008, "Master and Puppy."

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- Danielle's POV -

I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing rather loudly, and I groan. It takes a moment for me to realize that the loud, high pitched screech isn't coming from the clock on my nightstand, but from the annoying, and extremely loud, meowing that is coming from the small cat that is curled up beside me.

I roll over and shut the damn thing off before reaching over to pet the soft white fur of the little kitten. "Hey Haerin.." I say, a smile creeping up onto my lips as I watch the catgirl open her sleepy eyes and gaze at me with an annoyed look on her face. "What's wrong?" Hold on.. Shes not even in her human form..

"Did you forget to change back?" I ask her, and she hisses in response. "Hey! Stop hissing at me!" I say, my eyes widening at the sound of the high pitched meow. Haerin just glares at me and then jumps down from the bed and scampers off to somewhere, and I follow her.

"Haerin, wait!" I yell after her, but the catgirl just ignores me. I chase her into the living room, where I see her climbing onto the couch and sitting down. She looks at me and hisses again, her tail swishing angrily. "You're in a bad mood today.-" And unexpectedly she turns into her human form again.

"Yes I am.."

"What happened? You were so cute last night.." I say, my voice sounding more concerned than anything. "Are you trying to seduce me or something?" She says, a playful smirk appearing on her face. "N-No!" I blush at the thought.

"Why would you think that? You know that I would never try to do anything like that with you, right?" I tell her, and she just laughs. "You're such a liar, Danielle." She smirks and leans back against the couch. "Whatever, it doesn't matter, anyways, Dani." She says, with a smug look on her face.

"Dani? When did I ever give you permission to call me that? I don't remember doing so at least-"

"Since now. Deal with it." She interrupts me, smirking again. That annoying, stupid smirk that makes me want to kiss her. "Okay, fine, I'll allow you to call me that." I say, rolling my eyes. "Thank you. Now, go make me breakfast or something." She orders.

I stare at her, "Excuse me? I don't recall becoming your slave." I raise an eyebrow, and she chuckles, "Well, you should have. Now go. You don't want to upset your master, do you?" I glare at her, grabbing her collar. "Shut up, Haerin!" I yell at her. "Don't talk to your master like that." She smirks.

"Fine. I'll make you some food, you're such a brat.." I let go of her and walk off to the kitchen, and she follows me. "Make sure you don't burn the house down, okay?" She teases, and I roll my eyes. "You're so annoying." I reply, and she chuckles. "You're acting like I'm your dog or something, Danielle."

"Because you are. My cute little puppy." I smirk, and she laughs. "That's cute, but it's not gonna happen." She retorts, her ears flattening. "Why not? Are you not a dog?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow. "No. I'm not." She replies, her tail swishing slightly. "You don't seem to be a cat either. You're more of a jerk.."

"That's mean, Dani.." She frowns, and her tail lowers. "You were so much cuter when we first met now you're a jerk." I tell her, and she huffs. "Whatever. Just go make me some food." She says, her ears flattening. "I have school soon, I can't take care of you while I'm busy.."

"Then stay home and take care of me. I'm a cat, I need attention." She orders. "I'm not staying home, it's Tuesday. I have classes."


"So, I can't miss any more days or I'll fail." I tell her, and she glares at me. "But you're going to miss a lot of days because you'll have to stay home and take care of me." I frown, "Shut up Haerin you're not a baby.. you can take care of yourself.."

"No, I can't. You have to stay home and take care of me." She whines dramatically, wrapping her arms around me. "Let go of me!" I yell at her.
"Never.." She whispers, her grip tightening. I roll my eyes, and try to pry her off, but she refuses to budge. "Let go of me. I have to get to class."

"Fine. But only if you agree to come home immediately after class and feed me." She tells me. "Whatever." I reply, rolling my eyes. "Danielle!" I froze and turned around being met by the familiar face of my brother, who was wearing a scowl on his face. Haerin had already disappeared thankfully, knowing the danger.

"I'm here, what is it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "Where's that stupid cat of yours? Did you keep it? I told you not to! If I find that damn cat in this house I'll kill it with my very own hands." My brother growls. "W-What!? No! I got rid of it." I lied.

"Good, or else i would have killed the damn thing. Now, where's mom and dad?"

"A-at work.." I stuttered feeling uneasy around him. He always gave me the creeps and always seemed to want to kill everything in sight, especially if they were small. "You're lying. I can sense it. You have a terrible lying face. Where are they really?"

"I'm not lying, they're really at work.." I answer, my voice trembling slightly. "Fine. I'll find out for myself. Now, go to school." He says and walks away, leaving me to stand there alone.

"Oh god... This isn't good..."


Updated after like 2 months 😭😭 sorry YALL I just don't have any ideas for this book but I'll try my best to keep updating it 😍

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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