3. Why?

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House om picture is their new house in houston

Matt's POV
After a couple hours we finally see Sky move his arm. I nudge Alex in the side. "Shes waking up." I say. Sky moves again time mumbling a series of 'no's'. Alex sits on the edge of the couch and wakes her up. Sky wakes up with  silver eyes and looks around. He rubs his eyes and sits up only to grunt in pain. Again rubs his eyes and looks at us and huffs. "How'd you know where to find me?' He finally says in a deep voice and closed eyes. "Blake said you  needed space this is where you usually go to for 'space'" Brandon answers. Sky reaches his arm fold then opens his eyes looking at Alex. "Where is the needle" he asks. "In the trash where it belongs." he answers him. Sky grunts and tries to get up only to fold and sit in the floor. "What's wrong, Sky?" I ask him. He shakes his head and gets up he heads to the bathroom. Brandon follows him. "No Sky! Leave that alone!" We hear Brandon raise his voice. Alex follows Brandons voice. "Leave me alone! Ill go home later!" i hear Sky say. Evan and I follow to the bathroom.

Evan's POV

"Set that down, baby." I says as i approch Sky. "Just leave me alone." Sky says and tries to walks thru us. I grab his wrist in attempt to grab the needles off his hands. Sky pulls of my grip but not Matts. Matt tries to remove them and Bradon tries to hold her. "It isnt worth it." I say but he isnt listening anymore. "Everyone let go of him." I order and Sky slowly finds balance. Sky looks at me and then at Brandon. "Please go home." Is all he says before turning into some room. Brandon tries to go after her but the door is locked and metal. "You won't accomplish anything today with him" we hear a voice behind us. We turn to see Fla standing at the hall entrance. "Hey." I say. "Hey." He responds. He seems out of it too. "When did you get to Houston?" I ask. "Ive been here for a day now. Sky will be fine." Fla says and leans on the wall for balance. "Are you drunk Flamingo?" Alex says walking towards him. He nods and slides down the wall. Brandon still tries to open the bedroom door with a fail. We help Fla sit in the couch and once again wait for Sky to come out of the room. Fla soons falls aleep on Alex's side.

An hour or so later we hear a loud bang coming from the room. Fla wakes up instantly running to the room. He places his hands on the door as it unlocks. He walks inside leaving the door open. Brandon and us walk into the room. It was a beautiful room. Clean, organized, little bit of mess in the floor but its mainly alcohol bottles and drugs. I look around tryna find Sky. Fla goes to the bathroom which is open looking inside to emptiness. Brandon follows as he looks into the closet. He opens the walk in closet and Sky is sitting in a little curled ball. "What the fuck was that sound" Fla questions as he drops next to Sky. Sky doesn't move. Fla grabs Sky's wrist checking for a pulse then moves Sky to his lap. Carrying sky to the bed in the centerif the room. "It wasn't her gun that went off" says a voice behind us. Fla turns around facing the person and pointing his gun at him. Man had black hair seemed older than us around his late 30's. "Nice to see you t-" the guy said as Fla shot him straight in the heart. The man drops and Fla turns back around to face Sky. Fla tries to untangle sky but he is still a little drunk and based on him constantly touching his head im assuming has a hungover. Fla sits there for a minute not moving and just curls in a ball as well. He seems to be thinking. "Here I've got her." Alex says to Fla and moves Fla to face him. Brandon approches Fla and uncurls Fla who is crying. Alex uncurls Sky and notice the endless needle pokes from the heroin. Sky seems gone in the drugs. "do you guys have a first aid kit?" Alex asks Fla who just shakes his head no. I look around and notice all the heroin containers on the floor. "I-i think she might have tried to overdose" Matt says behind me. Fla looks at him and just looks down. "Not all the heroin and cocaine are his. Some are mine." He mumbles. Brandon takes a deep breath and says "lets go." helping Fla stand up. "Go where" Fla asks. "Hospital" Alex answers carrying Sky. "Brandon." "Yeah?" "Shes nearly not breathing. Shes extremely light" Alex says. Brandon nods slowly walking to the van. Fla attempts to text someone but is struggling to do so. "Need some help there?" I ask him. He nods and just hands me his phone. The phone had fresh blood from where he grabbed it. I look at Matt who notices as well. He tells me what to type for him. Was mainly for the body to be picked up. Once sent. Matt reaches for Fla's arm. Fla closes his fist with the sleeve inbetween. "Let go Fla," i say
He looks at Matt then at me before slowly releasing his sleeves.Matt pulls his sleeves up revealing a bunch of cuts and burns and some needle pokes. He closes his eyes the rest of the drive to the hospital as Matt tries to stop the bleed on Fla's arms and i do the same with Sky's shoulder.

