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I put the earring on my ear and then looked at myself. I was looking all set to go to the wedding. My eyes travelled down on my reflection from top to bottom. It was Mira's wedding today and we were invited by her dad. I don't know what happened in these six seven days that she had agreed to get married to Jackson, but be it anything, finally she was out of our lives and that fact was much more comforting than anything else. After the day I threw her out of my house, she was never seen around Viraj or our house and that was the most satisfying feeling ever.

Their Christian style wedding had taken place last night and today was their Indian style marriage. I gave a final look at myself and then decided to hurry down to meet Viraj. He would be here anytime and then we'll go together to the banquet where the wedding was taking place.

As I came downstairs, I had to sit for some time and wait for Viraj to reach home. I took out my phone and started to write some poems. Viraj's collection of poems was published and was being circulated all over our place and was getting fame. A smile forms on my lips as I wonder how good of a man he is.

Soon we were going to complete one year of our marriage. One year ago, I was completely unaware of the fact that one day there will be an entry of a man in my life who will change my life forever and that too in a good way. My eyes were now on the wall covered with our photo frames. There were photos of ours from our wedding day and then there were photos of us together, dancing, eating and laughing. There were pictures where the two of us were looking at each other with eyes full of so much love. Life had been beautiful since he entered.

Suddenly there was honking of the car and leaving everything behind, I took my sling bag and went out. His black Porsche entered the porch and I smiled at the sight of him inside the car. He smiled back at me and then the car's door opened, and out came my man.

My eyes connected to his and they were not ready to get off him. He looked ethereally beautiful at the moment. His hair done perfectly, his eyes gleaming with happiness, the dimples on his cheeks and the suit he wore. He was wearing black suit and pant and inside he wore a white shirt which was unbuttoned upto three buttons.

I went towards him and then gave him a slight smirk, "Who gave you the permission to look this hot hmm?"

He squinted his eyes and with the pull of one arm, I was now against his well built chest. My palms rested on his chest as our hearts started to beat faster. He put two of his fingers under my chin and then raised my head, my eyes met with his as he continued to look at me with a gaze that was full of love.

"And who allowed you to look this angelic?"

I was fascinated by the scent coming from his body and how our bodies felt against each other. The world seemed to pause at that very moment as I looked at him with all the love I had for him. There was a feeling in my heart, and it kept on growing intensely as we continued staring at each other.

"Shall we go?" I managed to say as he was not saying anything and just kept on looking at me.

He nodded and then started to cup my face slowly with his hands. I stared into his eyes that had love all oozing for me and that's when he started to bring his face closer to me. I bit on my lip when he touched them lightly. I just managed to look here and there. I was getting goosebumps as he touched my lips with his fingers slowly parting them. "These plump luscious lips of yours are driving me mad baby..." He muttered.

There was a crimson colour spreading all over my face as I could now feel his breath hitting my face. I closed my eyes and the next moment, his lips were on mine. His hands traveled down to my waist, gently holding them from both the sides as he started to kiss me, first slowly and then the passion increased.

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