002, "Cookie 🍪"

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- Danielle's POV -

I sensed a tiny movement on my chest while fluttering my eyes open and stretching slightly. "Kitty," I murmured, beaming before greeting her with a kiss. She yawns, revealing her adorable canines. I got up, to get ready for another stressful day at school but the kitty didn't seem to cooperate with that and jumped, clinging onto my arm.

"Aww, I'm sorry.. But I have to go to school.. So you'll be alone for a little while." The cat would not let go of me, meowing desperately as if the whole world had come to an end. "It's okay, only for a little while. I'll be back soon." I grabbed her and lied her down on the bed again.

I tossed my school bag over my shoulder after quickly changing into my school uniform, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and washing my face with some water. I'll be picked up around 7:45, so I suppose it's best to leave now. "Bye, kitty." I waved before leaving my room, locking it after me and heading downstairs. I'm just praying that no one finds out about her staying here.

That's why I made sure to lock the door. I've never seen this kitty before.. And yesterday, it was suddenly in front of our mansion.. Maybe someone left it there. But it's still very cruel to leave an innocent kitten all alone. It's so tiny and cute..!!! I just wanna squeeze it..!! I should definitely give her a name. Something cute, like..

Pumpkin..? Carrot? I'm not sure, I'll just ask Minji. I bet that she will come up with a good one. Right, I didn't even tell her about it.


Near the schools gate, I spotted a familiar figure standing by it. Realizing that it was Minji, I ran up to her ready to tell her about the kitty. "Minji unnie! You won't believe what happened yesterday! You know how I got home yesterday right? And as soon as we arrived in front of the gate, a tiny orange colored fluffy ball was lying on the wet grass! I got curious so, I went to check what it was and guess what!?"

I told her excitedly, "A tiny adorable little kitten! Someone had left it right in front of our gate! That's so cruel right? And then my stupid brother kicked it! But, I waited until he had left and took it home with me!" I grimaced slightly.

"What should I name her? Give me something cute! And not ridiculous names like treehouse or something." Minji has her AirPods in but I'm sure she's listening to me. "Cookieeee~" Minji sings. "Oh, good idea!" I smiled. Minji suddenly gasps, clutching her chest. "When did you get here!? You surprised me!"

"Huh? What do you mean? I've been here all along! Wait.. That means.. You didn't even listen to me! That's so mean!" I pouted. "Listen to what?" She furrows her eyebrows, confused by what I said. "Nothing.." I sighed. "I was listening to cookie by JeansNew when you were talking! Plus, you didn't even text me to say that you were here already!"

"You're WAY too preoccupied with those girls, I mean they're good, but you've developed an addiction Minji!" I whined. "Yeah yeah, whatever Danielle. Acting like you're not addicted to their songs too.." Minji rolls her eyes obviously annoyed by what I said. "Anyway, so what were you talking about again?" She asks.

"You mean when you had your AirPods in?" I raised both of my eyebrows. Minji nods. "Long story short, I found an orange kitten in front of my home. I guess someone must've abandoned it." Explaining quickly and easy I looked down at the ground.

"What? Really? That's strange... Why would someone abandon a kitten, particularly in
front of your mansion?" Minji is also perplexed. "I'm not sure; probably some crazy weirdo." I shrugged not sure myself. "Was there a collar on it?" Minji questioned. "Nope if there was, I wouldn't have taken it inside with me."

Go kitty go! - [Danielle + Haerin]Where stories live. Discover now