Chapter 5 • My Story

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Linda's P.O.V

This is my story...

"Well when i was younger i didnt feel like i belonged, i felt like i'm not supposed to be here. Me, Mitchel, Clinton and Taylor before Jake was born they would always be against me in everything. They wouldn't let me join in games sit next to them in dinners, so i' be eating alone in my bedroom crying. My parents of course wanted to help me and stood by me but i refused them... I had friends at school who would love and care for me . When Jake had come alone i was probably about 4 and nothing would be better. Things got worst.. Everybody in the family forgot about me, i mainly just stayed in my room refusing to get out. I'd sit in my room crying wanting to disappear.. As years went by things started to get better but not much. People would pick on me at school and just one mean word would've broken me. I'd always come home crying in my mums arms. I told her not to help me.. I needed my brothers help. I felt so alone in the world But i didnt get that. When i was 12 guys would hurt me and bash me up, and one day i was screaming for help expecting that nobody would come but someone did, three someones actually. My brothers were there, Clinton, Taylor and Mitchel, they had defended me.. I was no longer alone untill... Jack....." I was now crying and Brock pulled me in close and hugged me, with his arms wrapped around my waist as i solftly started crying into his shoulders hugging him back.

"Linda it's ok you dont have to finish. I'm so sorry you didnt deserve that no one does, and that Jack guy must be a complete ass for hurting you and making you feel scared. But don't worry" He lifted my chin up so we were face to face. 

"I just don't always feel safe when i'm alone anymore.." I say more tears forming in my eyes i turn away but Brock catches my face and looks at me eye to eye.

"Linda, i promise i will never leave your side and that i will always protect you. I promise." He was then leaning down and before i know it Brock's lips are brushing against mine. His lips were soft and his kisses were gentle.. Christian then popped into my mind and i pulled back quickly i felt really bad then.

"I'm sorry Brock i really like you... but i can't..."

"Why?" I looked into his eyes to see a little bit of hurt i feel so bad.

"Because i like Christian and he likes me too and i'm sorry."

"Are you and Christian dating?"

"I dont know honestly. Brock i'm sorry if i have hurt you i really do like you."

"I like you too, and thats why i'm gonna wait for you, while protecting you and keeping you safe." I then had a smile on my face and was suddenly in Brock's arrms. His warmth made me feel safe and protected like how i am with Clinton or Mitch.

"Thanks Brock for everything i really appreciate it." i said giving him a smile.

Me and Brock headed to Christian's place. We knocked on the door and Christian stood there with that amazing heartmelting smile towards me.

"Hey beautiful." He said and gently kissed me on the cheek i started blushing which was something i hated about myself.

"Heyy Chrissy." Brock said from behind me, Oh my gosh i totally forgot he was there.

"Hey Brockoli." I chuckled at their silly behaviour and walked inside hoping to find Mitch and talk to him about me and Christian if he doesnt already know. I finally found Mitchel and he had also saw me and walked towards me and embraced me into a hug. I love my big brother.

"Mitchy!!" i screamed as if i havent seen him in months.

"Lindy!!!! How is my beautiful sister." He asked me then kisses my forehead. 

"Good actually i need to talk to you about something." 

"Lindy i already know about you and Chrsitian and i think it's really cute." Wait.. he already knows that must mean Christian told him.

"Really? Do u also know Brock likes me?" i kinda regretted saying that haha whoops... "I mean pffft what..."

"DOES BROCK LIKE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!" He was staring at me his eyes wide open.

"Ya but it's all good cause we decided were just goig to be friends... Is that ok?..."

"Yeah of course it is why wouldnt it be?" i said a little worried he's overreacting..

"Ok see you later Mitch." i said goodbye to Mitch and walked off. 

Mitchel's P.O.V

"Really? Do u know Brock likes me?" Linda was talking about her and Christian and then says that WHAT?! "I mean pffft what..."  OH MY FRICKEN GOD WHY ARE ALL MY BAND MATES CRUSHING ON MY LITTLE SIS?!! 

"DOES BROCK LIKE YOU?!?!??!" i questioned Linda. But she then had a sad and worried expression on her face. God i felt like suchs a jack-ass saying that.

"Ya but it's all good cause we decided were just goig to be friends... Is that ok?..." I felt bad now. i was overreating.

"Yeah of course it is why wouldnt it be?" 

"Ok see you later Mitch." i said bye to Linda and then she walked away. I can't believe two of my best friends like my little sister...

Christian's P.O.V

Ok so tonight is the night. The night I ask Linda to be my girlfriend. I really hope she says yes. I have never felt this way about someone before ever. I finally spot her talking to Luke and Tyrone i went and joined them in a strange conversation...

"Hey guuyyss." i said to them putting my arm around Linda's shoulders.

"Hey Poo Poo Head." I rolled my eyes at Luke at turned towards Linda.

"Hey Lindy can i talk to you for a sec?" i ask her wanting to talk to her alone.

"Yeah sure Christian." We walked outside near the pool and i was really nervous i really hope she says yes.

"Linda can i ask you something?" My heart was pounding in my chest you can do this Christian you can just 6 little words and they could change everything...

"Yeah of course you can Christian what is it?"

"Willyoubemygirlfriend?" i said really quickly i couldnt understand it myself but Linda picked up on it and had a huge smile o her face.

"Yes, of course i will Christian!!!!" My face lit up like a christmas tree SHE SAID YES!!!!

"OMG REALLY?!?" I picked her up from off the ground and spung her around this is the most happiest moment of my life.

Linda's P.O.V 

So i guess its official me and Christian are now dating hehe im so happy right now the smile on his face is amazing i really like Christian. He was already tweeting about us being together.

"@ChristianAntho So happy that I'm no longer single :) sorry tonighters :( BUT I STILL LOVE YOU! I am thrilled to say that my new girlfriend is Linda Cave <3 Love her so much."  

He showed me the tweet and i thought it was adorable!!! He's so sweet and he's mine...


OK so this is my 5th chapter please read comment and vote 3 comments or 5 votes then i will update. i am also making a new fanfic (and still continuing this one) the other one is a 1D fanfic (Zayn Malik and Ariana Graande fanfic) :) xx

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