5. Team

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Alex's POV
"Come down to eat guys! Dinner is ready!" I yell up the staircase.
Ed, Blake and Ty show up. Angi and Ty where out with friends. "Where are Sky and Fla?" I ask.
"I-i dont think they will come down..." Ty says. "Why not? It was part of the deal?" Matt asks. "Sky and Fla fell asleep. They just knocked out.." Ed says. Something a out it I did not like. Blake was awfully quiet. "What actually happened, Blake?" I ask. Blake looks at Ty and Ed before looking at me. "They are drugged outta their minds and fell asleep. They are fine. Its just us 7 today, i guess.." He mumbles. "Drugged?" Brandon asks. "They just got home from the hospital not to long ago" "If you want a tip... I'd go up, wake then up and make them eat. They will learn eventually" Blake suggests. "Or just give them weed" Ed mumbles. I look at Brandon, Evan and Matt cconfused. We all stare at Ed. "What? It'll make them hungry and have the munchies? At least it does to me" he says shrugging. "Edwin. Are you high?" Matt asks. Ed shrugs and looks at Matt. "You're barely figuring it out? Its been a few meals." He says and starts to eat. "Thats why he's been so distant" Evan says connecting the dots.

Finally we see Fla's face show in the living room where we where at. He looks terribly tired and frustrated. He looks at Brandon and Alex. "Are you okay?" Brandon asks. He shakes his head. "Do you want to talk to one of us?" Alex asks. He stays quiet looking at the floor before nodding. Alex looks at Brandon and I before getting up and heading to the patio outside.

