Thirty Five

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"Go," I squeezed his hand back and watched as he hurried from the room with one last glance back. I turned to Ben and pulled him closer to my chest. "Hey baby boy, how are you feeling?"

"My neck hurts," he whimpered, curling into a ball. My heart broke as I held him against my chest, rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head.

"I'm so sorry, Benny," I whimpered against the spill of tears falling from my eyes and the lump in my throat. "I'm so sorry this happened."

He didn't say anything, he just whimpered as he dug his face into my shirt. I kept rubbing his back, holding him to me, even as Trudgen entered the room carrying Ap'lek in his arms, his shirt gone.

"He's fine," Trudgen called out, almost flippantly as he deposited Ap'lek on another gurney a few feet away. "Just lost some blood."

"I felt like a princess there for a minute, Gen," Ap'lek joked, holding his side tightly as blood leaked between his fingers. He quit chuckling when Trudgen shoved a handful of gauze onto his wound at the same time he pulled his hand from his side. Ap'lek hissed in pain, missing the fact that Trudgen had grabbed another hand full and was heading for the exit wound. He hissed again as he leaned forward and assaulted with the material. "Fuck, be gentle!"

"Shut up," Trudgen rolled his eyes as he searched for a moment in a few drawers before grasping a ball of red stretchy band tape. He began to wrap Ap'lek's abdomen as the doors again opened and Kylo brought Kuruk in, limping. "Damage?"

"Shot in the leg," Kylo called out as he dropped Kuruk in a chair beside me and Ben. I peered down at Kuruk's leg and grimaced, Kylo was bent down before him and was ripping the material of his track pants, underneath a gnarly looking bullet wound. "No exit wound."

"Fuuuck," Kuruk groaned as his head fell back, he rolled his head and looked over at me. "Hey Pretty Lady and little dude."

"Hey sweetie," I whispered, trying to give him a small smile. He reached out a hand and I grasped it, giving it a squeeze.

"Dude snuck up on me, I managed to headbutt him and tussle a little but he shot me in the leg and kneed me in the temple and I was out," he grunted as Kylo applied pressure with a clean hand towel he found by the sink. "Did he hurt you?"

"Not bad," I pursed my lips and let his hand fall as I wrapped it back around Ben's small frame. It fell into a comfortable silence as Kylo and Trudgen got to work, Kylo did what he could with Trudgen's guidance. When Ushar, Vicrul and Cardo showed up, they looked worse for wear but they put in the work to help.

Ushar took over Kylo's position at Trudgen's side while he dug the bullet out of Kuruk's leg so that Kylo could come and sit beside us.

Once Trudgen was done with the immediate wounds, he took Ben for a scan and checked him out head to toe and then it was my turn.

Blood work, urine sample and vitals. I sat in the chair overlooking the room, watching the milling around of the ambulatory men and the quiet whispers of revenge while I waited for Trudgen to finish the results before my scan.

"Holy fuck!"

"What?" Kylo turned immediately and stalked over to Trudgen who had shouted and was staring at something on his counter where he had most of my samples. I raised an eyebrow, peering over at Ben who was sleeping through the ruckus.

"What?" I asked softly, watching as Kylo ran a hand through his hair while Trudgen leaned over and spoke softly. Kylo looked up and looked at me, a serious expression on his face. He turned his body to follow and took long strides, ending up kneeling on the ground in front of me while my face expressed my confusion. "Honey, what is it?"

His hands immediately reached out and sprawled against the material covering my stomach as he stared in awe, similar to how he had done when I was pregnant- 

"You're pregnant, mama."

"What?" I glanced from Kylo to Trudgen, who grinned excitedly and nodded his head. I peered back down at Kylo. "I'm pregnant?"

"Yeah," he breathed, pressing his lips against mine almost roughly before he pulled back and held my face in his hands, his face turned deadly serious in an instant. "Palpatine is going to pay for so much as fucking thinking about you."

7 Deadly Sins- A Kylo Ren  and Knights of Ren AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now