We finally arrive to the hospital. Alex carries Fla into the building and Brandon takes Sky off my arms and finishes carrying them in. Matt and I go wash the blood and substances off our arms and then sit in the waiting room.

Brandon's POV
We carry both Fla and Sky to the hospital beds and take em to the same room. I work on sky having to remove the bullet from his shoulder and stitch them up. I then place an IV on his arm and place them on medicine for him to hydrate and make sure their hearts don't stop. I put Sky on oxygen to help him breathe. Sky was pretty cut up in his arms and stomach. The only thing I noticed was the bruises i had not seen in his body the past few months now. I clean Sky up and notice the bruises in his arms from the needles. He hadn't even been careful with himself. Something i dont ever think I'll understand is, why. Why they do this to themselves.

Alex's POV
I work on Fla who is pretty much fighting my every move. I give him a stern look and he gets the point across. I put alcohol in his open cuts and he grunts looking at me with his dark green eyes. Soon i feel him pass out. I place an IV and finish off the stitches om his arms. I notice some bruises leaving me to wonder who hurt them this time. I hadn't seen bruises on either of them in a long minute now.

We walk around the hospital running some tests and waiting for them to wake up. Sky's heroin consumption could have killed her its combined with Acid and cocaine. Fla's is mainly a high level of alcohol and heroin with cocaine. I look at Brandon who seems stressed. "They could have died of drugs," i say to Brandon sharing what the results on my hands say. "Neither had food in their system. They are both underweight and unstable" he says sharing what the results he had. "I hate to suggest this but... A feeding tube?" I mumble. "I guess so." Brandon sighs. We put our things together and work on them together. "Sky hasn't been attending the chemo, has he?" I ask Brandon who just shakes his head no.
"What's on your mind?" I ask Brandon who is staring in to space. "It just bothers me.. How much they have to hurt before we catch on to it. How much they allow each other to hurt before stopping. I do not think i can understand that," Brandon says in a shaky voice. "Yeah, we also have to understand they survived years of torture, years of this being their only escape. Years of having no one but each other. Sky seems lost overall. Fla is more understanding and open to help but is in the same shoes as Sky, anorexia, drugs, bulimia, suicidal, and all that." "Yeah, youre right. Ed has been doing better. He's eating for the most part and not throwing up. I haven't seen many fresh cuts on him and he's attending therapy. Mentally hed hurting to see Sky not doing well." Brandon says.
We walk into their room to check on them before walking to Matt and Evan. They look up at us. Next to them are Blake and Ty. "How are they doing?" Blake asks. "Had no choice but to place them on a feeding tube and an IV, Sky on oxygen." I answer. "Where is Ed?" Brandon asks. "Ana stayed with him at your guys house" Ty answers. "She'll look after Ty and Angi, while we are here" he adds. I nod sitting next to my love. I notice Ty tugging at the edges of his sweater and anxiety showing. Blake places a hand on Ty's lap making him stop shaking it. Brandon gets up only to come back with some antianxiety pills. He hands one to Blake and the other to Ty. "Under your guys tongue." Brandon orders sitting down next to Evan and hugging him. Ty looks at the medicine for a minute before Blake orders him to take it. He does.
"You guys should probably go home. Sky nor Fla are waking up today and its getting late." Brandon says to Evan, Matt, Blake and Ty. "I'll be staying." Blake says sternly. Matt gets up and grabs Ty by the wrist making him flinch away. Matt looks at him with suspicion. Matt sits next to Ty and again reaches for him arms. Pulling the sweater up. Ty doesnt fight back. "Lets go to the back Ty," I say to him. Taking him to a small room to clean up his cuts and again I see bruises. "How are you feeling Ty?" I ask him. "Not so well. Its been a hard week. For all 6 of  us. Blake hurt himself too.. I already cleaned him up tho. Ed is going to be okay. Him and Ana.. They weren't so close to... You know Emma." He mumbles. "Who is Emma?" I ask. "A kid Sky saved at a young age. She grew up with us. She was killed." He says with slight anger in his voice. "Well j need you to make me a promise" i say. "Whats that?" "You'll come to me next time. Before doing this. Or to any of us 4. Please?" I say. He simply nods.
We walk back to the lobby and Blake hugs him as they walk out into the van. Brandon looks at me and we head to Fla's and Skys's room. The feeding tubes had gotten removed already. We sit on the littke couch in the room. We talk about random things like how super bowl was about to take place next month and we sloely drift off to sleep.

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