006, "A Trip to the Duck Pond. 🐥"

978 102 36

- Reader's POV -

"What the freak are we doing at a duck pond, Haerin? Like where are you even taking us!?" Minji asks annoyedly, and Haerin just huffs in response. She has been leading the girls to a duck pond that was fairly close to the mansion Danielle lived in. "I wanna see the cute duckies!" Danielle answers and the girls sigh at her response.

Haerin chuckles, "At least someone's excited. Also I didn't force you to come along, so stop acting like i kidnapped you or something.." the cat girl frowns as she leans over the duck ponds edge, a little closer to the water then necessary.

"Watch it, or else I'll push you into the water, cause that's what cats are afraid of right?" Minji warns her with a teasing smile. Haerin scoffs at the comment, and stands up straight. "You're so totally wrong, we're not afraid of water we just don't like it. Plus i wouldn't let you push me into the water. I don't care what anyone says, I know karate, and I would beat your ass if you tried it."

"Can you guys be quiet I'm trying to take a picture of the duckies here.." Danielle holds her phone up, and focuses on the ducks swimming around.

"I kinda wanna eat them.." Haerin responds, making both girls gasp at her.  "That's mean! No one's going to want to date you if you eat the duckies, what kind of person does that? It's really weird.. and gross..." Danielle says with a stern tone, glaring at the cat girl.

"It tastes more like red meat more than chicken! And it's not even gross Danielle!" Haerin defends herself, and the girls just shake their heads. "The duckies are cuter than you.." Haerin murmurs but Danielle clearly hears it, and gasps loudly at it.

"You really are a mean cat! You're soooo rude! You can't say stuff like that to people and get away with it! No one likes you because of how you treat people! And you know what? you can't eat the duckies because i won't let you do that!" Danielle says and Haerin just chuckles in amusement.

"How about duck soup for dinner or perhaps duck pizza? Maybe a duck hot dog? Duck hotdog!" The cat girl suggests with a smirk, and Minji gasps loudly at that. The other girl is surprised that she didn't notice it before. "No one would want to have those as food! Ew, gross!" Danielle turns away from the cat girl with a frown.

"And how can you just make those things up!? Don't lie, it's not cute at all!" Danielle whines loudly. "Alright, I'm sorry." Haerin wraps an arm around her waist, and pulls her close, rubbing her hand through her hair. "There, there.. i'm not a meanie. Now don't cry okay?" She teases her, and Danielle just pushes her away.

"I'm not gonna cry, but you better stop being so mean to people!" The catgirl just smirks, "I will when they stop being mean to me first!" Haerin teases back, and the other girls just sigh at her, but Haerin notices something odd in the water. Something yellow and fluffy.

"Hey what's that?" The catgirl points at something in the water. "Looks like a duck..." Minji squints her eyes to get a better look. "That's not a duck, looks like a baby chick that's drowning." Haerin states nonchalanty and the other girls gasp loudly at it.

"Wait! We have to save it!" Danielle yells. "Wait, Danielle don't!" Haerin stops her from stepping into the pond, and grabs her wrist.

"It's not drowning, it was just trying to catch some food. It's okay, it can breathe under the water." She informs them. "Oh... So that's why it didn't come out." Danielle pouts her lips. Haerin notices the yellow fluff ball swimming in circles around a fish. "Look at it, so cute!" Danielle points at it and the other girls look over at it.

"It's coming here.." Haerin says and the girls just look at each other. Haerin then leans over the ponds edge again, to see the baby duck swimming over to them, and stopping right in front of the edge. With its tiny feet and fluffy feathers, it looks so soft and warm as it chirps.

"Look! It's cute!" Danielle gasps, and takes out her phone to take a picture. "It's so fluffy!" The girls then look down at the tiny duck as it jumps out of the water, landing right on Haerin's arm, before standing on her hands. "Whoa, hey there, little one." The catgirl coos at it, and pets it between the wings, as the baby duck waddles around in her hands, its yellow fluff tail waving behind it as it moves.

It chirps happily as the girls watch the scene before their very eyes. "Oh my gosh, you're such a cute duck. Yes, you are!" Danielle says and pets it softly as well. Haerin sets it down on the grass, and the little yellow fluff ball stands back up and looks at them.  

And before they could even react something very odd happened. The earlier tiny chick grew legs, arms and hands! It turned into a teenage girl wearing a yellow dress, and a yellow bow in her hair. "Gah!" The girls scream at the sudden change.. "No! How!?" Haerin looks at the  girl in shock, while Danielle is just confused as ever. "What?" She asks, before looking at the new girl, who was staring at Haerin. Minji just gapes at her.

The yellow fluffball girl smiles sweetly at the catgirl, before she runs up to her, and hugs her tight. "Oh, it's you! You found me!"

"Hyein, what are you doing here?" Haerin asks the younger girl, while hugging her back. "I lost Hanni unnie and I tried to blend in with the ducks. I thought I lost her, but you found me! You're a great duck-catcher!" Hyein smiles at her. "Uh, you're not even a duck-" Haerin's words are cut off when Hyein hugs her tight again.

"Aww, i missed you! I missed my Haerin unnie so much!" Hyein teases her, and the older girl just rolls her eyes. "I missed you too, you little brat." Danielle and Minji just stand there shocked at the sudden change. "H-Haerin?" Danielle calls out. "Uh, what? Oh yeah. I didn't introduce you to my little sister yet did I?"

"LITTLE SISTER!? YOU HAVE A LITTLE SISTER!?" Danielle shrieks at her in surprise. "Yeah, I do. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that you're hiding it from us! You have a cute little sister, and you didn't tell us about it before!" Danielle yells at her, and Haerin just shrugs her shoulders. "It didn't seem important."

Danielle just rolls her eyes, "nothing seems important to you Haerin, you're just weird! I can't believe you have a little sister, she's sooo cute though! You're so lucky!" Danielle then turns to the young girl and pouts her lips. "Hi Hyein! I'm Danielle, and this is Minji! We're Haerin's friends."

"Lies Haerin doesn't have fri!-" Haerin interrupts her younger sibling by shoving her face into the grass, and covering her mouth with her hands. "Shut up, Hyein. Don't say that." She sighs as she removes her hands from the younger girls mouth. "That was rude! You're such a bully, Haerin!" Hyein whines, and Haerin just scoffs.

"Go back to swimming with those ducks instead of calling me rude." The older girl smirks, and Hyein glares at her. "You're not my Haerin unnie anymore, you're a duck catcher! You're mean!" Haerin sighs, "just go away then!" Hyein stands up, and runs off. "Hey! You're supposed to be nice to me!"

"You're just a baby, you can't even eat by yourself without falling into the water! What if the other ducks eat you!?" Haerin calls after her, and the younger girl gasps loudly. "I don't want to be eatennnnnn!!"



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