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Matt's P.O.V.

"See you guys later!" Ed yells from the door as him and Fla leave. We are all sitting in the living room watching a movie. Angi and Ty are out with friends for the weekend. Sky hasn't really left their room other than when Fla orders him to get a water bottle at least. No one really had a talk with him. We need to, but we haven't. When Evan showed us the paper that Sky dropped at the building.. it was a suicide plan but it was missing parts. Main parts. We agreed to not leave Sky out of our sight or mind for long without supervision. It's hard specially trying to keep up with there activity. School was cancelled for the week because of intersection. I don't think even Sky knew about it. Something must have happened. 

There is a knock on the door. I open it, it was Crystal. "Hello, can I talk with Sky?" She asks. I nod and let them in. "He is in his room," I inform but Crystal calls Sky down. "I don't think they will come down." I tell her. She nods. "They have to. I am not talking in his room. Skyden come down already!" Crystal calls again. "Why!" We softly hear Sky yell back. "Intersection!" Crystal answers. Within seconds we see Sky on the top of the stairs. "What about it?" Sky asks as he comes down the stairs looking really sick..? "You look like shit." Crystal tells him. Evan joins me to my side. "I don't care. Why in this fucking world was intersection activated?" Sky demands an answer. "Sky you need to understand that we tried not to?" Crystal says. "Who is we and tried not to what?" Sky asks. "There is someone you should meet. They are outside." Crystal says. Sky looks at Crystal. "I am in no fucking mood to meet no one Crystal so either you tell me or I WILL go myself and find out," Sky says giving Crystal a stare. "It's KK." Crystal says closing her eyes then slowly reopening them. Sky sits on the arm rest, "What is KK. Don't you even say he is alive because you are lying. I saw him die. He died in MY arms. I did NOT leave his side until he was underground. So what is KK, Crystal. If I was you I would watch my wording," Sky says threating. "KK had a twin..." "So?" "Actually he was a triplet..." Crystal corrects. "And so what Crystal? They killed the wrong brother? The one that died was not KK?" Sky says mockingly. "M-maybe.."  Crystal stutters. "No they didn't KK would had come looking for me, for us. KK would had not just left after his brother was killed if that is so the case." Sky says to Crystal. "Maybe if.. maybe if I wasn't hold hostage I would had," some dude says as he lets himself in. Sky looks at the dude. Sky looks at us then at Crystal and the dude. "I can't do this." Sky says and stands up to leave the living room. "Sky please," the dude says reaching for Sky but not touching him. Sky stops in his tracks, he does not say anything for a minute or so. Sky turns to face him. "Only one person in this world knows why I hate my birthday. Only one person knows my favorite dish. Only one person knows my favorite part of Italy. If you know the answers..." Sky says. Sky had never liked eating, never had a favorite dish to what we asked. Italy? He talks nothing about Italy or his parents or why he hates his birthday. "Do you really want me to reveal those answers.. in front of them? Your.. your family?" The dude asks Sky. "How do you know who they are?" Sky asks. "Brandon, Alexander. Matthew, Evan they are a good family. Just because I was hold hostage does not mean, I stopped looking after you and Kat and Crystal and Jacob," "You know about Kat?" Sky asks confused. "Yes. I do. I also know Brandon. Brandon was the intern that night." the dude says looking at Sky then Brandon. "H-How in the world do you know about that night?" Sky asks. "Because I was your mom's best friend's kid. I was there the day that she died, I was 10 with my dad we where supposed to go skateboarding. Your mom always took you with us. You where to young to remember but.. I wasn't?" The dude says. I look at Brandon who looks confused. "That night, while your father left you in the hospital, my dad and I looked after you from afar. That is why, when dad died.. I went to El Paso. Looked for you and Ed. I never told you this because I didn't know how to. So if you trust your family the same way you trusted your mother, then I'll answer those questions." Dude looked well dressed and was obviously Italian, strong accent. Sky looks at us and then at the dude. "I have nothing to lose," Sky answers. Crystal sits in the arm rest next to me. "Are you sure, sugar?" dude say making Sky look straight into his eyes. He slightly chuckles, "It still works. The name still works." he says. Sky looks away. "So? I'm waiting. If you are KK you darn well I hate my time being wasted." Sky says sternly. "Yeah you are right, pardon, its been a couple years now" "No shit" sky says getting agitated. "You hate your birthday. It was the day your mom and sister were killed. It was your birthday gift for your 3rd birthday. Their death." the dude says and we look at Sky finally understanding why he wouldn't leave his room for almost that whole month. Sky is staring at the floor holding back tears. "You're favorite dish is spagetti but not regular spagetti you like ground beef with it specially made from scratch. I still remember teaching you to each with chopsticks. You