Chapter 6 • Sarah?..

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Linda's P.O.V

*2 Weeks later*

Ok so it's been 2 weeks since me and Christian announce we were dating. To my surprise tonighters were taking it ok. But there were still a few haters... Mitchel also seemed realy weird about me and Christian dating I mean I guess I understand I am his little sister and Christian was his bestfriend. I guess I feel kinda bad.

I'm sitting on my bed on my computer on reading all these bad comments people were saying about me. I know I shouldn't read them but I'm curious to see what people think of me... I am kinda self concious but I'm learnt to get through it. I was reading some really nice comments but then there was the negativity...

'What the hell?! why is Christian dating his best friends sister? this just isn't right."

"Christian why date her when you can date me. I LOVE YOU and she obviously doesnt."

"Don't you dare hurt Christian."

"Why would Christian like someone as ugly as you brb while i go vomit."


After that last comment was when i just totally broke down into tears but when i heard footsteps enter my room...

Christian's P.O.V

Me and Brock were walking upstairs to go get Linda and see if she wanted to come to the beach with us. We decided that we wanted to scare her by sneaking up behind her and jumping on her. We quietly tip-toed into her bedroom. Luckily she had her back to the door but them me and Brock just noticed something... She was crying.. Quietly sobbing to herself. Me and Brock looked over her shoulder to see all these different comments all hating on Linda. This got me mad and upset. She doesnt deserve this a beautiful girl like her doesn't need hate. I already get enough it she doesn't need any. I was about to say something Brock said it before me..

"Linda, close your computer now. Don't listen to a word they say, all of it's lies. On top of everything you've been through you don't need this." I agreed with Brock. But the last part he said caught my attention. What sort of worst things was Linda also going through?

"Linda your beautiful, don't believe them. Real tonighters wouldn't give you hate they would support you. They would support us." I told her. She got off her bed and came into a group hug with me and her eyes were pouring into tears. I don't ever want this girl to get hurt again... She deserves better..

"Thanks guys." she said wiping her tears away. "It's just i don't understand why they give so much hate."

"They're just jealous at how beautiful you are." I say to her with a smile. She smiled back and hugged me.

"Lindy, me and Chrisitan are gonna go to the beach do you wanna come with?" Brock had asked her.

"Yeah of course i'd love to go. Just give me a second to get changed." She said pushing us out the door.

Linda's P.O.V

After i pushed Brock and Christian out my door i got changed into my bikini and put on a shirt and my pink shorts. I walked downstairs to see Christian and Brock standing there waiting for me.

"Ready?" Brock asked me i nodded and we made our way to the car. The whole way there we were all acting like idiots singing along to One Direction and Bruno Mars in retarded voices and dancing.

As soon as we got to the beach and the car had stopped I bolted out of the car yelling "I'LL BEAT YOU THERE!!!" and sprinted to the beach along with Christian and Brock following me behind. I was half way down the beach i looked back to see how far behind or close they were but they weren't there.. I stopped running and just stood there wondering where they went then all of a sudden I feel two hands grab me by the waist and fling me over their shoulder. I looked to see who it was... Brock. Classic Brock. He started running for the water while I was screaming for him to let me go. But before i know it i'm already in the water with Brock and Christian joining me. We had spet about half an hour in the water acting like the idiots we are then we got out and sat down on the sand playing truth or dare... About half way through the game out of no where this girl comes running and jump on Christian.

"BOOOO!!!!" She said to Christian currently on top of hm.

"What th-SARAHHHH!!!!!!!!" He yells and then gives her a big hug.

"CHRISSSSYYYYY I MISSED UUUUUUUUU." She said. I was completely lost... Who is this girl? and why is she on top of my boyfriend?

I looked to Brock who was on his phone probably on twitter or something..

"Sarah i'd like you to meet my girlfriend Lindy." Christian says pointing towards me.

"Hey i'm Sarah Christians best friend." she says to me with her hand out for me to shake.

"Hey I'm Linda." I say and shake her hand.

"Chrissy i was wondering if you would want to come with me and Nicky to the arcade and then get something to eat." she asks Christian. I was hoping he would say no cause i really wanted to spend the day with two of my best friends who mean the absolute world to me.

"Yeah of course Sarah I would love to go. Linda is it alright if i go?" he suddenly looks at me with pleeding eyes.

"Of course it is Christian go have fun." I say with a smile. Honestly i didnt want him to go..

"Yay thanks call you later." he tells me and then kisses me on the check and leaves with him and Sarah hand in hand... Making me really really sad.. I sigh and just ignore it.

"Lindy what's wrong." Brock asks me god i forgot he was there.

"Nothing Brock it's fine what do u wanna do?" I ask him trying to change the subject.

"SELFIES!!!!" He says and I immediately start cracking up laughing."Then we shall post them on instagram." 

"Haha sure why not." So we had taken a few selfies and he posted one on instagram, one on tumblr, one on facebook and one on twitter. Straight away there were heaps of comments

"@brockjays: At da beach with dis amazing girl xx"

I smiled at that comment it made me happy and made me forget about Christian and Sarah. I decided to comment on the photo cause i thought it was funny.

"@lindacave Haha #themsmexyfacialsofours"

(btw thats not a real instagram i dont think it is though)

I heard Brock laugh at comment and it made me smile. After a while me and Brock went back to the hotel to watch some movies. We were in the middle of I Am Number 4 when i got a text from Chrsitian.

"Hey Babe. Is it ok if me and Sarah come over? I know that you two will become the best of friends if you just hang out and talk and stuff." I replied Christian with a

"Yeah sure! why not i'd love to get to know Sarah more me and Brock are watching movies s we could have like a marathon!"  

"Sounds great babe! Be there soon xoxo" Christian had replied back.

Christian's P.O.V  

 I'm with Sarah my bestest best friend EVER! and I just texted Lindy my amazing girlfriend whose with Brock... Like she always is. I don't know why but I feel like there's something going on between them. But I mean their my best friends they wouldn't do that. Right?


Here's my 6th Chapter guys!!!! I really hope you like it please give me feedback and also could you read my otherfanfic Zariana? please! I'm sorry its not as good as the others :(

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