Alex POV

"Whats the matter?" I ask Fla as we sit outside on the patio table. "I do not exactly know," Fla mumbles. "Well what's on mind?" I ask him. He stays quiet as he watches KJ play in the grass. "I-Im not sure. Im sorry" he says and rubs his face with his hands. "No need to apologize. Have you done drugs?... Since we arrived from the hospital?" He nods. "What kind?" "Just some heroine...was a small amount. Sky did the rest... They are in their room and don't want to come out" I nod and reach my hand out to him. He looks at it confused then slowly pulls a blade and a 20 of cocaine out of his pocket placing it in my open palm. I look at it and put it in my own pocket. I reachmy hand back out this time pointing at his arms. "I-I haven't cut," he stutters. "I want to see the bruises. The hand mark" I say and he slowly places his hand on mine. "What happened?" I ask. He sighns and says 'nothing'. "Well something is obviously happened. It's not helping the way you are feeling. You see sometimes to tackle an issue.. You need to know where it came from.." I say to him. "What do you mean?" "I mean. Something happened causing these bruises. Which caused you and Sky to cope with drugs. Which drugs are causing the confused feelings. Which is also causing the self harm." I say looking his cuts. "You follow?" I ask and cover his wrists again but not letting go. He nods. "So getting to the root issue to solve this..?" He says pointing to his chest. "Yes you feelings are connected with life events. At the hospital you mentioned not wanting to be in a relationship to Matt and Evan. Right?" "Yes. I don't want anything to do with him. He.." "He? He does what?" I ask placing some pressure for an answer. "He hurts me.. Emotionally.. Physically.. I lived this with my father.. I don't want this again..." He mumbles the last part. "Then break it. You nor Sky or Ed are alone on this. Youneed a lawyer we have a lawyer and if we dont we will find one. You need help moving back here? We have an extra room you can move into. You need us. We will be here but just like you are doing now. We need communication." I say and he simply nods. "Did he cause these bruises?" I ask. "No. That was something else.." I nod. "So Fla, talk to me. What do you need? Do you need to come home? We will take you in." I ask him. He nods. "I-I need home. I-I might need a lawyer too.. I wanna come home..here with Ed and Sky... And you guys.." He says lettinc a few tears slip. I nod. "I'll talk with Brandon and the rest and we will figure this lawyer thing out, you can start setting uo the extra room. Sky and Ed could use the distraction if you want any changes in youre room," i say and he cries.. "Ca-can i have a h-hug?" He mumbles. "Of course you can." I say standing up. He hugs me crying. I hug his cautiously until he lets go. He wipes his tears and looks at me with hope in his green eyes. "Thank you Alex. Thank you so much" he says with a cracked voice. "No. Thank you Fla, for trusting me and asking for help." I say as we both walk back inside. "Can...can i have the coke back?" He asks very low. "No Fla. You can't. It's not healthy." I say sternly enough before he nods and runs upstairs.
I walk back to the living room. "How was it?" Evan asks. "Successful I'd say. We need a lawyer. He is getting a divorce. He gave me this and he said the bruises were not from the relationship." I say pacing the  blade and cocaine in the center table. I see Matt flinch away. I grab the cocaine and blade out of his and Evan's reach. Brandon grabs it and goes dispose of it. "Did he say where the bruises are from?" Matt asks. "No. He didnt. We need to talk to them together before we get an answer." I say. "I believe Ty already headed home to El Paso along with Ana and Blake." Evan mentions as Brandon comes back. "They haven't eaten." I nod to Brandon. "I think maybe we should start with small snacks.." Evan says unsure of himself. "Iike what, love?" Brandon asks. "Like maybe uncrustables.. Or fruits.. Or crackers.." Matt answers. I nod and look at Brandon who agrees. "Will apple sauce do it for today?" I ask overall. "I think it might..." We hear Sky answer from the staircase. "Hi." Sky says. "Hi, how are you feeling, love?" Brandon asks a shaky Sky. "I'm fine." He says. He grabs his keys. "Where are you heading, Sky?" I ask. "I-Imma go get some stuff.." He says avoiding eye contact. "No. No you aren't. You're under the influence of drugs." I say approching him. He shrinks to my touch. "I am not goin to hurg you, but i will not let you get more stuff for you to hurt you" i say and take his keys away. He simply looks down and sighs. "What drug are you under, Sky?" Brandon asks. "Coke.." "And?" I say pressuring. "And heroin" they sigh and try walk past me. I stop them once again making them flinch away. "I am not gonna hurt you baby" i say and bring them into a hug. They slowly wrap his thin arms around me and i feel him slowly shaking. "Have you had water baby?" I ask. He shakes his head no. I nod placing my head over his. He eventually lets go. "Let's go drink some water," Matt says from behind me. Sky nods and we follow Matt to the kitchen. Sky sits on the island chair. Matt hands him a cup of water. Sky just holds it numbly. "Sky..?" Matt says. Sky looks at him. "What are you wearing?" He asks. Sky looks confused. "S-some pants? A-nd a long sleeve?" Sky stutters. "Sky. You are not wearing a binder. You're wearing an ACE bandage.." Matt says. Sky looks at me then him. "P-please don't make me go changed..I-I don't have the energy.." Sky pleads. Matt looks at me then at sky. He sighs. "How about we just wear a baggy hoodie with sports bra for today?" Matt asks. Sky nods while looking at the floor. Makes no movement. I tap his shoulder making him shrink away. He looks up at me. "Lets go change, love." Sky nods and goes back to looking at the floor numbly. Fla comes into the kitchen. He grabs Sky's hand, again he flinches. Fla doesn't seem to think its normal. "What's on your mind Sky?" he asks. "Sky i need an answer." He presses. Sky looks at him in the eyes and sighs before drinking some water. "I do not like that color in your eyes. I hadn't seem it in a minute." Fla says, his eyes were a minty teal. Never seen that color on him before. It was combined with blue and white. Looks off? "What the color of you eyes mean?" I ask. Sky looks at me then back at the floor. "Her eyes right now..blue is lost. White is numb. Mint is confusion..." Fla says."what is teal?" Evan ask as they come into the kitchen. "I'm not sure.." Fla says looking at Sky who is numbly staring at the floor. Gone into another world. "Teal means inner torment/pain/hate" Ed says joining us in the kitchen. "Sis lets go to your room." Ed ssys but sky again makes no movement. Ed grabs Sky's hand and softly pulls. Sky reacts to that and walks with Ed upstairs. "I had not seen teal.. In a very long time.." Fla says confused. Sky's phone vibrates as we realize he left it behind. Fla grabs it noticing the blood it left on the pearl color  island. Fla sighs at the message and turns off Sky's phone. "Who texted her?" Brandon asks. "KK" he says shortly. I look at Brandon then back at Fla. "I-I thought he was dead?" I ask. "He is. Every year.. 3 weeks before the day they met." Sky receives a message he left for him. A message that keeps us hoping maybe things can get better someday. "They can and will get better," I say. He nods. "Yes. Yes they will...and for the first time in years. We know KK was right. We know we can move on. We know we are able to do things. We know we aren't alone anymore.. I hope this year is better than the past ones.. Specially that day." Fla says calmly. Brandon half-smiles and looks at Evan, Matt and myself. "We are a team now," Brandon says and squeezes Fla's hand.

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