hated them" he chuckles. Sky is intensively looking at the floor. "You're favorite part of Italy was Milan. The gelato place off Via Vitruvio and Via Luigi Settembrini, what's the name of the spot again?" dude says nervously chuckling. "Terra Gelato.." Sky answers. "Why? Why did you not look for us?" Sky asks finally looking at him then at the wall behind him. "A lot happened, Sky. To much. After my brother got killed... I had to leave Texas. I was being targeted. Myself and everyone who I loved, my family. You. Crystal. You guys are my family and I had to protect you-" "By letting me think you where dead! How is that protecting us!" Sky bursts. "I was going to come back. I moved to Chicago to lay low but I was caught and the people who were targeting me.. they caught me and my other brother. They killed him." "Why didn't they kill you?" Crystal asks. "You both know it's not easy to do that. I trained you both. They only took me because I was asleep. Or they would have stood no chance." "Yet it took you 4 years to get off their hold." Sky states angrily. "Sky I went thru a lot. A lot I will talk with the only person I trust in the world with time. I was not easy to keep down but they found a way. It took a lot to get off that holding cell I've lived in. Majority are dead. At least 4 of the 5 ring leaders. That 5th one is still hiding and I will not rest until I know he is dead." KK states looking at Sky. "No you won't." Sky says. "What?" kk asks. "You killed 4 outta 5, that 5th one is nothing without the other 4. That's how those people work." "And how do I know he won't get to me first? Or that, that's how they work?" kk asks sky. "Because I lived with one. Father was nothing without Jurat or Clay. They are psychopaths." Sky says. "Sky I never knew what your father did but I can guarantee this is different." kk says looking at sky but sky is looking at the floor. "Then we will be ready for whenever they strike again. As a team. You Crystal and myself." Sky says standing up from the arm rest. "Sky you have a family now, you have Kat too" "and I have Crystal and Ed and Fla. Now you. I've lost you once before. That is NEVER going to happen again, you hear me?" Sky says standing in front of him looking in his eyes. "My family knows. My family cares. My family I protect. I protect my family here at home or my family out there in the streets with my life. Ain't no one touching no one. Now this whole intersection shit. Need to be set down instantly. I do not care you are back and it is our building. I still rule this shit. Kids need school, adults need a job. This is over." Sky says and turns to leave. KK stops Sky this time actually touching their arm. "Let me go," Sky says thru grinned teeth. "I'm sorry but no." KK says and pulls Sky into a hug. Sky does not hug back. "Sky. You are still the person I trust most in this world. I know your trust is hard to earn back. I just really hope we can go back to how we used to be.. four years ago" KK tells Sky. Sky nods. "I hope so too. It's not going to be easy." Sky says coldly. "What dead did you pull with your father.., how did you end up with them?" Kk asks about us. We look at each other and Sky looks at me. "They are my family. Four years is a long time, a lot happened. My father is dead." "How, who, what??" "Me." Sky answers and turns around walking to the kitchen and comes back with two water bottles. "Welcome back home. You can stay in my room at the building starting tomorrow. I'm pretty sure they won't mind you staying over tonight." Sky says looking at us. We nod. "You already know their names. You don't know them. They are protective and loving and very caring. You do not touch them. You do not make the rules in their house we follow them... at least 60% of the time." Sky says fighting to open the water bottle. "What about the other 40%" kk asks. "They are either not home or pretending we do not exist," Brandon says standing up and reaching a hand out to KK. "I'm Brandon looks like you have met me before but I don't recall you. So nice to meet you." They shake hands. "I'm KK or KJ, I respond to both. I'm Sky's and Ed's old guide," KK says. "KJ?" Alex asks. "Yes, stands for Kristopher Jacob Kaleli." he answers. "Is that why.. Kj was named KJ?" Evan asks Sky who simply nods. "Who's the other KJ?" KK asks Sky. "He was my service dog, got ran over yesterday." Sky mumbles. "I have to go home, Kat and Jacob should be getting home soon," Crystal says. She hugs KK and says bye to everyone before leaving. "I have to many questions..." KK says. "I think we all do." I say. "we can sit here or in the kitchen to get answers?" I ask. "I rather be in my room, right now..." sky says. "Sky, I think we rather keep an eye on you for now.." Brandon says. Sky nods and rolls his eyes at the idea. "I guess," Sky says and stands going to the hall bathroom. "Skyyy" Evan grunts. Sky comes back after a couple minutes. "So?" I ask. "Kitchen has chairs I won't get comfy in so kitchen," Sky answers. We all stand to go to the kitchen. I stay behind and slightly pull Sky back. "We will be right there." I say to Alex who looks back. "You have white in your nose, clean it before your dude sees, we will talk later." I say to him. Sky cleans his nose and looks at me for approval. I nod and we walk to the kitchen with the rest. 

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