004, "Cookie's BIG reveal."

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- Haerin's POV -

The sound of birds chirping and car's driving by the slightly ajar window, caused me to turn my head a little. Squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight that streams through the window, the girl clinging on to me snores quietly. A loud beeping jarring noise from the tiny alarm clock next to the bed surprised me a little. Well.. No response from the sleeping girl next to me, she just quietly whines before going back to snoring.

She embraces me tighter, seemingly awake as she gets a whiff out of me. "That smells amazing..." She mutters. I quietly chuckled, "Wake up human." I said softly. "Laterrr..." She lied still for some seconds but then..

Danielle suddenly sat up straight, eyes wide open as she stared at me. "Who are you?? Why are you in my room!? I'm going to call the police! How did you get inside? Why do you look so weird? Why am I hugging you!? Did you do something to me!?" She stood up.

I sighed, "Chill human, these are my tail and cat ears, no I did not do something to you, and you fell asleep while hugging me."  I told her, standing up in the process. Danielle grabs one of the hair brushes on the makeup table and exclaims, "Woah don't come closer! Who are you? I don't remember sleeping with someone like you!" 

I stepped closer to her, smiling. "Haerin, but you call me a cookie." I continued to move even closer. "Cookie? That's my cat's name! Wait.." Danielle freezes in her spot and I grabbed the hairbrush, tossing it to the side. "You're kidding! You're not my cat!"

"Yes I am." Danielle backs up, far enough for her back to hit the wall. "Stop getting suspicious and let's cuddle, human." I pinned her to the wall, wrapping my arms around her as I sniffed the concerned girls neck. "Ya! Get off!" She attempts to push me away, but it doesn't work.

I let out a soft purr, enjoying the feeling of her warmth against my body. "You're surprisingly cuddly," Danielle says, giving up on pushing me away."Well, I am a cat after all," I replied with a grin. "You can't be cookie.. What did you do to my cat!?" Danielle grabs my collar, shaking me. "I didn't do anything, your cat is right in front of you."

"No she's not. What did you do to my cookie!? Did you take her!?" Oh wow, what a heated human. It's impossible to convince her, she just won't listen. "Oh boy, I keep telling you. I am your cat. Don't you recognize these fluffy ears?" I raised an eyebrow at her and before I knew it she had already escaped my embrace.

"Hello? Yes, I live at ************ and this is an emergency! There's a person in my room claiming to be my cat! Yes, you heard it right, my cat! No, I'm not crazy, but this person has cat ears and a tail! Please send help!" Danielle shouts into her phone, her voice a mix of panic and frustration.

I grabbed the phone, "Sorry for that my girlfriend is a bit drunk and she tends to get carried away with her imagination. No need to send anyone over. We'll handle it here. Thank you." I quickly hung up, hoping to diffuse the situation before things got even more out of hand.

She's something else.. Seriously.. Calling the police on me? And expecting them to not think that you're crazy when you're all shouting in the phone and telling them that there's a person who claims to be your cat? It's hard not to find the whole situation a bit ridiculous.

"Danielle, seriously, calling the police was a bit extreme, don't you think? I'm just a harmless, talking cat... or cat-turned-human, depending on how you see it." I raised an eyebrow at her, not understanding why she'd even think of calling the police. I know, a random girl suddenly appearing in your home.. But what? It's not impossible for it to happen.

"Oh, God.. You even know my.. name.." Danielle's voice trailed off and before I knew it.. Well.. She blacked out.


What a pain.. The girl passed out, I didn't expect her to be this shocked. "Yo, Earth calling Danielle Marsh! Wakey-wakey! Are you taking a nap or joining the fainting club? I hope they have a good membership package for you!" I playfully waved my paw in front of her face, trying to rouse her. But she remained motionless, lost in the land of unconsciousness.

I let out a long sigh and decided to take matters into my own paws. Carefully, I approached Danielle's lifeless body and nudged her with my paw. "Come on, Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up! I promise I won't turn back into a human and surprise you again. At least not for today." I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

Should I give her a whisker tickle? Maybe a gentle paw slap on her cheek? Or perhaps a meow-tastic rendition of her favorite song?  A paw slap on the cheek might be enough to wake her.

I raised my paw and delicately tapped her cheek, hoping it would be enough to rouse her from her currently unconscious state. To my surprise, Danielle's eyes fluttered open, and she let out a groan. "Ouch! What was that for?" She mumbled, rubbing her cheek where my paw had made contact with it.

"Oh, hey there, Cookie. Did I just have the weirdest dream ever, or did you actually just slap me? Hold on.. Is this a dream? Why did your paw disappear? And why do you look like that?" She squints her eyes before rubbing them. "Do you humans always black out that easily?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Oh no.. This isn't a dream!" Danielle whines burying her face into one of the pillows on her bed. I sighed, "This.. Is going to be a long day." I stood up on my feet shaking my head.



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