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"My God!" Dani's eyes went wide and her fist immediately landed on my right tit, causing me to jerk back with a gasp. "What is wrong with you?"

"So many things," I mumbled, rubbing my chest where it ached. "Everyone has a past, Dani. Its not like we can live there, if we did, I wouldn't be able to fucking breathe."

She stared at me, that look of pity she always got on her face when she remembered what I lost, what we all lost. "I'm sorry."

"Don't," I held my hand up, stopping her short. "He left me, he chose to do it. I have moved on, and now I know that I have to not get attached to enjoy myself."


"Nope," I interrupted her quickly, grabbing my empty glass from the sink. I took two steps back and used my other hand to grab the door handle. "I'll pretend I don't know his past, that way he never has to know mine- none of them do, if I want to do them all, I will."

"You will end up hurt," her eyes narrowed, her aggravation with my unwillingness to listen causing her quick to turn anger into a raging fire beneath her skin. "Knights of Ren are off limits!"

"What are you going to do, Dani?" I asked softly, halting the door's movement. I looked down at my feet before my eyes met hers. "Kill me?"

"What?" she was taken back, color draining from her face and eyes wide with disbelief. She shook away her thoughts and then swallowed hard. "I'll pretend you didn't say that."

"If it helps you sleep." I murmur, knowing good and damn well I should shut my mouth before I fuck something up I can't fix.

"It's the liquor," Dani assured herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she followed me out the door and past the strippers once again. "Once the meeting is over, I'm taking your ass home."

"You might not have too," I smirked, turning around to walk backwards as I talked to her. "I might find a big beautiful man to take me home."

"Like hell," she murmured, her eyes shifting to where Jack was sitting. "Fuck, meetings started."

"Go ahead," I wave her off, aiming to walk back to the bar for my third alcoholic beverage for the night. "I'll be right here, or maybe in the back getting fucked, you never know."

Dani stared, her mouth opening a few times but nothing coming out. Her head shook and her finger came up to waggle in my face. "You are so fucking close-"

"Just because you've only ever had one dick doesn't mean I can't have as many as I want," I immediately clasped my hand over my mouth, that was too far and I knew it. I raised my other hand in a truce, but Dani just glowered before she stalked off back to the table with Jack and Nico, along with two other men. "Fuck..."

"That was nice," I turned towards the deep voice, noting the one that Nico called Kuruk standing there beside the bar with a towel thrown over his shoulder and a glass in his hand. "Multiple dicks at once or just one at a time?"

"No one likes an eavesdropper," I commented, pointing a finger at the drop dead gorgeous man. I pushed the heat away from my cheeks as I slammed my glass down on the bar top. "I changed my mind, I don't want a dick sucker."

"And dare I ask, what does the pretty lady want?" he smirked, leaning forward on the bar until he was close enough to smell the aroma of stale beer, musk and oddly enough, cherries.

"The Leg Spreader, do you know that one?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. He chuckled lowly, glancing over his shoulder at his brother a few feet away that apparently overheard, Vicrul merely raised his eyebrows and looked between Kuruk and I.

"I know it pretty well, actually," Kuruk shook his head in amusement as he leaned back, off the bar. "But-" he held a finger up, smirking. "I would be lying to you if I said I was the only one that could do it right."

"I'm sure between the seven of you boys, someone could do me justice," I paused, glancing around for the missing brothers but my attention quickly turned when I heard an oh so familiar sound, similar to that of a wildcat screaming before it attacks its prey. I turn slowly, eyes landing on Dani's erratic figure leaping across the booth at one of the men on the opposite side. I quickly turn around and say. "Hold that thought."

I quickly crossed the floor, narrowed eyes watching as Jack leaped out of the booth and was trying to get a hold of Dani who had tackled the dark haired man to the floor and was currently beating the ever loving shit out of his face. Jack managed to wrap his arms around her middle and hoist her back with a grunt and before she could leap back up, I dove down on the man, unsure of his indiscretions but knowing that if Dani was angry, I would be angry too.

I barely got two swings on the man when I felt hands around my waist, pulling me backwards. My eyes darted to Dani, she read the unspoken agreement within a second and before Jack could regrip her waist, she was flinging herself back on the man, one hand in his hair to hold him steady while her other set of knuckles blasted him over and over again.

I fought back against the arms holding me, unsure of who they belonged to since Nico was holding the other man back by the collar of his dress shirt and Jack had his hands full with a quick-tempered Italian. Regardless, I kicked and threw hands at the large figure behind me, only hearing a few grunts at the weight distribution of my frailing figure as he carried me backwards. I fought all the way through the bar until I was unceremoniously thrown into a large chair.

"Stop," a rumbling voice ordered in a deep voice, my eyes flew to the silhouette of the man as he stepped out into the dim light of the- office, I guess is where he dragged me. My breath halted as the figure revealed it to be Kylo Ren who had picked me up like a feather and threw me into the dark room. 

7 Deadly Sins- A Kylo Ren  and Knights of Ren AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now