Rapid Breaths

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𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
"I don't want any settled scores, I just want you to set me free"
Bored - Billie Eilish
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"Where were you, huh?! You were with Nick weren't you!" He growled out, pushing me against the wall, his hand gripping onto my shoulder tightly.

"Baby please-" I tried to reason with him, my heart thundering against my chest. But, in a blink of an eye his fist slammed into the wall, barely missing my face by only a few centimeters. I lifted my chin to look into his eyes and grew paralyzed out of fear. A stranger appeared in front of me in the appearance of someone I loved. The soft, loving gaze I've fallen for was replaced by an animalistic, hungry glare. I felt my lips starting to tremble at the sight.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid, Chelsea!" He scoffed. "All I asked you to do was to stay away from him. Yet, you can't even follow something as simple as that," he ranted. Pulling his hand away from the wall, he dragged it through his hair out of frustration. I stayed still in place, afraid what he would do if I even moved an inch. He stayed silent for what felt like eternity, while my heartbeat filled my hearing. He finally looked down on me, a sickening, smirk forming across his face.

"I think this calls for a punishment," He coldly suggested and before I knew it, his hand roughly gripped my hair, pulling me away towards the room like a puppet. The action snapped me back to reality and started to shake my head, trying everything I could to stop my pending doom.


"No!!" I shouted, suddenly waking up, pushing myself into a sitting position. My mind disoriented from the harsh memory. I felt myself taking rapid deep breaths, trying to recollect my thoughts and regain control. Until, I felt something warm touch my shoulder, causing me to flinch. I turned my head to find the source, and looked up to find Joe, who was kneeling on the floor. I watched his mouth move, signaling he was trying to tell me something. But, all I could hear was my own panicked breaths. I couldn't tell if it was my hands shaking or if it was my entire body. I was spiraling, but my mind was too frantic to do anything.

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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Joe panicked, not knowing what to do, as the girl started to tremble on his couch. They were both sleeping just fine a few minutes ago and now this was happening. He placed his left hand onto her back, rubbing it softly to soothe her. He stretched his unoccupied hand over to the coffee table and quickly dialed Sam. Pressing the phone to his ear, waiting for his best friend to answer. He glanced over at the girl again to check her condition, but snapped back to his phone once he heard her brother's groggy voice through the speaker.

"Joe, do you have any idea what time it is?" Sam questioned tiredly, his voice rough and deep signaling that he was sleeping as well.

"Sam! Come to the house asap! Something's wrong with Chelsea!" At the mention of his sister's name, Sam quickly ended the call. No questions asked, and was soon barging through Joe's front door, to the living room in a mere 15 minutes. His hair was messy and was wearing nothing, but a pair of black sweatpants. To their dismay, however, Chelsea had passed out a few minutes before Sam's arrival.

"What happened to her?!" Sam looked back at Joe, while gripping his sister's body, out of fear that she'll disappear if he lets her go. Joe shook his head, not even knowing what happened either.

"She stopped by to eat dinner earlier, and we ended up falling asleep on the couch after. Next thing I know I hear her scream, waking me up and I find her body trembling and her crying. Anything I said or did wasn't getting through to her and that's when I called you," Joe quickly explained. Praying that the girl will be okay.

Sam looked up at the ceiling, sucking in his bottom lip, frustrated. His eyes squeezed shut, trying to calm himself down. He truly hoped the panic attacks were past them, that they could finally move on and forget about what happened in college. But, why is it that ever since Joe came into her life, the attacks started to relapse? How could he have let this happen under his care? He promised their parents that he would protect her. Yet, instead he brought Joe into her life and rekindled her emotional trauma. He had even sworn to her that he wouldn't allow the past to repeat itself, that he would ensure she wouldn't get hurt anymore.

He felt like he failed her as her protector. As her brother. He knew one thing for sure though, he was not going to let tonight bring him down. He will make things right. He will continue to do what is right and that is ensuring things go back to how they used to be. Even if that means Joe ends up being collateral damage.

He finally looked at Joe for the first time tonight, finally taking note on his disheveled appearance. A hint of guilt spread through him, which he quickly pushed away.

"I'm taking her home," he finalized. Moving his hands under her knees and neck, to lift her bridal style. Joe nodded, remaining silent, too busy trying to sort through his thoughts. There were so many things he wanted to say and ask. But, he knew it was better to save them for a later day, under less stressful circumstances. He followed Sam to the door, bidding the two goodbye and shut the door after them.

His body led him back to the living room, barely making it to the couch. Slumping into the soft cushions, Joe placed his elbows onto his knees followed by sinking his head into his palms. Feeling scared, stressed, and anxious for what will unfold between him and Chelsea after tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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