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"Kanan listen to me!" I entered our bedroom. She was lying there on the bed weeping. It hurt my heart to see her in so much pain and that too because of me. But it was not what she saw, something else had happened and she had taken something else.

She continued to sob and didn't respond to any of my words. "Kanan...", I sat on the other side of the bed softly.

She lied there weeping and sobbing to herself. "Please listen to me..." I said again and she sat now on the bed. She looked really helpless right now.

I gave a look at her face, her eyes were red and swollen, her lips were shivering and her nose was all pink. She was crying a lot. I cupped her cheeks and then pulled her into my chest. "Stop..."

She snuggled into me more. "Why did you do that Viraj? You know how I feel about Mira and still... Is it still the same between you guys hmm." She was shedding more and more tears.

"Kanan do you trust me?" I asked.

She seperated herself from me and then nodded. "Than stop crying first..." I wiped her tears.

"What do you want me to listen, Viraj? Is there anything left to say?" She said.

I cupped her cheeks and then told her, "What you saw was just a mere accident. You know how Mira is, she just wants moments so that she can come close to me..."

"And you give her that!" She snapped.

"No Kanan, I don't give her those chances. I have always asked her not to touch me and come to me to talk and stuff. But that time when you saw me holding her in my arms, it was because she slipped due to the carpet..."

"Swear on me that there's nothing between you and her anymore."

"I swear on my life and yours that I don't have anything to do with that lady, Mira. There's only one girl I'm devoted to in my life and that's my dear wife, Kanan. You're the only one I have loved and will always love you. I love you without knowing how, when, and from where. I love you without any problem or pride. I am fully devoted to you. I love you because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no you or me, which is so intimate that your hand upon my chest feels like mine, that when I fall asleep, it's your eyes that close..."

She smiled and embraced me into a tight hug. "You for sure know how to play with words!"

I giggled and caressed her hair. "I don't want you to shed these pearl like tears at just any situation okay. They are very precious, you should never lose them!"

She smiled and nodded. "Promise me you won't talk to Mira or touch her again... I get jelly jelly!"

"You're just a baby." I replied.

Kanan was now relaxed by the fact that whatever she was thinking between me and Mira wasn't right. I made her sleep and cuddled her. She was such a soft baby. I felt blessed that I have such an angel like her in my life.


"Daughter... We will come by the afternoon, right now we are making gujiyas. I will bring them for you and Viraj as well." Mom replied.

(Meaning of Gujiyas:- A sweet dumpling of Indian origin, made with suji or maida flour and stuffed with khoa.)

Today was Holi and it was my first time celebrating it with my husband and my new family. Here in USA we do celebrate Holi, all the Indians in the community and the localities nearby gather at one same place and do the decoration. There's a beautiful set up and lots of colours, thandai and gujiyas. This time also we had decided the Central park for the same. Invitations were sent to everyone.

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