001, "In front of the gate."

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- Reader's POV -

Danielle sighs deeply as she stares out the car window, which is covered in tiny raindrops due to the rainy weather. Another boring day as she and her older brother are being driven home by their driver. Just a typical day in her life, nothing new or different.

Danielle hates that. Not being able to do what other teenagers her age are doing like, hanging out with her friends, staying out late, going home alone, not being monitored all the time and literally just having her own privacy.

But of course that would never happen considering how strict her father is and how desperately he wants to have a good reputation. And her brother? He was just as bad as her father. Well, he's an absolute asshole and Danielle hates him. Well, right now she's just longing to get home and lie down in her comfortable, soft and warm bed and take a hot shower.

All she could think of is how stressed out she is when sitting in this car. It's always silent, no one says a word and Danielle finds it kind of annoying sometimes. Instead of sitting here, she wants to go home with her friends and talk about silly things, laugh, have fun but no. She's on this quiet, boring ride to her house and the weather is bad. She was hoping for at least some sun or warmth. Not a gloomy, rainy afternoon.

The vehicle abruptly comes to a halt, and Danielle realizes they've arrived. She sighs, unbuckling her seatbelt and slinging her schoolbag over her shoulder. Getting out of the car, she also brings her umbrella with her, not wanting to get wet. As they rain poured and poured Danielle noticed something.

Something not very far away, only a couple of meters away by the gate. A strange figure. Very tiny and...Orange? Danielle furrows her eyebrows growing curious. At first she thought it was some kind of like.. Bird? But then she realized that birds are way smaller than that. It was kind of furry like..?

She walks slowly, not wanting to startle the small being. And when she sees it for herself her heart shatters into a million pieces, Danielle gasps and squats to take a better look. "Oh kitty, what are you doing out here in the cold?" She asks, feeling extremely bad for the poor shivering kitten which is almost completely covered in rain, wet and cold. "Me.. O.. Owwww." It meows shakily.

"Poor thing.." Danielle's about to pet it when suddenly a familiar shoe hits the kitten and it's now some centimeters away from her. Her brother had kicked it, quite powerfully and the kitten was now crying in pain from the powerful blow it received. Danielle was stunned. "Are you insane!? Why would you even do that!?"

"It's just a filthy little disgusting animal anyway, it's not like it has feelings or something." The words made Danielle's blood boil. Not only was he being really selfish and cruel, he was being an absolute jerk. "It didn't even cause any harm, you're just being a jerk!"

Her brother scoffs, "It's right in front of our mansion; I can kick it if I want to, and if you're done acting like a goody two shoes, I'm going inside." with his hands in his pockets he walks off. Danielle pays attention to the muddy kitten who's crying and meowing, high pitched meows.

And without further thinking, no hesitation, she grabs it. The kitten starts meowing even more and Danielle tries to comfort it by whispering and carefully patting it, "Shh it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you kitty." Slowly the tiny kittens meows start to fade. Danielle successfully manages to sneak it into her room, without anyone noticing her taking this tiny kitten to her bedroom.

Danielle has always been fond of animals, especially cats. She has always wanted a tiny kitten like this one, but her parents said otherwise. "Oooh, you're very dirty kitty. You really need a bath." Danielle couldn't help but notice how dirty and messy the kitten's fur was as she set the kitten down to leave her belongings inside the room.

Brushing her hands off, Danielle picks it up again. "Alright, let's get you washed up." Filling the bathtub up with some water, and fragrance free shampoo, Danielle grabs ahold of the kitten, and carefully but gently places it in the bathtub. The kitten doesn't like it all and meows impatiently, "Meow.. Meoowww."

Danielle washes it, making sure to rinse off all of the soap along with the dirt. "You're doing so well kitty!" Danielle praises, softly stroking the wet fur of the kitten. She was relieved that the cat did not put up a fuss due to the water. Other cats would have tried to claw their way out of the water. This kitty, on the other hand, was calm and seemed to not really mind being in the water anymore.

It simply stood still while Danielle washed it. After some washing and rinsing, the kitten was all clean now. When taking it out of the bathtub and putting it down on the bathroom's floor, the kitty attempted to escape all wet. Water dripping down from its wet fur and wet paw prints were all over the floor and carpets. But luckily Danielle had managed to close the door before the kitty could leave.

"Kitty..! You're still all drenched!" She takes it up and rolls it up like a burrito in one of the towels. The kitten shivers so, Danielle uses her bodily heat to keep it warm. "Hmm.. Maybe you won't need the blow dryer after all.." She mutters as she notices how fluffy the cat's fur already is. "Meoooww."

Danielle opens the bathroom door, still holding the cat in her arms. "I'll go get you something to eat." The kitten, ears up and alert, appears to understand the word eat and instantly begins meowing. Danielle giggles, finding it adorable and loving the little meows. Filling up some milk in a small bowl fitted for the tiny kitten, the kitten leaps off to the bowl nearly throwing itself into the milk making a whole mess.

"Awww, you're starving, kitty." Danielle tenderly pats it's head, a little upset because it hadn't been fed in a while. "How could someone just abandon you like this..? I feel so bad..!" Danielle frowns just the slightest. "But don't worry kitty, I'll take care of you." When Danielle realizes that the entire bowl is emptied. She picks up the kitten and kisses it on the head, causing it to meow softly.

"You're so cute."

Go kitty go! - [Danielle + Haerin]Where stories live. Discover now