27. Home

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Kk's POV

I'm smashing down a wall between the staircase and the living room of my new house to order to make the living room look more spacious. This is something I've found it to help me release a lot of energy and anger. It's the beginning of June, and it is pouring outside. I started to put the pieces of broken wall in a construction bag to throw away later. When I'm done, I start to fix the remaining wall. I feel my phone vibrate, but I can't find it. I got myself a new phone number, and I'm still trying to transfer all the contacts. I finally found it under the covered couch. I looked at it, and it was Chris's number. I know this one by memory. I answer, sitting down on the floor and drinking a sip of my whiskey.
'Have you gone by Sky's today?' Chris asks, and I hadn't. "No, why?" I ask him. I hear his voice very hesitant. "Nothing, I just have a weird feeling. I'm not sure if it's a good one or not. Just feels off. He hasn't contacted anyone today, but again, since Kat passed away, that is not as unusual." He says. "I'll stop by Brandon's house in a bit to check up on her. I can give you a call back when I know something," I say, and he confirms before hanging up. I go to my contacts to add his phone number and add Emmett's while I'm at it. I decided to go upstairs to take a nice shower before heading out to see Sky.

It's only sprinkling by the time I get to Brandon's. I knock and hear a 'I got it!' From Evan accross the door. He opened the door with his usual warm smile. I smile at him, and he lets me in. "Hey, KK," he says. "Good afternoon," I greet back. "Is Sky home?" I ask him. He looks at Ed and Fla then at me. "Ed? Fla?" I ask as they were watching TV in the living room. "Hey, kk, uh, sky isn't home. He said he had to work at the aquarium today, but he left last night." Fla says. I nod. "Did you need anything we can help you with?" Ed asks. "Not exactly just looking for Sky, Chris was asking bout him." I state. They nod and look at Matt and Evan. "Fla. What is really going on?" I ask, sensing they weren't saying the whole truth. Matt pauses the TV. "Fine. Sky said he needed some space yesterday, but he didn't come back home last night and hasn't picked up all day. He was supposed to work today, but Collin called Brandon to ask if Sky was going in today, meaning he didn't show up to work either..." Fla trails off. "We think he might have taken off for a few days," Ed says. "Why wasn't I notified of this?" I ask. "We didn't know if it was too early to worry." Brandon says, coming into the living room with Alex trailing behind. "No phone calls. No work. Not coming home. Not knowing where he is.. That sounds to me he went missing,"  I say to him in a calm voice. "Kk, are you okay?" Matt asks me. I nod. "Yes, why?" I ask him. "You sound calm, to calm," he says. "I'm fine. Just had a little to drink, " I say, and he nods. "Does Chris know?" Fla asks me. "Know I drink?" I ask, confused. "No, that you aren't holding as well." Ed says. "I'm holding on just fine. Eating, drinking, working out, living..? I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask them. "Ptsd.. your breath smell like pure whiskey," Alex states. "I'm holding on well." I state and reach for a gum in my pocket. "Okay.." Ed says and looks at Fla. I call Sky's number getting voicemail right away. "We've tried to call her." Fla says. "I'll be back later. I'll let you know if anything," I says, standing up, getting dizzy and leaning on the couch. "Maybe you should sober up here first," Brandon says and reaches a hand to me. "I'm okay, just haven't eaten. I'll stop by to get food soon," I say. "Drinking on an empty stomach is unhealthy... it's already 3 pm, and you've yet to eat, hun." Alex states and reaches a hand to me, making me flinch away. He doesn't move his hand away. "Come on, let's go make you something to eat," He says with a kind smile. "I'm okay, I'm really okay." I say to him. "Yeah, then let's go eat. I'll believe you when you eat." He says to me. I grab on to his hand. He leads us to the kitchen. I sit on the island, and he hands me some chicken fajitas and rice. I look at the food, knowing I was not really hungry. "You haven't eaten because of the cocaine isn't it?" Alex asks me. I nod. "Well, I need you to at least try to eat something." He states strictly. I grab the fork, starting to munch on the food. "You know you can talk to us, right?" He says to me. I look at him and back down at my food. "Yeah, I know. I got it together, tho." I say to him and get nods.  "Sky wouldn't want you to be like this.." Alex says, making me look at him. I nod. "I know." I say to him. I finish my food and wash my dish. "You're going to go look for Sky?" Brandon asks me as he comes into the kitchen. I nod. "Yeah, I have a pretty good list of places to look for her at." I say and turn around. "May I see your arms?" Brandon asks. I nod and show him my arms. Fading scars. "You hurt yourself?" Alex asks. I avoid eye contact. "A few days ago. I'm okay now. I just had to figure out some stuff."  I say honestly. "We are here if you need to talk." Brandon offers. I nod.

I lower the music as I pull into Sky's mom's old house. I don't see Sky's motor. I still go inside in hopes she was here.

I head to Brandon's old house, the one that got burned down by her father.
I head to the building. I'm looking in Kats/Jacobs and Crystals' old room.
I head to Galveston Beach Park.

It's already 8 pm, and I haven't found Sky. I call Chris.
"I can't find Sky.." I say to him with a shaky voice.

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