Chapter 9 • Jake

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Christian's P.O.V

"I love you..." I looked Linda right in the eye and just told her I love her. I'm so afraid that she won't feel the same way.

"I love you Christian..." She told me slowly before she kisses me passionately. I kiss her back with more passion. I can't believe it she loves me back. I could not be anymore happier. She means so much to me and I love her to bits nothing would make me think otherwise...

Linda's P.O.V

Me, Brock and Christian were on the way to Christian's house after picking up Brock after the most amazing date ever!!!! Christian told me he loved me and l told him l love him too. This day could not get anymore perfect he means the world to me and l couldn't be happier. Today the boys had some bad meeting or something so we were about half way there singing ridicolously too loud when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. The caller ID read The Bro Taylor. 

"Heyyy Taylor! Omg I haven't heard from you in like forever! What's up?!"

"U-Uh-Um-Linda.... I-I need to tell y-you s-something..." Taylor stuttered to me sounding worried. Is everything ok?

"Taylor are you ok? What's happened? You sound like something terrible's happened.." I say to him getting really worried.

"L-Linda.. I-it's Jake.. He's.... Missing." Just hearing those words made my heart sink. The feeling of my little brother gone... Missing... Out there all alone. There's goes the best day ever.... I dropped my phone and it landed in my lap but before I know it tears start pouring out of my eyes uncontrolably. Brock and Christian notice my saddness and immediately start to get worried. Brock reaches from the back seat and retrieves my phone from my lap and starts talking to Taylor and sounding really worried. I was still crying my head in my hands absolutely terrified. By now we had already turned up at Christian's house and l don't know how but I was already out of the car in Christian's arms with him telling me that everything would be ok and that we will find him. All I want right now is to be with my little brother and hold him tight and tell him that everything will be alright. But now i'm not so sure.. Will it be ok? Right now I just need to talk to Clinton and Mitchel I need my brothers. 

Christian led me into his house only to reveal a very devistated Clinton and Mitchel crying. I run up to the and we had what we call a 'CFH' (Cave Fam Hug) I slowly cried on their shoulders while they cried on mine i've never seen any of them this sad before ever...  

Once we had calmed down and stopped crying Clinton was telling me and Mitchel what's going to happen.

"I've already booked us tickets to fly to Cairns tomorrow..." Clinton explains to us.

"I'll go upstairs and pack." Mitchel says with his head down trying not to focus on anything.

"Do you want help?" I ask him. Knowing my brother he can't pack his own bags by himself.

"Don't I always?" He says looking up to me with a smile on his face.

I follow him upstairs to his room and he grabs his suit case out from underneath the bed while I rummage through his closet.

"Why do you think he did it? Run?" Mitchel ask me. I stop and look at him.

"Honestly I don't know. What about you what do you think?"

"I think he felt excluded and you know left out." I look at him in confusion. What does he mean?

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm saying if he had more family around who would at least try to care about him maybe he wouldn't of left." What.. Is he talking about me. I guess I haven't seen Jake in a while but it doesn't mean that I don't care about him.

"Maybe your right Mitchel.. Maybe he left because of me.."

"He did Linda! If you at least cared about him we wouldn't be in this situation!" He screams at me. I feel tears welling up in my eyes I try to fight them away but I don't think I can.

"You can't just blame all this on me Mitch.. I love Jake and you know it. If I could see his happy face everyday if I could then I would. It's not my fault he's gone Mitch." Now the tears start to fall...

"Yes it is Linda!!! Don't you get?!! Your the reason Jakes gone missing! Your the reason two of my best friends have been ignoring eachother! Everything is your fault!!!!! Your just a stupid girl who ruins everything!" By now my heart has shattered... Mitchel has never said anything like this to me. He's never called me... Stupid?.. That word.. I never thought my own brother woould ever call me that.. Ever.

I sprint out of the room still crying uncontrollably. I get downstairs to see everyone staring at me with worried faces.. They must of heard me and Mitchel arguing. Before any of them say anything I run out the door trying to avoid contact with anyone who I run past. As soon as I am outside I feel the cold breeze hit me.  I wasn't quite sure where I was going but all I wanted to do was get out. Get out of this horrible mess I've made....

Mitchel's P.O.V

Did I just say that? I just called my little sister stupid... I feel awful. This was never suppose to happen. I was just upset and Linda was only just trying to help.. 

I run down stairs only to see a very angry group of people staring at me.

"What the hell did you do?!!!" Christian says pinning me up to the wall.

"I-I-I didn't mean too... I was just upset I didn't mean anything I said honestly.." I explain. "Where is she?" I ask knowing that she's not here.

"Clinton went after her." Christian explains moving back and releasing me.

"I'm sorry man... I really didn't mean any of that..." I explain with tears falling from my eyes.

"Dude it's ok i'm sorry for over reacting." He says to me and pulls me into our famous Manthony hugs...

But I keep thinking of Linda. I really need her to be ok...

Linda's P.O.V

I stop at the end of the street so lost and confused.. I hear footsteps behind me... Eh why can't the world just leave me alone?

"Hey beautiful, you ok?" Clinton.. Before he could move I was already in his arms crying into his chest.

"I-Is it t-true Clinton? Is everything my f-fault?" I stutter through my tears...

"No beautiful it's not.. Mitch is just upset you know he would never mean anything he said." He whispers in my ear. 

"B-But..." I was lost for words honestly what can I say?..

"Shhhh... It's ok Lindy you don't have to say anything." He says to me. I was about to say soething back when a car honk pulled us both apart.

"Hurry up guys! Let's get back to the hotel already so we can pack for tomozzes flight." Jesse says from the front seat of the car. Me and Clinton just chuckle a his childness and impatientness... If that's even a word.

When we arrive back at the hotel I finish packing then help Clinton and Jesse with there's. It was about 10:38pm and I stated to get really tired Clinton notices this and takes me to bed. He helps me under the sheets then climbs in after then pulls me close to him and whispers...

"Goodnight my little princess..." He whispers to me then kisses my forehead, before falling into a deep sleep....


Heyyyyy Readers i'm so sorry this chapter has taken so long! I really hope you like it :)

8 Votes or Comments then I will update the next one much quicker I promise!!!

So yeah 8 votes or comments for the next chapter!!

From Linda :) <3

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