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"This is getting fucking ridiculous," I grumbled to the burly man beside me, he let out an overdramatic sigh before he raised his fist and began to bang against the door again, at my request. I leaned against the wall beside the frame with my arms crossed over my chest. Nico pulled his balled up fist the size of my head from the door and sent me a one arm shrug. "Fuck..."

"Should we just go to the bar and get it started?" Nico asked, knowing good and damn well that I would get an ear full from the two newlyweds bumping uglies behind the door when they found out I went to the meeting ahead of them. It wasn't like they didn't trust me to do well on my own, and they weren't scared of me getting hurt with Nico at my side, but the fact I left them.

Even though they had been fucking for hours...

"Fucking...shit, let's go," I uncrossed my arms and pushed off the door, linking my arm in the fold of Nico's elbow. He led us to the car downstairs, already pulled up to the curb by the entrance of the grand hotel. Nico opened my door and allowed me to slide in before he moved to the other side and turned the ignition, letting it pur to life. It was nice having a chauffeur all the time, but Nico's driving tends to scare me half to death. "Go slow, fucker."

"What's the point of having a Buggati if you can't rev the engine every now and then," he argued, looking out the side mirror to merge into traffic. I rolled my eyes as he began to weave in and out of traffic like he was in some action movie scene. It was a good thing that the cops in Atlanta looked the other way when they saw the royal purple Bugatti roaring through the streets.

"I can't believe I have to do this meeting," I pulled a pack of cigarettes from the center console and waited as Nico pulled his zippo from his pocket, he cooly struck the wheel and sparked the lighter before he held it in front of my cigarette, all while weaving through three cars in a downtown tunnel.

"At least I'll be there?" he remarked, easily closing the lid before using his right arm to steer the wheel while he leaned back, relaxed in the seat with elbow on the door. He used his index finger to lower my window.

"You aren't any help," I snorted, glancing over at the bald bodybuilder with a look of amazement plastered on my face. "You just stare them to death."

"I'm not supposed to talk, remember," he replied, sarcastically as I flicked my ashes out of the window before drawing another puff from the cigarette between my fingers.

"What happened the last time you talked during a meeting?" I asked, quietly.

He let out a defensive snort, glancing my way twice before he steadied his gaze on the road ahead, I raised an eyebrow as I waited for his reply. "No comment," he grunted, his head tilting to the side as he took in the shady looking backwoods bar outside of the city. In neon lights the name of the bar flashed, one of the bulbs obviously needed to be replaced as it spazzed out and flickers rapidly.

"Only Jack would pick a place called Knights in the middle of East Jesus nowhere to talk trade," I grumbled as Nico slowed the car just enough to skid into the gravel parking lot, kicking up dirt as he drove around to the back side of the building.

"I've been here," Nico commented, turning the engine off as he sat back in the seat, readying himself for whatever we were about to walk in on. "Jack has a longstanding agreement with the owner and his six brothers, us lowly employees get free drinks and lap dances when we come here."

"I find out something new every day in your company Nico," I roll my eyes, pulling the lever on the door to push it open. I stand slowly, taking in the dimly lit parking lot and the shadows that cover the majority of the space behind the building. "Did you say six brothers? Good God, can you imagine having seven kids."

"Not everyone is a spoiled only child, P," Nico snickered as he walked around the back of the Bugatti, pocketing the keys and adjusting the glock in the seat of his pants.

"Shut it, Mr. Clean," I retorted, reaching my hand out for him to hand me the pack of cigarettes he grabbed from the car. I pulled one out and placed it between my lips, letting him light it again with his zippo. I place my hand that isn't reaching for the cigarette on his forearm and we walk in, shoulders tight and backs straight.

Upon walking into the dive bar, filled with more neon lights and a strong scent of cheap perfume, I spot a man sitting at a little desk by the door. He has long dark hair with blonde highlights, curling well past his shoulders in waves any woman would envy. His dark eyes were narrowed with irritation or just plain boredom as he looked out at the sea of rednecks and hillbillies at the bar and on the floor below the stripper poles. His large muscles were tensed as his arms were crossed over his chest. He wore black jeans and a black tank top, his skin the color of caramel. He was a sight to see.

"Cardo," Nico greeted the man, who lazily looked over with the same bored expression on his face until his eyes landed on Nico, and immediately they lit up like a kid's on Christmas day.

"Beast!" the wide smile on the man's face matched the energy he radiated as he leaped off the stool beneath him and pulled Nico into a bro hug as I like to call it. Nico had to turn sideways to avoid ripping my hand off of him, which he knew I didn't like. The man, Cardo as Nico had called him, turned to me after a moment of childish banter with Nico that I just couldn't even comprehend. "And who is this pretty little lady?"

"Boss lady," as soon as the words left Nico's mouth, Cardo tensed.

"Which one," he whispered, turning towards Nico but not removing his eyes from mine. I let a small smile climb to my lips, unable to hide the amusement from these two idiots.

"Uh," Nico glanced down at me as I tilted my head up, eyebrows raised, curious as to what he was about to say. "Don't let her smile fool you, she's not the nice one."

I pulled my hand from his arm, placed my burning cigarette between my lips as I twisted a few rings on my right fingers and then socked him in the bicep. He let out a howl at the sharp edges of my middle finger ring, shaped like a wolf with its fangs out. He's be trickling blood for a bit. "For your information," I turned towards Cardo, talking with the cigarette still in my mouth until I turned my rings back around and snatched it back between my fingers. "I am the mother fucking nice one."

7 Deadly Sins- A Kylo Ren  and Knights of Ren AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now