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I woke up after with a heavy head ache. I looked at the clock, "Oh God... It's eight p.m. already, Viraj will be getting home by any time. I should make something for us to eat." I got up from the bed and looked around for medicines to cure my head ache.

I gave a glance at myself in the mirror, "Oh God..." My eyes were red and puffed up. I picked up some concealer and applied it under my eyes and some lipstick on my lips. Wearing my slippers, I made my way outside of the room, when I realised I still hadn't taken my meds.

The head ache was killing me. I looked into the drawers and on the side cupboards, all panicked. "What will mom say when she'll come to know that I woke up late and didn't even made dinner on time. Where are the meds now?" I was literally going mad when a voice came into my ears.

"Are you looking for these Kanan?"

I turned around to find Viraj standing at the doorstep.

"Fuck, he's home." I stand staight before him then, tucking my hair behind my ears. He held in his hand a glass of water and meds.

"Umm... Yeah..." I stuttered.

"What's wrong Kanan?" He asks with concern. "Shall we see a doctor?"

"No, it's just a headache. I'll be fine." I say and grab the glass of water and gulp in the pill with it.

He was still standing there observing me. He entered the room and took off his coat, keeping it on the side. Next he pulled his tie, and loosened it. I was busy looking at him as he did those small small things. He was beautiful, the way his beautiful hands loosened the tie, how the shirt went tight as his muscles contracted. He was a piece of art and watching him like this, wasn't good.

"Kanan?" He spoke.

I was busy watching him, his hands removing his watch now.

"Kanan!" He said again.

I looked at his picture on the mirror, his eyes were on me when he turned around suddenly. "Kanan? You alright?"

I was brought back to reality and I nodded.

"I'll get going. You might be hungry na, sorry I overslept. I don't know what happened... I was coming.."

"Shh!" He placed his finger on my lips and my breath hitched for a second.

He removed it within a millisecond and looked at me with concerned eyes. "I am sorry."

I immediately understand why he's saying that. "No, Viraj... You need not.."

He held both my hands and looked at me. "Kanan you're my wife. You matter a lot to me. I know I may not be the perfect man for you, or the man of your dreams. But the truth is, I'm your husband and you're my wife. We are knit together in this pure bond of marriage. Your happiness, your sadness, everything is my concern."

"Viraj, I'm sorry but... I didn't mean to make you sad."

"You didn't make me sad Kanan. I am sorry for not understanding you. Why were you crying hmm?" He asked me.

I didn't have an answer. What should I say to him? That I wanted to know his darkest secrets. It didn't feel right at the moment.

"Umm.. I wasn't..." I lied.

"You can't hide it from me. Even if it has been few days of us being together, I can understand your silence. Kanan I want you to know that I care for you!" He said to me.

How wrong was I? I was doubting him. Maybe he really felt something for me.

"Viraj... I was just missing home. So that's why I was a bit sad."

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