softly, and within two strides, he was standing in front of me, his body towering over mine. I was already 5'10, yet being near Joe's presence made me feel small. He emulated dominance and attraction, just by being close to him I could feel it. My eyes went up to his hair which glistened from the city lights, showcasing he had recently showered. A small curl fell on his forehead, but he made no move to fix it.

I tapped onto the spot next to me, encouraging him to have a seat. 'He must have been waiting for my permission,' I noted. I surveyed him as he followed my request, noticing he was being more cautious compared to before. What I've said at the country club must have really struck him. I faced forward once again to prevent him from seeing the guilt on my face. We both stayed in a comfortable silence, taking in the peaceful scenery in front of us.

After a while I felt him shift around forcing me to look at him. Once again his gaze was unreadable, along with the lack of emotion strewn across his face it was hard to figure out what this man was thinking. I waited patiently to hear him speak, the silent pause feeling like forever. I watched as his Adam's apple move before opening his mouth.

"Why did you call me, Chelsea?" He wondered, while his hand running through his hair. A habit of his that I've noticed he only does when he's stressed or confused. My breath ended up getting caught in my throat, almost everything I had recited in my head during my drive here had suddenly vanished. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't know what to do.

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Happy Easter everyone! So sorry for not updating the past few days, but I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I really wanted to showcase Chelsea's internal conflict and a beginning look into her past. I'm still trying to figure out a good updating schedule, but once this semester is over you can expect multiple updates a week :)

ALSO I just want to say thank you for 800 reads! I really wasn't expecting this many people to read my story so thank you so much!! Talk to you guys next time!

- Alyssa <3

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